Korea White house taking back what they said about closing down crypto exchanges [청와대 거래소 폐지, 정부방침 아니다]

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

A few hours ago the Korean Ministry of Justice stated that they are geared towards the ban of crypto exchanges in Korea. However Korean citizens fought against the decision and signed petitions nearly reaching 27000 just this morning. Now the Korean White house made a statement that the closing down "idea" came from the Ministry of Justice but other governmental institutions such as the Ministry of Science are actually positive towards the crypto market.

Seems like the sudden downfall in exchanges and people cashing out and disrupting the market are significantly affecting the Korean economy already leading to the Korean white house to calm the citizens down.

What an interesting turn of events!


The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.

Don't be shameless, Mr Blair. Don't be immoral, Mr Blair. You are one of those who have no morals. You are not one who has the right to criticise anyone about the rules of the international community.