Komodo Big Announcement

in #komodo8 years ago

I've been following Komodo (ticker KMD https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/komodo/) for a while now and also invested in their ICO.

Strongly I believe Komodo is superior to most cryptos the Supernet Team with lead Developer JL777 are creating amazing functioning software all decentralized. Their newest released Module is called BarterDEX (http://barterdex.supernet.org/) it's the first real decentralized Exchange. There are a lot of exchanges claiming to be DEX but this one really is. In order to trade you need the tradable crytro demons running on your system. That's what decentralized means. It might be complicated now but the advantage really is no more hacked exchanged remember Mt Cox?


So it has been quiet for a while now but according to the SuperNet Team great huge things are going to be announced September 7th. We don't really know what it is leave your opinion in the comment bellow. I suspect some new technology which is implemented.

Recently the jumblr Airdrop was given to all Komodo Coin Holders it will be the last time the Developer airdrops shares to holders as it has been very time consuming.

BitCoinDark are 90% converted to KMD which I assume soon that coin will be delisted at Polo (and maybe replaced with KMD). I don't think this is the big huge announcement.

Now BarterDex works.

What is Komodo

With Komodo you can choose between transparent and anonymous transactions baicily like in Zcash (JL777 was involved in that development). A technology called zk-SNARKs hides the sender, receiver, and transaction amount.
With Jumblr you than jumble your Bitcoins and make it untracable all decentralized so no need of paying 5% to some shaddy service and risking all your funds.

(pictures taken from https://komodoplatform.com/)
TippingJar: REPjEtV7EFtimR4ySqVqrbSpXZEud8fCPR


Thanx and followed. Read it too late. Price has already increased by 80%.

I do believe it's not "too late yet" there will be a time where the market normalizes and people will be investing in organisations which have a working product.

yeah... i've seen this post 15 seconds after it got posted and the price already increased 70%

Guess a lot if people do crypto trading for their living.

wow! thx for the info, i'll follow you now :)

Thanks for the article!

Great article, Komodo is the real deal.
It is related to Supernet which has many years of development, a lot of great devs backing the project and the main dev is a genius.

Ready to see

What is the deal with BitcoinDark being converted into KMD? I've been following KMD but aside from the info in your post it's abort all I know

Yes you can Convert BitCoinDark to KMD. BTCD does not have any developers anymore 90% are converted. KMD is the future.

I followed the slack and bitcointalk thread since the ico. The Komodo Platform will allow me to control my own coins by trading them in a decentralized way! They are doing atomic swaps now...see them "in action" on you tube. It's pretty amazing to see this technology unfold.

I didn't know that lizards ate chocolate.

What do you think about BitBay ? its going to launch decentralized exchange , they will allow to depsit via pazay , Credicard , bank wire , also they offer their own Card for withdrawal from any ATM also you can send crypto on email address ?here is an announcement for recent release https://steemit.com/dtube/@coindube/ilyk7433 and best thing is since 2015 price is under 2 cents

What do you think about BitBay ? its going to launch decentralized exchange , they will allow to depsit via pazay , Credicard , bank wire , also they offer their own Card for withdrawal from any ATM also you can send crypto on email address ?here is an announcement for recent release https://steemit.com/dtube/@coindube/ilyk7433 and best thing is since 2015 price is under 2 cents