Your June 5, 2022, Weekly Horoscope Says Something Big Is Unfolding

in #justshoplife2 years ago

Astrology is an ancient tool that helps us navigate the highs and lows of our individual journeys. It continuously reminds us that we're part of something much greater — and that's something to keep in mind when reading your June 5 weekly horoscope.

Truth be told, every astrological moment presents both an opportunity and an obstacle. For instance, with Mercury ending its retrograde and getting back to business as usual, you're more likely to experience an influx of messages, epiphanies, and revelations. You likely noticed both your mental and intuitive awareness become especially heightened between June 2 and 3, which is when the messenger planet began to recalibrate before stationing direct. Imagine seeing the puzzle pieces, slowly but surely, starting to fall into place. However, in addition to the "I need to see to believe" mentality that comes with Mercury in Taurus, the messenger planet is at odds with Saturn retrograde, which creates blockages and challenges around decision making and visions of the future. Things may feel like they're still unclear, but trust that it won't be this way for long.

As it is, Mercury direct in stability-seeking Taurus is already alleviating some of the uncertainty and brain fog — but we can't disregard the other astrological aspects that are at play. The week of June 5 kicks off fairly quietly, thanks to the moon's opposition to Saturn retrograde since the taskmaster planet can be stifling for a playful moon in Leo. Similar to a strict parent or authority figure asking the children to keep the noise down, it's easy to feel misunderstood or burdened at this time.

The vibe becomes a bit more soothing on June 6 upon the moon's shift into methodical Virgo, especially since it will form a sweet trine to harmony-seeking Venus in its sensually driven sign of rulership, Taurus. All in all, this grounding synergy can help us settle into our bodies and see the bliss in simplicity. The following day, the Virgo moon will reach its first-quarter phase, which serves as a catalyst for significant breakthroughs ahead. The moon will also link up with experimental Uranus, adding spontaneity and unpredictability to the dynamic. Consider this an opportunity to tap into your higher mind and explore the possibilities. Then, Mercury will perfect its trine to Pluto retrograde on June 10, triggering a shift in our perception while highlighting some of the energies we worked with during the eclipses in November 2021 and May 2022.

Mercury is in not only harmony with revelatory Pluto, but also dreamy Neptune. This means that just because you can't see the big picture right away doesn't mean you can't feel something unfolding in the background. Your intuition is nudging you, because it knows. Do you trust it? The week comes to a close with a dazzling Venus-Uranus conjunction, electrifying our hearts and revolutionizing our value systems in the process. Steer away from attachments, and be sure to keep an open mind.

If you're wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for June 5 through June 11, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your June horoscope, and for a look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.