Life Issues Help.

in #karim8 years ago

Hello Guys, 

I´ve been thinking that given the optimum platform thi is to post questions and answers with real value out here this could be a good idea.

I invite you all to post about those real thoughts that we keep for ourself.  Those little pieces of truth we all hold deep inside the corners of our Ego. share them and let the blossom in to real world feedback. good or bad  doesn´t matter... just share it and lets talk about it...lets download our dreams our frustrations, our desires and the excuses . Are you thinking about wich ones are those pieces of truth you hold now?  well thats the first step and probably one of the hardest: Identification

 It´s been a while since I discovered my real passion but due to commitments work and a huge list of reasons/excuses  I haven´t put it in practice in a way that allows me to focus on it...

Yes, i found one of my very best talents... And this is Helping people to untie mind nods, nods that become vicious circles from which is quite hard to get out , alright,alright , this might seem like the kind of advert you would watch at 04:00 (a.m) in a local tv station...and NO... im not a gurú or a chamán either  but the truth is that i lived a dense life, full of experiences that made me be tuned at  high levels of self awareness , self conciousness through this life experiences.

 I´ve gained a good understanding about how feelings and moods work... what are the thought process we go throught in a variety of situations and how to be present, be here, how to be that person you want to be in real time, how to stop getting home and think "I should have said..." "what I should have done is..." 

My friends keep pushing me to do something about it, to share my abilitie to make the right questions in the right moment, unscared of telling you what I believe is true, politically incorrect...

I don´t expect to be your life coach,, the concept of coaching itself stablish a upper and lower position and what I´m talking about is about stablishing a horizontal open free and honest comunication channel with the aim of helping each other going throught moments where we feel lost or clueless about how to proceed in a given scenario. So, instead of a coach I prefer to see it as a cristal clear mirror where you can look at yourself instead , simply see... Then talk about how we can find lines of action to improve the present yourself... 

It is not about being Wise or supersmart, it is not about telling you what to do... is simply about humans helping humans to deal with present experiences using the value of the past experiences of our lovely community identificating common action patterns that take you where you are  while understanding that everyone is different in many ways and implementing patterns or line of actions that lead in to proven success (or creating a new way to succeed in this matter, who knows!? everything is possible!!)

I want to share!, I want to learn from you guys! 

This is the space to share your love, respect, concern, knowledge, questions, feelings, experiences...


Beware Quality content is coming...


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@flyover great post. I liked what you said: "I don´t expect to be your life coach,, the concept of coaching itself stablish a upper and lower position "


Well is all about sharing our thoughts and experiences isn´t it? we are basically thinking and feeling pendrives :D.

Awesome! Welcome. I have been doing exactly that, sharing raw real stories, struggles, pains, and passions. I love blogging here and I love keeping it "real". :)

Thank you, you are very positive and open man :)