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in #kid7 years ago

Hi, I am Umberto and today I am here to tell you about my close friends Christian and Emily and their son Noah, who was born premature at 36 weeks by urgent caesarean section. He was without breath and tracheotomy and was urgently taken to a hospital in Bologna where he was placed on mechanical ventilation. Noah was born with a rare syndrome called the Treacher Collins Syndrome which is an autosomal dominant congenital disorder characterized by craniofacial deformities involving ears, eyes and cheekbones. Noah can only eat through a tube in his stomach. He has many operations and will get trough many interventions.

Unfortunately the government doesn’t support this family very well; they provide them with nearly nothing. I have personally seen the effects the financial strain has on my friend’s and I want to see them smile again by assisting them in getting the support they deserve to not have to worry about bills and everyday struggles right now.

Emily, Noah’s mother, is unable to work as she is looking after him. This means they must survive on Christian’s Salary and the small benefit they receive from the Government but unfortunately this is not enough. Noah’s condition requires constant hospital trips and the medical bills add up quickly making it hard to cover every day living costs as well.

We will be forever grateful to all of those who donate for such a worthy cause.

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Sincerely, Umberto Raiola