The job market is hopelessly broken

in #jobmarketlast month

In response to my contract ending next month, I have tried to apply to many different jobs. I have lost count of how many jobs I applied. Its safe to say that I have applied to hundreds of jobs. Out of all of them, I only got 1 interview and after that I have been ghosted. I feel hopeless finding a job.

I have applied using multiple sites and even went to company homepage to apply. All of them either ignored me or declined me.

Finding a job feels impossible now. All of the position requires years of experience. There isn't any jobs that does not require experience. Even entry level position requires years of experience. Its getting ridiculous.

Everyone expects a shining unicorn to come by now. It's so bad I have even applied to jobs that require lesser education than what I currently have. Once again, I have been ghosted by those jobs. Even they expect a shining unicorn to come by.

The expectation is becoming unrealistic. One way to go around it is to freelance, hopefully the market is not so broken.

Either way, I will be out of a job soon. I will still continue to apply, but I do not expect much at this point