How the master Art of Deception are deployed on an unsuspecting populous, using Justice Pao as an illustration.

in #justicepao6 years ago

Today's Justice Pao Revelations Lesson 2. How the master Art of Deception are deployed on an unsuspecting populous, using Justice Pao as an illustration.

Justice Pao ordered me this Monday morning to write lesson 2, as part my contribution to humanity, although I received nothing, no rewards, no money for it.

Justice Pao (aka Karma) is hidden powerful, so I must obey, or I can get whacked on my ass.

I wrote lesson one few days ago about this topic, and you must watch to fully understand lesson 2, click here:

Today's lesson we go one step further how what is Black or White is no more black or white when more colors are added, and why this form master Art of Deception are commonly deployed to fool an unsuspecting populous, for the purpose of greed, control and power.

Today's lesson is very simple because black and white can be manipulated into as many colors as you want the people to believe if you are powerful enough, greedy enough and mad enough.

Let's start.

  1. When I was a young boy, I remembered the board the teacher used on to write was Green color, but she keeps referring to it as a black board.

As an innocence child, those days people are poor and usually naive, I raised my hand to tell the teacher it was a Green board, but the teacher still insist it was a black board and get the whole class to laugh at me. I sure damned still believed it was a green board and not black.

The moral of the story. If you are officially appointed with the power (teacher), and has the support of the majority (students, populous or public) whom have been mind controlled or brain washed, you can say anything you like and because once the majority agrees, than what is right can be wrong, and wrong can be right.

Many educational systems are actually hidden mind controlled institutions, to brainwash us into believing the hidden agenda of those in power, or in charge.

Similarly, those whom controls the state media can do the same thing with the same hidden agenda, because they can control what you hear and see, creating a fake illusions or fake news.

So, always be careful what is really real and what is really fake, because when those powerful cannot convince, they start to confuse, and may even implement laws to promote fake and real, or real as fake, since once you are so powerful, you can really do what you like with your subjects.

  1. Do you know there is actually no such thing as White color?

White color you see only exists because many colors make it up.

White color as a culture is deemed to be plain and pure, but it can be turned into as many colors.

In other word, never assume (ass-u-me) White means purity because it can become anything it wants.

Under the master Art of Deception principles, White can be used as an excellent cover up tool for any activities, black or white or grey or whatever color, to define acceptance by the populous, as long all the other colors are hidden by white.

In other word, one needs to attain awakening in order to clearly identify white is really white or not.

That's Justice Pao Wisdom!!

  1. Justice Pao is surely Black. But is he Black or White?

Under the power rule, if the majority thinks Justice Pao is black, than he is black, because we usually can see his face only and not his whole body.

Of course, many people sure think Justice Pao is not white.

But Justice Pao is actually Yellow (Chinese are called yellow people, that's why we got the Yellow Emperor in history) because he was a Chinese, very reliable reputable judge of real justice track record. We can say this because at that time, inter-married between many types of people were not so rampant by today.

As such, under the master Art of Deception rule, it is easy just to convince people Justice Pao is Black (by just referring to his black face), not white (ang moh?) or yellow (reality a Chinese ).

So, one must be able and capable to identify what's real and deception because our society is now getting very complicated where even same sex marriage are now considered marriage?


I hope this lesson 2 helps you open your Eyes Shut Wide, be awaken that you learn how to see what's real or not or deception.

In Hokkien Chinese, we have a old saying, "Do not allow faeces (aka shit) to cover your eyes that you can see properly".

Presently, in many countries, so many black, white and grey issues are cropping up, and many people are getting confused what is real, fake or deception.

In Singapore, we are also not immune to such black, white, grey issues such as:
a) HDB - Owner or Tenant ?
b) Government - Owner of nation or just an elected Tenant?
c) Sovereign Funds & Wealth - Government owned or Taxpayers owned? Whose money?

One good advise from Justice Pao is this - If you don't earned ir, it's not yours and do not take it, be it money, land or property. especially stealing from the people and nation.

Crooks are still crooks regardless in black, white or grey.

Mafia are still Mafia, whether they dressed in black or white although I give more respect to those dressed in black, since everyone knows black is black and they are opened about what they do in black.

Always hope you have a great death, once the time comes, and avoid being called a Dictator, Liar, or a Cheat later as the Master Art of Deception !

Thank you.

End of Lesson 2.

David Lim. Revelations.10 Sept 2018.

Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. Any reprint or reproduction in any media or form, without written permission is prohibited without the consent of the writer.

This article is for the purpose of education about the important of morality and doing what's right. Justice Pao,or any personality or examples used are for the purposes of illustrations to understand black and white, and not an attempt to suggest a solution to any problems or issues, real or not, that may experience similarities mentioned in this lesson. Fair use of contents and story board, claims of immunity and liability.