Korean BBQ vs Turkish BBQ
Are you sure we are at the right place?
Helmets, drills, and tools…
I thought we were barbecuing.
Doğru yerde olduğumuza emin misin?
Kasklar, matkaplar, alet edevat…
Mangal partisi nerede…
30 Minutes Later
30 dakika sonra
Okay, that looks yummy.
After waiting for a short time, you are ready to order. You have options pork\chicken\beef.
In 30 minutes ready to eat.
Hmm, iste bu lezzetli görünüyor.Kısa bir sure sıra bekledikten sonra yarım saat içinde her şey yemeye hazır. Domuz eti\beyaz et \ kırmızı et seçenekleri mevcut.
What are the differences than Turkish BBQ?
Türk Tarzı – Kore Tarzı
- We use bread instead of greens which is healthier than bread.
Biz ekmeksiz yapamayız, onlar yeşilliksiz.
- We don’t eat barbeque with rice.
- We cook it actual coal and it is an outdoor activity for us.
- Korean BBQ is easier, cleaner and less tiring than Turkish ones.
Pirinç pilavı da yemeyiz.
Biz çoluk çocuğu toplar gideriz bir açık alana kömürüdür, çırasıdır… Ama Kore tarzı daha kolay daha zahmetsiz sanki =D
- Koreans use scissors to cut the meat actually it is easier than the knife.
Eti makasla kesmek…
- We cook veggies (tomato, onion, eggplant) separately.
- Koreans cook them together (mushrooms, garlic, kimchi)
Sebzeler ayrı pişer.
- Koreans have a special sauce that they used while they are eating.
- We have salads.
Biz salataya onlar sosa.
Despite the all these differences, Korean BBQ was quite delicious. Thank you, Charlie the master BBQ chef. We loved it and missed it already.
P.S. I hear Australian BBQ (Barbie) is a huge tradition in their culture, hope we can find a chance to try it =))

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@eser benim karasularımdan geçerken resmini düşürmüş kimse bulup verin günahtır.

Eti makasla kesmeyi uzakdoğu dizilerinde görmüştüm. Zeki ve pratik adamlar resmen. Ekmeksizde karın doymazki :((
Pirinc olunca kurtariyor biraz =D
I have made bbq today wish my friends it was my birthday so we enjoyed a lot and the BBQ was awesome love it... cheers
Happy birthday =)) Have lots of fun =))
Dizilerde oyle cok ve hizli yemek yiyorlar ki hele makarna yiyisleri insan i aciktiriyor
Yemegi seviyorlar =))
Guzel bir calisma olmus
Tesekkurler =))
Oyle gorunce tandir cekti canim :) neyse gevrek peynir de olur en azindan sabah
afiyet olsun =))
Kimchi that is roasted in a fork Grease also delicious.
Oh maybe I ll try next time =)) thanks.
OK, I will get korean BBQ tonight!
Good call =D eat it for me also =D
And yummy, Thank you =))