KillerPixContest and MonochromeMonday - May Flowers - My second (and last) entry of this week: Clematis in BW
Clematis is one of the most amazing garden flowers. This species is various in colors like shades of violet, pink and white; and forms like single and double blossoms. This beauty was taken this morning in front of the house in Székesfehérvár, and originally has pink color. This time I did not have my camera, just my Samsung cell phone. I edited it with RawTherapee, which is one of the best free photo enhancer and editor, and also runs on Ubuntu Linux.
Beautiful black and white flower looks great, love your blog I like your publications
Thanks my dear!
Like an intricate mandala. :) Beautiful.
Oh, yes, because it has a full blossom.
I like it :) ... this blossom seems to be very big.
Thanks :) yes, that's almost a palm-size!
:)))) are you giant ?
Palm also means "hand with fingers" in English :)))
Ah :)))) I see now .... sorry :))
First black and white flower picture is so beautiful, i am appreciate your work. you are doing very good job keep it up.

Oh WoW this is so brightly beautiful Miss K !
And BTW Congratulations for your prize on my contest =))