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RE: Keiser Report Marathon 2021 E1

in #keiser6 months ago

Tuesday June 25, 2024
R csi krm
Nomi Prins
Permanent Distortion
Article 13 of an amendment to change the constitution.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution.
All the President's Bankers
Is this neo feudalism?
What are your thoughts about the normalization of the grotesque?
Obama coup d'etat game attracts thousands
Harmid karzai elected for 2nd term.
Russia has first global conference on road safety
Swine flu in Ukraine.
Iran rejects uranium enrichment plan.
EU looking for a new president
Are we at the point of global insurrection?
Danny Schecter
What caused the economic calamity?
What are some of the most shocking predatory practices?
How can you have a crisis and nobody goes to jail?
Isn't fraud the entire system in America?
What role did the media play in the financial crisis of 2008
How is a debt free future possible?
Nomi Prins is the connection of the first KR and the last KR.🤔