Each of the 50 independent, sovereign States of the Union is a FOREIGN COUNTRY with respect to the other 49 Union States AND with respect to the United States government
Usually I post essays that I personally have thoroughly researched and written. However, this brief essay by Dr. Brown stands on its own. The information presented is not new to me; I have had to research it in many sources.
Dr. Brown presents the primary issue of JURISDICTION, not with his opinions, but by citing historical facts - usually U.S. Supreme Court rulings. "Jurisdiction" has been discussed in thousands of law journal articles, books, scholarly essays, and so on. What Dr. Brown presents is a "primer" for non-historians of law. (Sadly, most lawyers, judges, government officials (as well as the general population) could benefit greatly benefit from reading Brown's article, since "jurisdiction" in America has been turned on it head.
----- John-Henry Hill, M.D., Ph.D.
by Dr. Gerald Alan Brown
September 14, 2017
To open Dr. Brown's essay (as a PDF file), simply CLICK of the URL immediately below.
http://JohnHenryHill.Wordpress.com - then select first essay
(Sorry. I am brand new to Steemit and obviously do not know to work with this site.)