2024, December

in #jimmycarter2 months ago

Got Twitter Blue, upgraded to Linux Mint 22, YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 which they banned in 2022 making it the second of three channels that YouTube ended up reinstating which a third channel was banned in 2017; Star Wars Skeleton Crew, Hawk Tuah Scam, Bitcoin hit 100K, connected my phone to ethernet; Phone Tripod Video, Bagels Sunday the 8th, Alliana World Monday, Judge blocked the illegal Alex Jones sale to The Onion Tuesday, Project Blue Beam is the Gideon's 300 Wednesday, Covid since 2006 Thursday; My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X Friday; 2014 Vietnam Oatmeal Steal Still Reboot Song Saturday

Grok Plays Jeopardy Sunday the 15th; 75 million babies murdered globally/yearly Monday; Dexter Prequel Tuesday; Dexter Morgan Original Sin 101 Spoiler Review Wednesday; Here comes Santa Oatmeal Song Thursday; Luke Beasley on Tim Pool's Culture War Friday; 2 classes, Finished Before Saturday.

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal Sunday the 22nd, Scanned some of my 1992 drawings Monday; The Chosen creator Dallas Jenkins on Jordan Peterson Tuesday; Email Spoof Wednesday; Lamp & Big Garage Security Camera Install Thursday; Naomi Brockwell Friday; Knot Within Saturday; Jimmy Carter died Sunday; Ebay Lenovo Thinkpad Monday; Upgraded to Linux Mint 22 Tuesday

December | 2024
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Grok Aliens Jimmy Carter Computers Twitter X blue birds Untitled.jpeg
Jimmy Carter fixing computers with aliens and blue Twitter X birds

Oatmeal Monthly - 2024-12 - December of 2024 | Published in December of 2024


Blue Check Twitter Sunday

2024-12-01 - Sunday

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Simpcast on Chrissie Mayr

Twitter X Blue Check: 100K impressions today. Alex Jones is talking about not only Kash Patel but also Trump's understanding that globalists must be crushed legally non-violently because those monsters refuse to let go of power, gotta save children from sex trafficking. 304/ If Internet bullies like Troll Hater Leighton and many other people online for decades can lie about me Oatmeal Joey Arnold at joeyarnoldvn saying I'm a pedo when I'm not, then they can lie about you and many people; it's critical to raise awareness to cyber-bullying, etc. 307/ What's crazy is people don't take the time to hear my side of the story in my autobiography presented in videos, articles, memes, photos, Elon Musk Twitter X tweet posts, emails, some screenshots, Facebook, websites, forums, social media; people don't want the actual truth. 308/ Roy Merrick was involved in fabricating fake nudes of Oatmeal Joey Arnold, I didn't even send content in 2022 to people in Snapchat groups/conversations/chat/private or direct messages or DMs or PMs or emails; trolls don't want you to know they're lying about all of this. 314/ I did NOT send nudes to people, that is fake news, trolls will NOT stop saying I did when actually I did NOT send nudes to people on Snapchat in 2022; people stole content from my public Snapchat wall and photoshopped it; Roy Merrick helped the trolls making Roy probably bad. 325/ Alliana, but Twitter is full of minors too and also porn; parents should try to keep children off the Internet in general; I did NOT tell kids to join my Oatmeal World Discord Server chat group; instead, I simply tell all humans to come in general; it's tough to police it.

306/ What is crazy is people will ask idiots online for alleged fake snapshots of alleged Oatmeal Joey Arnold lore that is totally out of context, character, intention, direction, connection, content: lore that is too fictional, abstract, isolated, incomplete, illogical, etc. In this podcast from 2007, Joe Rogan was on Tom Green talking about the rise of connecting with people on YouTube and the Internet in general, the first caller asked about DMT. I just got my Elon Musk Twitter X Regular Premium Blue Check like a minute ago around 12:25 PM PST, Sunday, the first day of December of 2024; I purchased Premium around 36 hours ago; that is how long it took to get the blue check for me.

YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 Monday

2024-12-02 - Monday

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Power Rangers

YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 which they banned in 2022. Preventing children from accessing porn online is a slippery slope towards Internet ID said Alex Jones because the only way to stop the kids is to eliminate your ability to be anonymous online meaning Big Brother gets to watch you, we gotta get this out to Trump, Elon Musk. 344/ People ask if I'm satire or what when they're watching my TikTok videos and yet that's too binary or basic of a question; truth is I'm multiple things at the same time during the course of my life everywhere; it's hard to explain, super long story believe it or not. 341/ The problem is not so much who people promote or demote in my Discord Server but more so the BIGGER issue is when people who probably should NOT be muted, timeout or silenced are zipped so they can NOT speak; sometimes people should let people at least message in the Discord Server maybe. Perhaps take the pardoning-power questions to the Supreme Court as Joe Biden didn't win in 2020 making the pardon of Hunter fake. I disagree because the swamp is always coming back, evil always tries to return, the job of the Trump RFK Jr Elon Musk DOGE never ends in some sense because globalism or tyranny has been around for thousands of years and is always trying to rise again and again.

345/ I hereby give Yummy Hawaii Alliana full authority to promote and demote anybody and everybody in my Discord Server to any and all roles; this also applies to everybody else including me; people are encouraged to promote and demote everybody all the time up and down forever. 346/ I partly disagree with Jade: first, people shouldn't be promoted too high in the first place; second, I demoted people not merely for alleged slurs, racism; third, there are many factors that can determine eligibility for applying for higher roles which are often overlooked.

Star Wars Skeleton Crew

2024-12-03 - Tuesday

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Star Wars Skeleton Crew

YouTube didn't let me appeal for the suspension of my Gmail email account [email protected], the form did not work, Google said they couldn't find my account as seen in this screenshot. 381/ A person simply got to get a person with a higher role to trust them enough to give them a higher role in our Discord Server; perhaps if you knew somebody in real life, you might promote them based off knowing what kind of person they really are; sometimes you can give people higher roles to see.

Number one cause of polio in India is the Bill Gates live polio vaccines said Alex Jones, I hope Trump, Vivek, Elon Musk and RFK JR try their best to stop these mad scientists.

100K Bitcoin

2024-12-04 - Wednesday

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Milo on Alex Stein

All that bad men need to succeed is for good men to do nothing which men usually don't want to get involved in fighting evil which is how bad men take over the world, globalists are still planning to stage false flags and take out Trump, Alex Jones is talking about it. Globalists will try murdering people at black colleges, a bunch of alleged illegal immigrants, turn off the power all over America said Alex Jones, so they can get the Pentagon to blame it all on Trump as an excuse to take Trump out, globalists will continue to try all of this. Globalists are trying to do new pandemics to stop Trump which would be scarier than Covid while also trying to stage new Jan6 false flags while also trying to get war with Russia to go hot, globalists hope the general public will not blame them for all of this chaos said Alex Jones. Just like Fauci years before Covid on video, now Peter Hotep is threatening Trump said Alex Jones with new pandemics all with the goal of a future prison planet, RFK Jr and Elon Musk should sound the alarm, Fauci predicted Covid on video around 2017.

Globalists are trying to murder hundreds of migrants or black colleges said Alex Jones so they can blame it on MAGA supporters as an excuse to get the Pentagon to take Trump out, they'll even try turning off the power and getting world war 3 with Russia to go hot. 442/ Spike, I think Caddy is using stock images to pretend to be baking brownies when really Caddy is probably on the naughty list which everybody in the server is too lazy to look up.

Judy Mikovits and Kirk Elliot on Alex Jones

2024-12-05 - Thursday

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Robert Barnes, Judy Mikovits and Kirk Elliot on Alex Jones

Ukraine funding was cut said Mike Johnson, Trump was behind this. The more important thing is transparency, we should have blockchain websites, public databases and/or ways of keeping track of how tax dollars are used because often times trillions of dollars magically go missing; a lot of money is wasted. Vaccines been synthetic since 1992 said Judy Mikovits on Alex Jones meaning shots have caused injuries for decades especially to the brain, forward this to RFK Jr, Elon Musk and Trump; Judy discusses the killer Covid Vaccines which we've been warning people about for years.

528/ On one hand, Loner has a higher role than Alliana partly because he has a blog which is pretty valuable for different reasons; yet at the same time, Alliana does better work in the server than Loner does which probably means I should eventually promote Alliana above Loner. 530/ I disagree with Caddy on this one, I don't want to ban abortion, I just don't want to be forced to excessively fund government who in turn waste their money on too many things including abortions because I want to keep my money because freedom baby.

