She has a mind of her own

in #kids7 years ago

When I said, "Go wash your hands", this wasn't what I meant!
But it did give me quite a chuckle.

It does make me wish cleaning my house was as easy as cleaning up the Barbie house. My in-laws are coming next week, and because we've been busy with goats, garden, and sewing, my homemaking skills have been pushed to the wayside. Monday morning I will don my cleaning gloves, fasten my apron, and vacuum anything that gets in my way! A clean house we will have. And I promise to use the life size vacuum and not borrow Barbie's.


Ah yes...the house. My husband keeps suggesting getting someone to come and clean the house for us as it seems the least important and, like weeding, constantly needs doing again. We do it when people are coming (it is too isolated for people to just drop in, so when I do take the time to do a good clean just because it needs doing I wonder if we are about to have company. Ha

YES!!!! And isn't it nice to be too isolated for drop in guests??? (We do have one aunt that pops in unexpectedly every so often, and I cringe-- nice to see her, but not nice to hear her comments about the not-so-perfect condition ie: mail out or breakfast dishes still on the table... at least she doesn't tour the entire place!) A balancing act it is.
And if I need to feel better, I'll just watch a few minutes of "Hoarders" and that cures me. lol

Ha! Priorities. When I feel bad about the messy conditions I sweep the floor or spray something good smelling in the air or take the clothes off the line and appreciate their fragrance. And yet my sister calls me Mrs. Clean so at least I am in better shape than she is as far as housecleaning.
Yes, people do come up here but we have yet to have someone drop in.