
Spamming comments without anything constructive to say will get you flagged. You are lucky its just little old me and not a big angry whale. Let this be a warning to you .

Dont you worry I will never send you shit ever again.
Stay ungrateful!

Wow. You got nuked. I swear your rep was on 56 earlier.

Yeah, sure shows the hate here.
I ment no harm, I did not know offering a gift/post was Spam. And this is how I am treated?
Did anyone take the time to see I do a Steemian of the day regular post. I am here wanting to be positive and share.
I did not mean to upset so many people here/ so much hate????
50 score to 5
for trying to help others?

It must suck. I can't have any sympathy for you when you replied to every comment on multiple posts with the same reply.

Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

You're not trying to help others you are only trying to help yourself. They are affiliate links you are posting which means you get paid every time some signs up via your link.

Don't try and justify your actions just except you fucked up and move on.

I did fuck up. yeah it was a affiliate link, its the only way to give the free token.

I have been trying to make ammends. I am new to social media, find a heart please to forgive me.
I gave my word I would not do it again.

If you push affiliate links with every single comment people will see you as a salesman. Imagine having friend who only sells something with every sentence when he opens mouth of his. Comment section isn't a place to do this, make your own post and let those who are interested to come and get these tokens.

I made a mistake.
I have corrected it.
thanks for the heads up.

New to Steemit?