Don't Give Seb Power

2024-12-06 - Friday

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Past Natalie

YouTube stole my ten thousand videos and deleted my Google account without letting me appeal or download my data via Takeout. How do I appeal a suspended Gmail if I cannot even sign into my Google account at all, I tried many times for eight years, I tried immediately, YouTube staff ignored me every time for almost a decade, can you help me? 588/ Here is a screenshot of orange rulers who should probably be below the red admins, most members in our Oatmeal World Discord Server should probably only be green guards minus maybe five accounts who might be cool enough to be red admins; I'm looking for people who can demote. 589/ Peak Oatmeal with this baby face.

Canada announced national gun confiscation, what they do in Canada today they try to do in America tomorrow; this is bigger than trying to ban TikTok; forward this to Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Vivek, Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump. 2011-10-25 - Tuesday - 11:12 AM - L4ojsa YouTube: YouTube emailed my L4ojsa channel: "Your YouTube account l4oj might be eligible to earn revenue from the playbacks of your videos." This is the first time that I know of at the moment of an alleged potential for perhaps maybe someday earning money on YouTube if eligible allegedly according to this email and screenshot just 13 years ago in 2011.

Internet Down

2024-12-07 - Saturday

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Hotep wants a new Super Covid to stop Trump

Super Covid is coming to stop Trump and Elon Musk said Alex Jones, that's what globalists are trying to launch because they're not going down without a fight; it's critical we all educate everyone because the globalists are still very dangerous like cornered wild animals; globalists will continue to escalate all of their previous attacks including Jan6-like false flags, turning off the power, trying to get world war with Russia to go hot, and the list goes on and on. When people die from Covid Vaccines, they're saying they died from mysterious diseases, a new Super Covid designed to stop Trump, Elon Musk, Vivek, RFK Jr and America in general said Alex Jones. Is Hotep threatening Covid 25, did Alex Jones expose they were working on it in 2014 in North Carolina, will Fauci debate RFK Jr on PBD?

I am the channel owner, YouTube waited eight years to ban me in 2017, YouTube could have muted or removed the videos in question, even tho I started uploading my transformative fair-use karaoke-style lip-sync reaction videos in 2009, YouTube waited eight years before they suspended my channel, YouTube also banned my other two channels but then they restored those two channels and all three of my channels are the same meaning YouTube should either ban or restore all three of my channels but instead YouTube only restored two of those three channels.

Phone Tripod Video, Bagels Sunday

2024-12-08 - Sunday

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Rick Grimes needs to shoots walkers in my Discord Server

World War 3 to go hot by the 20th of February of 2025 said Alex Jones, they're trying to block the Presidential Election in Romania because the winner doesn't want to poke Russia. The Pentagon is trying to suspend the election in order to declare Trump not the President. I think my Twitter is broken, I got Twitter Blue on the first day of December of 2024, the next day I got 228K impressions, seems like it's been downhill since then according to these X Analytics of the last 2 weeks. 641/ Rule of the game is everybody above guards should be demoted down to guards right now and forever unless if they're like really cool or something, seems to me that maybe only five people in the server should have roles higher than guards.

Imagine if the Supreme Court rejected the 2024 election, the Trump victory over Kamala Harris, that is what happened in Romania explained Alex Jones. 640/ I actually think most people should have the green guards role, make everybody Gumby, demote everybody to look like a naked turtle.

Alliana World

2024-12-09 - Monday

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Piers Morgan

Oatmeal World is now Alliana World. 733/ The more you help the world, the more Oatmeal helps you, the more Oatmeal gives you higher roles, the more you help people, then the more likely you'll be given opportunities to eventually become an owner of Oatmeal World Discord Server.

714/ Caddy went 2 inches down the Oatmeal Rabbit Hole which is thousands of miles long and then Caddy turned around and ran away. 715/ Caddy only sent an outdated list from my article of 35 of my YouTube channel but there are more, I need to update the list; Caddy didn't do any deep research, Caddy only copied and pasted from an article I published many years ago.

