Kill The Messenger – Cover Art and Banner Contest Winners Announced!!! (100SBD in Prizes)

in #killthemessenger6 years ago

KTM gif.gif

Kill The Messenger

Cover Art and Banner Contest

The Official #Unity4J Campaign Theme Song

“Kill The Messenger” by @jamesgetsit and @v4vapid

You can stream KTM live on Choon as well as on Soundcloud where you can also download the track for free.



Be sure also to check out our latest collaboration in solidarity with Julian Assange - "Break Lights"

Purpose of the Contest

We had several reasons for throwing this art contest on Steemit.
  1. To promote Kill The Messenger and #Unity4J
  2. To spread awareness of the plight of Julian Assange
  3. To give the Steemit community and opportunity to participate in the campaign.

We’ve released KTM for free on Choon and Soundcloud but we also plan on releasing the #Unity4J theme song on iTunes and Spotify as soon as possible. Having eye-catching cover art and thumbnail for the track is something very important to us and one of the catalysts for the contest.

When we sat down to pen ‘Kill The Messenger’ we really wanted the song to capture the urgency of Julian’s situation. We hoped we would find some contributions that could capture the essence of the music while also being easily recognizable to people as they peruse their social media feeds.

We think winning design in both categories does that and more.

The Winners

This contest had two categories:

  1. Cover Art / Thumbnail and
  2. Social Media Banners / Headers

    A purse of 50 SBD to be awarded in each category.

    There was also the chance that the same participant and design could win both prizes with an exceptional entry. And this is exactly what has occurred.

    The Winner of both categories and 100 SBD total goes to the design team of:

@themonkeyzuelans !!!


KTM cover art 800x800.jpg

KTM Twitter.jpg


I encourage everyone to check out their fantastic post detailing the process in which they constructed their graphic design. Congratulations, when we saw this post we knew we had found our winners!!!

We had so many wonderful entries we‘d like to thank all the participants who participated in both contests, thanks you so much for your hard work and effort!


@jejes @putri12 @yusaymon @thoughts-in-time @palikari123, @wews @ramses.ber @joshuaky @jayboi @thefedora @seveaux @marvel1206 @bifilarcoil @raxxell @themonkeyzuelans

As a token of our gratitude, I will be giving out some BONUS UPVOTES to the following participants.

@jejes, @thoughts-in-time, @palikari123, @putri12, @ramses.ber

who all made outstanding submissions, thank you again!



Over the weekend, there was an emergency live stream produced by the dedicated team behind the campaign for #Unity4J. Credible sources are reporting that the Ecuadorian government is preparing to remove Julian Assange from the embassy in London and hand him to UK authorities. Essentially, revoking the political asylum he was granted by Ecuador at the embassy and where he has stayed in arbitrary detention for over 6 years.

The situation is very serious for Assange at the moment, where he likely faces eviction in the days or weeks to come. This is a clear violation of Julian’s human rights and if he is handed over to UK authorities, this is a very dark day for publishers, journalists and for free speech around the world. It sets the frightening precedent that anyone speaking truth to power can have their rights stripped away and be detained without charges.

In the face of such a dire forecast a groundswell of non-partisan support is emerging lead by journalists, activists and organizers. Chief among them the powerful tandem of @suzi3d and @elizbethleavos who have created an army of online activists in a matter of days. The Discord channel jumped from a dozen people to over 1200 after opening the server to the public. This movement is drawing inspiration from history and the Free Mandela campaign that spanned several decades.

People are fighting back.

Fighting for justice.

Fighting for Truth.

Fighting to save Assange.

WikiLeaks on Twitter   Hundreds of coders  artists and writers and videographers from around the world are collaborating to  FreeAssange in dozens of dedicated voice   chat channels. You can join them here. See the left-1.png

We’re watching history in the making, and an unprecedented campaign to organize effective action in defense of Wikileaks’ editor-in-chief.

As Julian has been fighting for truth and justice with Wikileaks for over a decade now, it is now our turn to fight for Julian!

Join us!

There are literally hundreds of people online right now working in any capacity they can to engage in legal direct non-violent actions. In video, live streams, music, graphics, translations, social media, blogging, podcasting, communications, transcription, research, event planning, petitions, legal, outreach, fundraising, etc

I urge you to visit the Discord server and see how you can contribute to the campaign. Only those that are willing to do work and contribute in some way need join.

