Kent State Remembered 48 years Later

download.jpeI would like to take 2 minutes of silence to remember 4 students who were gunned down in cold blood on American soil at the kent state University in Ohio 48 years ago due to the government banning protesting, the next day the carnage happened brought to you by the state government. State government funny how that sounds. In a so-called civilized democratic country, the government turned and killed their people and young people, the people of the future were the ones gunned down, innocently and in cold blood as they were all unarmed.
It was the youth using their god given right to free speech and speak and rise and protest something they all never agreed upon or believed in which was the draft and the current Viet Nam war at the time. A war where students and youth were being drafted into without even having a choice and many of their friends that came back were all maimed or shattered mentally and those friends that never came back were most definitely killed in the war.

This was not the first time in the United States of America would use brutal force on their own people as later on that month in 1970 they would do the same thing in Jackson, Mississipi killing two more people. Then there are the governmental atrocities committed against the Indians and people supporting the Indian causes in the Dakota's as twice they massacred people innocently two other times before killing hundreds. Then in recent times using chemical weapons at the Standing Rock Reservation when people trying to protect the water source that has not been fracked were constantly brutalized with chemical plane aireal spray assault, emf and elf and microwave assault, skull to mind assault, brutal force, arrest, assault, rubber bullets and water cannons on freezing cold days.

This is your government people! They have not learned to serve the people as they are supposed to be doing but serving themselves. 15965902_10154933258453703_779844677503335217_n.jpg This picture was some of the weaponry chosen against the people of Standing Rock.

Today marks the day 48 years ago of Kent state massacre due to protest!download (1).jpe

We cannot let this happen ever again people, whether it be Canada, Australia or any other colonial state or any other country including the United States and Great Briton! Or Uganda or dictator states!images.jpe

Let Us remember people and NOT let it happen again.
James Borg

NYU Kent State reaction.gif