Judge blocked the illegal Alex Jones sale to The Onion

2024-12-10 - Tuesday

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Bird Cat in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

Asteroids coming to blow up the earth says Alex Jones metaphorically speaking, people are dying from Covid Vaccines, they're blaming it on new diseases; globalists trying to blame Trump and Elon Musk. 737/ People don't have all my accounts and Covid Vaccines are killing people. Alex Jones said he doesn't want to be found right again, he wants to stop the globalists who are throwing everything at Trump and Elon Musk. Trump and Elon Musk are looking at going after the Sandy Hook lawyers and the different groups who were going after Alex Jones, crimes include bid rigging, price fixing and collusion. Judge rejected The Onion trying to buy Alex Jones. Over 50,000 chemicals were approved by the FDA or grandfathered in despite being very bad and often not allowed outside of America, Alex Jones reporting.

Aliens abducting Trump is what globalists would want you to think if it meant going to interstellar war, Alex Jones is warning of false flags. Globalists trying to resurrect George Floyd so leftists can kill him again said Alex Jones who should be the main speaker at AMFEST 2024 as the deep state tries to throw false flags at Trump and Elon Musk.

Project Blue Beam is the Gideon's 300

2024-12-11 - Wednesday

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Breaking Bad Trump

Project Blue Beam is the Gideon's 300 Soldiers in Joshua 7 in the Bible in that it's a paper tiger or false flag scam with the attempt to fool Christians in thinking Jesus came back or to make people think aliens are in UFOs when really they're just drones, lazers, government vehicles, and so on; this is one of the many ways the Pentagon is trying to stop Trump and Elon Musk said @RealAlexJones by causing chaos in order to distract humans globally like the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz as the puppet master trying to put us in the Prison Planet. My IQ might be 18 now. 796/ My IQ was 78 in the 1990s and IQ tend to drop a few points every few years meaning my IQ could be 18 right now if my IQ went down ten points every 5 years the past 30 years since the 1990s. 803/ Planes and fire alone didn't do it; on 9/11, Twin Towers & Building 7 collapsed down in the same way you see skyscrapper demolitions; the WTC was bombed around 1993 and didn't fall. We need a mutant category said @RealAlexJones, Piers Morgan said to Neil deGrasse Tyson trans could compete in their own separate third category instead of crossing over to male or female leagues.

794/ People are too binary in thinking when asking about demotions in our Discord Server yet people may be demoted for making bad choices or they may have roles that are too high in the first place meaning a need for a reset of the roles; Yvule & others might be too anonymous etc. 795/ People shouldn't be demoted for being inactive but many had roles that are too high and some of the inactive people are probably sock puppet alt accounts or trolls or bad people or a number of things; but you don't have to demote inactive people if you trust them enough.

Covid since 2006

2024-12-12 - Thursday

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Power Rangers

Covid-19 article from 2016 (received in 2015), saw this on @RealAlexJones and @realDonaldTrump should know they are trying to do more lockdowns in the future. Everybody should always remind @realDonaldTrump and @elonmusk and @DOGE about geoengineering and chem trails and the damn planes and jets spraying stuff in the sky in the name of alleged global warming or climate change which they've been spraying all over America since at least the 1990s or longer and for more information people can contact @RealAlexJones and Dane Wigington @RealGeoEngWatch.

People in my Discord Server think I'm trying to learn how to become a lolcow like Chris Chan or Daniel Larson.

My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X

2024-12-13 - Friday

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The Chosen

My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X; Bicentennial Man starring Scott Adams instead of Robin Williams, AI will be able to make that movie in a few years. Grok, draw alien UFOs over the White House in 1953.

2014 Vietnam Oatmeal Steal Still Reboot Song

2024-12-14 - Saturday

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The Chosen

2014 Vietnam Oatmeal Steal Still Reboot Song; People should be urging President Trump to try everything he can to pressure social media to give back all of the content they stole when they unfairly and possibly illegally suspended and terminated and banned so many Americans over alleged misinformation regarding Covid and other things too; YouTube even stole and deleted my over ten thousand videos which I want back.

Did Tim Pool just say the dollar is a ponzi scheme, especially as America has been leaving the gold standard especially since like the 1970s? John McAcfee believed Bitcoin shouldn't be taxable legally speaking, people should send those videos of John to @elonmusk @RealAlexJones @realDonaldTrump and we should have the debate over taxes and crypto

Grok Plays Jeopardy

2024-12-15 - Sunday

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Simpcast covered this chick who did a hundred dudes a day

You can play @Jeopardy with @grok by stating answers, I wrote the official blog of Oatmeal Joey Arnold is hosted on this website, Grok responded correctly by saying @hiveblog2 and Grok referenced 15 web pages as seen in this screenshot. 1007/ If you're very cool and you join my Discord Server, I will promote you above Alliana in five seconds, you just got to be cooler than everybody, just ping me until I do, please @ me in my server, mention me until you're promoted to owner, never give up. 1008/ Everybody is free to try to make me make them owner of our server, never stop pinging me until I make you owner, never give up.

