Full time accountant, part time crime fighter?

in #justice7 years ago (edited)

Happy Friday to all! It's been a while since I've posted but I figured I'd share a story today that was post worthy. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures or videos of what I'm about to share but here goes...

Like any typical Friday, I'm already looking forward to getting out of work and going home....20 minutes after clocking in! Hah!
One of my coworkers mentioned that there was a street fair not too far from our office and that a bunch of people in our department were looking to check it out for lunch. The street fair was pretty festive, lots of things for sale especially food. Unfortunately despite the vast offerings, I wasn't in any mood for a street meat lunch so another coworker and myself decided to go elsewhere. As we were walking back to the office, we heard a woman about twenty yards behind us screaming, "help, help, this man is trying to take my purse." We turn around and we see a young man, about six feet tall with a lean/semi athletic build, literally wrestling this woman's purse out of her hands and then sprinting towards us. My coworker tries to get in front of him to stop him but the man hooks right into the street and jets. I said to myself "well I guess I'm committing to this" so I sprinted after him. Call me a crazy, instinctive, lack of thought, good Samaritan but I chased this guy down for nearly two blocks. I literally ran into the street, on the bus lane, to avoid people traffic on the side walk just so I can catch up to him. When I was finally parallel to him, I quickly changed direction and bolted straight for him. Now, the scary part would've been if he had a weapon but I saw that his hands were preoccupied hugging the purse and he was preoccupied dodging people in front him. When I saw the opportunity I grabbed him by the arm and eventually transitioned into a headlock. He gave in and said "I won't run sir, I won't run." He put in a momentary struggle and but I asked him to calm down till the authorities arrived. He then said "Please sir let me go, I don't want to go to jail." I responded with, "Sorry that's not for me to decide." He attempted to stand and I asked him repeatedly to stay on the ground. At that point I transitioned myself out of a headlock hold and into an arm hold, positioning my knee behind his shoulder and one hand locked onto his elbow. I warned him one final time that if he were to move, I would break his arm. The authorities final came and I left him in the custody of another bystander. I left the scene and had the police handle the rest.

All that time I understood the risk behind my actions. What if he had a knife and/or a gun? What if he had accomplices? What if I was about to get ganged up on? Despite the risks, I took action. It's not easy to be very calculated in that type of situation but my past discipline in martial arts and my willingness to help a defenseless woman fueled my tenacity to catch this crook.
The outcome could've been different but I'm glad it all worked out. I can honestly say that I sympathize for that young man. I hope he's learned his lesson and won't repeat such mistakes and I hope that creates a better future for himself, one that isn't defined by petty crime.

Stay safe everyone!


Pictures would make this post even more awesome!