Men must become men again. Women's responsibility is to become graceful and gracious again.

in #jordanpeterson6 years ago

In a video with Jordan Peterson, Tucker discusses ' What's Happening to Men!'

Now before you tuck into this video, it's important to also take time to read the comments. For the first time in a long time I'm seeing a very positive and productive format to answers and questions in the comments sections. I'm seeing support for the proactive understandings of what we're learning from Men who are standing up to be men.

Our Society needs to be rescued!

We need to set down a global moral code that ensures we can still be our diverse and unique self, whatever that entails, whilst being a positive, productive and proactive part of society.

Men need to become Men again.

ALL MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO  Jordan Peterson and Tucker on What s Happening to Men    YouTube.png

Comments on Men must become Men.

In the comments above @ToddProudfoot says 'Single motherhood and divorce, in my opinion, is the biggest reason boys are growing up to be confused men. The ONLY way for a boy to become a high quality man is by being taught by a high quality man, period.' 2018.

And the reason Girls are becoming less reliant on men and Doing It Themselves

Society is broken. Genders are messy. Nothing is working. Stress and Distress seem to be the order of the day, globally. In every sector of our species there is severe poverty of hope and happiness.

In my journey along the Purposeful path of finding The Fix I've encountered many a man to be deficit of character. Few to be Men.

I've had the rotten 'luck' to have to change my purpose mid-life thanks to the hatred of a man. He set out to destroy me. For no better reason than it suited him better to blame me for his demise and destroy me outright, than it did to face his reality. The one that he had created.
He wasn't the last, sadly. There were quite a few after that. Intentionally setting out to destroy me because they could not look at themselves in the mirror.
The self hatred, self absorbed, greed driven ego that couldn't look me in the eyes and tolerate what they perceived I saw in them. The paranoia's of a drugged (prescribed and un-prescribed) or alcohol driven confused, self loathing individual become very real to themselves very quickly. Thus it's easy to transfer these to everyone around them. Making you seem like the perpetrator.
What they hated most is that I accepted their worst but didn't use it against them. I rather saw it as an opportunity to grow them to be better than.

My mother kept telling me I was helping the wrong people. I woke up to this a little too late in the game, wasting a lot of time having to 'mother' men rather than being taken care of as a Women ought to be.

Men are unable to be men because their Mothers are allowing them to be boys. Our scattered society of distanced families and dismembered communities gives us little of the wisdom we all so desperately require to guide us along the paths of life.
Divorce is the Scourge of our society. The demise of morals evident in the way that a dissolution of a marriage can be turned into an outright war. With Winning more important than the destroyed lives and minds of the innocents caught in it.

Acceptance of Change is fundamentally our biggest Stop in Society

Change is a constant us humans attempt to stop. We don't want to age or die. We don't want to move house, we don't want to change jobs or partners for fear of the unknown.
Never really seeing that change is the one thing that happens every second that ticks by. It cannot be stopped.

Our fear of change stems from our brainwashed belief of Possession. We must possess everything. Nothing is just 'there'. That the Dog is 'ours'. The children we bore are 'ours' to fight over and pawn as weapons of destruction of another property, your spouse, now no longer so must be destroyed.

Change is inevitable. How you deal with it will reveal the happiness of the journey along the way.

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Society Needs to be Rescued :: #Pi The Fix

Principals of #Pi - An economic solution to the dissolution of society and values whilst uplifting the poorest into the new economic wealth of crypto currency to enhance the overall happiness and hope of society, globally.

Our Economy needs an overhaul. Our Value of Self is our Prime Trading Mechanism. Our Principals need repair.

Having studied a fair amount across a large number of subjects and arenas, I've come to the conclusion that we need a do-over.
Wherever I go, whomever I speak to wants to spend time on labels and going backwards. When all I see is the plan of tomorrow which we can instigate today.
#Pi - The Fix.
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