996/ Hello everybody, please tell everybody to give everybody gods or roles even higher than that, promote everybody to the highest roles possible if you want because it is your server, do whatever you feel like doing everybody, 24/7 Oatmeal Diddy Party.

75 million babies murdered globally/yearly

2024-12-16 - Monday

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Judas in The Chosen

75 million babies murdered or aborted each year? Britt Griffith is on Alex Jones talking about the UFOs, seems the drones are American like Trump said. 1029/ I demoted Retr0 for making bad choices, Alliana has a higher role because she makes better choices and she is one of the best.

1012/ Everybody inside and outside of our Oatmeal World Discord Server is guilty of assisting and being complicit to Oatmeal Fake News simply by letting Caddy and others spam the deception or simply by letting Caddy have roles above mods, this tells me everybody there sucks.

Dexter Prequel

2024-12-17 - Tuesday

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Dexter Morgan's sister, Deb in Original Sin

Dexter Prequel; 1047/ This might be my last tweet about my own Discord Server because this server FAILED & cuz people are NOT trying to help me work on my PROJECTS, this might be goodbye but most people will NEVER look at this and THINK about what I'm really trying to say right here right now. I wrote an article on age of consent on Twitter.

Dexter Morgan Original Sin 101 Spoiler Review

2024-12-18 - Wednesday

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Candace Horbacz is back on Alex Jones with Chase

Candace Horbacz is back on Alex Jones with Chase, you can find Candace at @CandiceHorbacz and Chase is at @realchasegeiser talking different topics including Project Blue Beam with the goal of trying to scare the general public with UFOs and aliens and fear regardless of what it might be. Instead of Covid, this could be the new big thing said Candace which is true that globalists would love if the fear of the drones could be weaponized like they try to weaponize Jan6 and the race wars; the good news is the dinosaur fake news or main stream media has been dying as independent journalism rises. Not only did they talk about Bitcoin but they also went over how some of the globalists connected to 9/11 were utilitarians in that they believed the ends justifies the means like a blind spot tunnel vision meaning you believe in the scam of the greater good where you rationalize killing three thousand people in order to rescue the dollar by continuing wars in the middle east for additional decades. Mike Johnson is wrong regarding wanting pass a spending bill in order to allegedly help Trump but Elon Musk says they shouldn't pass that buill, Mike is starting to sound like Pelosi who once said they had to pass a bill in order to see what is in the bill; Trump should hire Alex Jones to reform the government.

Trump joins Elon Musk in opposing the House GOP spending bill, Timcast reporting. Aaron Day @AaronRDay is on @RealAlexJones with Mike Adams @HealthRanger on how the feds went after crypto holders destroying businesses, Trump and Elon Musk should look at all of the debanking, we want to see people like Edward @Snowden be free to return to the United States.

Here comes Santa Oatmeal Song

2024-12-19 - Thursday

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Candace Owens on Piers Morgan

New Covid to stop Trump this time before the start of his second term as opposed to at the end of his first term in 2020 said Alex Jones, people like Obama are trying to throw everything at us whether that be bird flu or from cats and other animals; Peter Hotep is predicting this like Fauci did last time. Globalists are hoping the general public around the world will fall for it, the deep state will continue to try to throw everything and the kitchen sink at us which includes a variety of things like trying to get world war 3 with Russia to go hot, they're trying to bring back the plandemic lockdowns, they're trying to launch false flags worse than Jan6, they're trying to shut down the power, they're trying to start more mass shootings and the list goes on and on, that's why we gotta continue to spread the word on what actually happening to people like Vivek and Elon Musk and to anybody really.

Tim Pool at @Timcast versus @lukepbeasley on Jan6, Luke pretends that Trump supporters are NPC zombies while simultaneously refusing to look at what actually happened, Luke simply assumed the fake news thinking that Enrique Tarrio was plotting to overthrow the government which is what Obama did with Biden. Tim is correct that people like Luke take tribal positions according to what they're ordered to say as they're in a cult without really knowing they're in a cult, Tim even mentioned @OwenShroyer1776 of @RealAlexJones, Tim said, "Give me some fucking data," and Luke doesn't really have data, Luke is on Elon Musk's Twitter X mocking American patriots without doing his own fucking homework, Luke is just a parrot.

