3 Types Of Fruits That Have Major Benefits For Body Health

in #kesehatan7 years ago (edited)

Fruit is an organ in flowering plants which is a further development of the fruits of ovary. Fruit is usually covering and protecting a seed. Various fruits and shapes of fruit can not be separated in relation to the main function of the fruit, namely as a plant seed dispenser. The 3 types of fruits are good for the health of the body as follows:
Melon fruit has many benefits as well as a rich content of vitamins and substances contained in it. In one melon, it contains 60 calories and 14 grams of natural sugar content. In addition, the benefits of melon fruit can also provide energy, as well as low fat levels.
The content of the benefits that exist in the melon fruit:
a. High potassium
Potassium content serves to help stabilize blood pressure.
b. Contains vitamin C
Vitamin C works to boost the immune system and help prevent diseases and infections.
c. Contains vitamin B6

Vitamin B-6 serves as a coenzyme, an enzyme useful for activating the chemical processes in the body.

Pitaya fruit is one type of fruit that comes from the cactus group. from the clans of Hylocereus and Selenicereus. This fruit comes from Mexico, Central America and South America, but is now also cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. The content of the pitaya fruit is incredible and can meet various nutritional needs in our body. In one pitaya fruit there are at least more than 20 essential nutrients needed by the body. Benefits and content of pitaya fruit is very good in the fulfillment of vitamins and minerals in the body, and very good if consumed regularly it will bring a positive effect for our body. The benefits of pitaya fruit for the body as follows :
a. Prevent cancer
Pitaya fruit contains a lot of antioxidant phytoalbumin, so that it can increase the formation of free radicals and prevent cancer cells developing in the body.
b. Helps the Formation of Red Blood Cells (Hemoglobin)
pitaya fruit has a very high vitamin B12 (riboflavin). In the formation of red blood cells done with the help of vitamin B12 or riboflavin. So the consumption of dragon fruit can certainly help the formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in the body.
c. Prevent Heart Disease
The content possessed by the dragon fruit can prevent and reduce the risk of heart disease. So can not be denied, consuming red pitaya fruit into one effective way to prevent heart disease
d. Maintaining Eye Health
Betakaroten high content makes the pitaya fruit as one of the fruit that can maintain eye health after the carrot fruit. As we know, beta-carotene is a very useful ingredient to maintain health and eye clarity.

Pineapple is the fruit of a tropical climate that grows unfamiliar with the seasons. Nutrition that you can get from pineapple, among others, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1, and folate. In addition to these beneficial nutrients, there is another element of pineapple that plays a role for the human digestive system. The benefits of pineapple for health as follows :
a. Contains Good Enzymes For Digestion
According to the Medical Center at Maryland Universiy, pineapple fruit also has a good digestive enzyme, called bromelain. This enzyme is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes that help your intestines break down and absorb more proteins.
b. Launching the Digestive System
Pineapple fruit naturally contains fiber-rich yag. This fiber-rich function, both to improve the digestive system. Usually, foods high in fiber are rather difficult to dissolve, but not with pineapple.
c. Preventing Bowel Cancer
The antioxidant content of vitamin C can fight cancer cells in the body and prevent cancer of the intestine. In addition, pineapple is also rich in antioxidant and other content, including vitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, and various flavonoid compounds. Pineapple fruit is also able to ward off strong free radicals will cause cancer growth.