If a HR Nonprofessional Ask You For 5 Years Experience in a Technology That is Only 2 Years Old, Don’t Hesitate to Do This:

in #job7 years ago

Delete her number, and block his email. Do the same if she asks you where you went to school before he asks you for your portfolio or your Github account. This not limited to tech jobs.
If a recruiter is guilty of the crime of stupidity, sentence him to the prison for the clueless with no possibility of parole. He cannot be rehabilitated.
We have to protect the creative knowledge hackers from the brain dead gatekeepers: the vacuous HR nonprofeasionals and elitist hiring nonmanagers. Make no mistake,
there are brilliant HR people out there if you are one of them and you are reading this, it’s not directed at you.
Most self directed learners want to work for forward thinking companies. A company that values substance over perception. It seems that not everyone is ready for the 21th century. For the 20th century mental snale, know this:
People don’t have to go to the good schools to be educated anymore, the good schools are coming to them.
These schools are coming to them through many different channels: Udacity, Coursera, MIT Opencouseware and, EdX to name a few. Here is a funny related story,
One of my cofounder and I were pitching our Fintec startup idea to 4 potential investors in 2014. They all seemed interested in the pitch and the business model, then suddenly, I was asked by one of the angel investors, where did you get your education in AI ?
I told him that I attended The University of Mooc. He said that he never heard of it, with a puzzled look on his face.
I told him that I have never heard of that university either. I explained that everything we were using to create our software, we were learning in a machine learning course that we were taken as a mooc( Massive Open Online Course) on Coursera.
He asked, “what’s a Mooc.” I explained to him what it was. This is a classic example that things aren’t what they used to be.
The world has change in perfound ways including the manner in the way we are educating ourselves.

Some people are blind to this remarkable change. The physical class room is just one of the hundreds of ways to get an education.
There is no evidence to even suggest that a classroom education is more rewarding or more valuable than any other way. Why do we continue to place such high premium on a classroom education, as we continue to devalue all the others routes to an education? Here are a few possible reasons for the push back:
Resistant to change
Fear of the new
Mental Laziness
Job security

About 7 out of every 10 business leaders voiced their disappointment in the fact that most of the graduates that are entiring the job market are ill prepare the 21th century.
Those same employers are hesitant to hire a person who has acquired mastery of his chosen field through a self guided studies. Hiring manager’s myopic views, and stupidity are legendary in this regard. It’s time for them to pivot to reality. One positive result, however, is this : a lot of people are become entrepreneurial.

If you don’t hire them, you run the risk of them becoming your competition.
It’s an amazing experience for me see how fast I can learn a difficult subject when I am learning it with a definite purpose in mind. It’s like the smart fairy suddenly sits on my shoulder and whispering the answers and insights in my hears. She will vanish if the subject I am learning is a useless part of a curriculum and has no relevance to my
People are purposefully learning subjects that are relevant to their life and consistent with their goals. This is the first time in history where it has been so easy for anyone to learn what she chooses. I called this, The
Permissionless Learning Revolution.
It shouldn’t matter where you get your knowledge. Wether you get it from books, from YouTube videos, wether get it from Stackoverflow, or MIT classrooms, what should matter is that you got it. Don’t deprive the self guided educated person of an opportunity to earn a living.
Thousands of companies are insisting that there are not enough talent in technology. While approximately 100 thousand people have taken the Machine learning a lone on Coursera. Many other subjects have similar numbers. While not all who took those courses complete them, many have.
It’s clear that the facts disagree with those people who say that they are scarcity in tech talent. Its false.
They will find talented candidates if they look. The keyword here is look. If they look with fresh eyes, they will see the talent they seek. It is in front of their eyes all along. In dazzling brilliance, the self-taught, self-driven, are waiting their turn. Here is one truth.
Google does not have a talent problem. The question we should ask is why?
Is it because they pay a high salary? Maybe. I am convinced that has more to do more the way Google leaders see HR. Every company reflects the personality of its founders.
Google will hire you if you are capable and if you are smart.

They will hire you if you are culture fit, regardless of where you went to school. They will hire you if you smart with a Ph.D. they will hire you if you smart with a high school diploma or they will hire you if you a smart dropout. In that sense, they do no evil.
Most of the smart people are still coming from colleges and universities, but more brilliant knowledge hackers are getting their education from the web for free.
They are already motivated and self-driven. You don’t have to upgrade their skills. They have demonstrated that they are Lifelong Learnings. It’s required. They know more than they have been taught.
So the laggards HR nonprofessional will be forced by necessity to start hiring smart upstart who are choosing to skip the $40,000 debt trap and selecting instead to get an educated without the unbearable debt burden. Coming to a city near you is the democratization of education. Welcome it.

The education revolution will not be televised. It will be streamed.
Even universities are adjusting their business models to match the advent of this education disruption. Universities recognized that they can make more money if the charge less to many more students and by delivering education digitally. Rather than following suit, some businesses are handcuffing themselves to an outdated notion of education requirement, It is costing them millions of dollars for expensive in-house training brand damaging outsourcing strategies.
Some big corporartions bragged that they only hire engineers who graduated from the called Ivy League Schools.

Here’s the irony, more than 70% of all CEO’S are NOT Ivey League graduates.
Nonetheless, their hiring practices defy logic and uncommon sense, because if it were common sense, more of them would have adhered themselves to its wisdom. Do what works.
The Ivy Leagues is coming to the neighborhood near you via EdX and Coursera.
For example, most of what I know about math for computer science came from MITOPENCOURSEWARE. Yet, I have never gone to MIT. Most of what I know about Machine Learning came from
Standford, yet I have never been to Stanford.
An article Harvard Business Review April 2017 edition, talks about the very survival of corporations hinges on their hiring people from the edges. It concludes that businesses' profitability depends on embracing those people who are not a part of the batch. People who not a member of the clan, they should invite them as team members. .
Why pack your company with people who know how it should be done? Employ the knowledge hacker, who will ask how else could it be done. Creativity requires quantity. Execution demands quality.
To fix HR, we have to fix our thinking about how people are educating themselves.
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Name: Roydell Clarke
Public contact: www.21.co/roydell2b
Twitter: @roydell2b

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Roydell Clarke
After studying computer science, I worked as a graphic designer and a web developer. Now, I am addicted to FP. Deeplearning, RX.js, Tensorflow and IoT.