Luke Beasley on Tim Pool's Culture War

2024-12-20 - Friday

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La Brea

Elon Musk should go on with Tim Pool on Timcast, here is Luke Beasley and Isabella Riley Moody @isabellamoody_ discussing Gen Z Debate: Conservative vs Liberal, Why Trump WON Gen Z | The Culture War. Luke @lukepbeasley is totally wrong about Jan6 which Trump wanted the electoral college to go back to the states for a ten-day investigation as there was a dispute between whether Trump or Biden won, here is Luke on the Culture War of the Tim Pool Timcast. Luke personifies leftist brain-deadness where they repeat talking points without deeply investigating context and without really thinking about what they're even saying, people like Luke run off a bunch of lies which they think are true; to win the culture war, it's a bit of a challenge as people like Luke have many blind spots as they're in a cult where they don't even know they're in a cult which is very dangerous as Luke is not self-aware of his blind spots.

Finished Before

2024-12-21 - Saturday

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Nerdrotic on Piers Morgan

Finished season 1 of From starring Billy Crystal. FNT covered the 2025 WB Superman teaser. Super Man wouldn't be any stronger growing up on earth than an astronaut who loses bone density in space due to the lack of gravity, it would be more believable if Clark Kent left Krypton as a man so his muscles could develop on a heavier planet and over time Clark would lose strength living on earth or he would have to have a super weight-lifting gym on the North Pole near Santa Claus just in time for Christmas

I understand the theory is Kal-El is born with a stronger body than that of humans but still it might be that Superman's dad would be stronger than Superman simply because he grew up under the gravity of Krypton; or does Superman's strength have anything to do with the kind of sun or suns or stars Krypton has as opposed to the kind of sun we humans have on earth?

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal

2024-12-22 - Sunday

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Milo, Laura Loomer, and Lila Hart in the background like Waldo

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal for a dollar said Trump despite the canal being valued at over a trillion dollars now and despite 38,000 men dying from infected mosquitos during the construction of the canal which we all know how much Bill Gates loves infecting people with mosquitos and Prince Philips said he would love to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to wreak havoc on the world, and the canal has big problems right now and I got this screenshot from the Jeremy Prime Cobra Cast 199 show on YouTube.

1125/ My server is full of idiots, my server was destroyed, I'm trying to rebuild it, but these idiots have no idea what happened, they don't care, they don't want to help at all, and they are not mad at me even as I'm not the one who destroyed the server, yet they blame me. 1133/ I'll promote the first super mod or lower who promotes at least ten qualified people.

Scanned some of my 1992 drawings

2024-12-23 - Monday

2013-01-17 - Joey, Joy, Janice, Vietnam, apx date was probably December 2012, 12271_377071382384643_1201615188_n.jpg
Joey in 2012 in Bac Ninh Vietnam with Joy and Janice of the Philippines

Iran didn't murder Trump. Obama did it. That's the plan. Take out Trump. Blame Iran. Alex Jones has been talking about this for months, Elon Musk warned the globalists is like body with an anti-body response to the MAGA movement, the deep state is trying hard to murder Trump and blame it or Iran or Russia as an excuse for war. Watch out for false flags. Globalists are not going to give up trying to stop Trump, they'll continue to escalate everything. Lebron James is moving to Europe to escape his ties to Diddy said Alex Jones today, Trump must let everyone know you can run but you cannot hide, you aint no Pope trying to get diplomatic immunity, this is why Lebron will never be Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan; Hollywood celebrities are fleeing America right now.

The deep state is a body, when you try to kill it, an anti-body response will set in said Elon Musk regarding Trump trying to drain the swamp via DOGE.

The Chosen creator Dallas Jenkins on Jordan Peterson

2024-12-24 - Tuesday

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The Chosen creator Dallas Jenkins on Jordan Peterson

Merry Christmas Eve 2024, The Chosen creator Dallas Jenkins on Jordan Peterson; 1152/ I'll promote the first person who promotes the best person.