Otherwise, you can show your support and keep up to date with the latest news and actions by following the official account right here on Steemit.


Liquid rewards or any donations will go to the Wikileaks Legal Defense Fund.

You can also visit the official #Unity4J website |

Unity4j Banner No Logo.jpg






Woohoo!!! So awesome to win this contest!

We want to congratulate the rest of the participants @jejes @putri12 @yusaymon @thoughts-in-time @palikari123, @wews @ramses.ber @joshuaky @jayboi @thefedora @seveaux @marvel1206 @bifilarcoil @raxxell.

We have read, learn and understand a lot about this movement to support Assange in the past couple days of design process so thank you for that because all what's happening around it totally worth to know and spread.

Thank you @jamesgetsit and @v4vapid for the opportunity to be part of @unity4j movement this way!!!

You guys did a phenomenal job!! As soon as @v4vapid showed me your submission I was BLOWN AWAY! So well done!!

Thank you so much!

Our main idea is always to blow minds away and looks like we made it! hahaha We really love you guys liked it! Thank you so much! 😁💥

Awesome Graphic @themonkeyzuelans! These two really know how to slam dunk some art challenges!

Incredible work!!! We love it, and thank you for contributing to the #unity4j campaign in this way...just beautiful.

We actually have a small request for you, we would like it if you could add our names into the matrix if it's not too much trouble? @jamesgetsit and @v4vapid is that possible? If you could do that for us it would be very much appreciated!

Thanks for showing us the process as well, I haven't commented on your original post yet, so we could build up the suspense a little, but really intricate stuff! You two are very talented! Where are you from?

Following you now, and once again thank you for this very special piece! Fantastic!

Of course we can add your names on it.

Do you want it on the white corrupted code like the #unity4j white tag or do you want it on the blue binary numbers?

We would rather to do it on the white code like the tag because that way would be more visible, it is on first sight and also it's not on perspective like the blue one, that perspective would make the names a little hard to read. But I'll do whatever you think would look cool 😁

Do you want this change in all the banners?

Do you want us to update our post or just drop the image here?

Sorry for the bunch of questions 😜

I think the white would be best to make it more visible, for sure!

I don't want to make a ton of work for you two but we would love to have it on the banners as well. Hope that's not too much to ask. You can drop them in the comments here or in the post, whatever's easy.

We're so excited to put out the banners once they're ready! Thank you, this is really a gift :)

That won't be a problem. We'll do it asap an will comment here with the images 😁

Congrats! your work is amazing :)

Felicidades muchachos. Sabía que se lo iban a ganar desde que vi el post.

Siempre poniendo tanta confianza en nosotros. Ni nosotros nos lo esperábamos jajaja Muchas gracias señorita!

por supuesto que lo merecían!!! felicitaciones!! :3

First of all a big shout to all that entered .. you should all be very proud of your efforts. Wow! that is a fantastic submission .. an image that speaks so many words on so many levels, love it. Huge respect to @themonkeyzuelans you guys have a huge talent and are using it to brilliant effect. A worthy banner for a fantastic track!!

We work hard to improve our skills to develop graphic concepts/projects and that's what's paying off right now. Thank you very much for recognizing and appreciating our work!

Kinda wish it said "Don't kill the messenger". It's like a movie, we are a movie now.

Yeah, i totally get what you mean. Tbh we never imagined our song would be the anthem for U4J. It is what it is, can't rewind this movie now...

That is a great choice for it. Good job and congrats on the win @themonkeyzuelans.

Thanks, I'm glad you agree! This one really blew us away, great work @themonkeyzuelans!!

Thank you very much @tarazkp and -again- @v4vapid!!! 😜

Congrats to the winner, wish I can participate but my graphic skills are bad 😂😂😂

I hope that Assange will dodge triumphantly the blows of the US government against him.

Excellent work! Resteemed!

Cheers mate, much appreciated!

Thanks for keeping me up to date on Assange, V! Very politically tuned out at the moment, so its always good to check out your pages. Ill hit that discord in the AM.

Congrats @themonkeyzuelans, great artwork !
Thanks @v4vapid for the bonus

Congratulations on your great artwork @themonkeyzuelans and being selected as the oficial artwork for the #unity4 movement! Very well done:)