Email Spoof

2024-12-25 - Wednesday

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Dream Productions, Inside Out Spinoff

Send us Bitcoin or else said an email that appeared to have come from my email address to me today. 1153/ Alliana, why you muting 5urcist who is a friend of Vee who was a god and in the server since 2022, is it only because this European say crazy things that you believe is crossing the line? But is it really crossing the line? Why not let her say crazy things?

Lamp & Big Garage Security Camera Install

2024-12-26 - Thursday

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Fly like helicopters talk on Alex Jones with Mike Adams

Did he just serve legal papers suing the Hell out of Big Pharma for the killer Covid Vaccines? There were these Predator devices said Jeffrey Prather @jeffreyprather on @RealAlexJones with Mike Adams @HealthRanger or these like military insectothopter like insect helicopters that don't show up on radar.

1154/ I'll promote the first person who promotes the best qualified person, make sure you tag me non-stop when you do to get my attention or else I might not see it, please ping me, please @ me again and again until I promote you, please mention me.

Naomi Brockwell

2024-12-27 - Friday

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Kirk Cameron breaking the 4th wall in Growing Pains in the 1980s

1155/ Nobody in my Discord Server should be promoted because they are ignoring all of my posts on Twitter, my Discord videos on TikTok, my daily blog posts, my threads, all of this stuff I say about Discord, the brand new Oatmeal Challenge, and the new welcome channel on Discord. 1158/ I made my Discord Server for Oatmeal Heirs and also for builders and yet most of the people in the server are doing neither of those two things which means the server is an epic fail.

Knot Within Saturday

2024-12-28 - Saturday

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Kai Trump

A knot inside; videos: Russia Canada video; watched: Finish This Fight Movie, EXPOSING Government & DOJ Corruption | The Culture War with Tim Pool, Landman 104-105, YMH Studio - Arnold Schwarzenegger PUMPS UP The Bears | 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Paul B Cummings - 3 Rick and Morty Live Action Videos - High Quality + Anamorphic (Christopher Lloyd) from director, Skywalker Stories - Tales of the Star Wars Galaxy: Darth Vader visits Padme's tomb and is haunted by his past.

Jimmy Carter died

2024-12-29 - Sunday

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Saved By The Bell

1162/ Spike linking to Roblox makes me think Spike is only 15 years old and should probably not be promoted especially with how Spike talks and what Spike says is very like childish minus maybe a few interesting things Spike maybe said a few times.

1167/ Oatmeal Heirs continue my legacy by doing everything I've been doing everywhere online and offline all my life these past forty years since 1985.

Ebay Lenovo Thinkpad

2024-12-30 - Monday

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Cats taking over my Discord Server

Asian Joker @DrLeanaWen said we already have new vaccines for the next pandemic that Peter Hotep (New Fauci) said Trump will face in 2025. Alex Jones is sounding the alarm, globalists can only get away with a new plandemic lockdown if we choose not to tell everybody we know about the bird flu scam, they're trying to scare us into submission as they try to scare us with UFOs, war with Russia, blackouts, banks getting hacked online, domestic violence, Jan6 like traps, race wars, and the list goes on and on, RIP Jimmy Carter, Trump could pardon Obama and Hillary Clinton just to mess with the fake news media because they won't know what to do if Trump did that.

1174/ I prefer muting over deleting; NSFW should probably be discouraged in general chat; Discord might terminate accounts who perhaps break Discord rules; links is an extension of free speech in that links is simply blue text which are words which is in fact is free speech.

Upgraded to Linux Mint 22

2024-12-31 - Tuesday

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Mexican chick on Land Man

They're trying to vaccinate the food so they won't have to make you get new vaccines for this new Covid called the bird flu, they're trying to sneak this in, saw this on Alex Jones, RFK Jr should pass this onto Trump and also to Vivek and Elon Musk. Whoever put out this memo should be fired, Trump transition memo urges nominees not to post on social media, this is from The Hill, saw this on Alex Jones, this is terrible advice. Karl Malone was on Alex Jones talking about the new Covid scam they are trying to throw at the world as Trump gets in in 2025, don't get too distracted by alleged Elon Musk Twitter X censorship which may not be totally accurate and especially as we have larger issues as we are still battling tyrannical globalists who are running wild like cornered wild animals

1196/ Spike is showing off his art only in Oatmeal World Discord Server, link is on my profile. 1202/ If you spent years following the general chat in my Discord Server like I did man, then you would discover how not even the sand people in Star Wars would come even close to such deviations that would even cause Maleficent to quake in her boots.