브레이브에서 온 메일...

in #kr6 years ago

브레이브에서 메일이 하나 왔습니다.
기존에는 리퍼럴 링크를 통해
브레이브 브라우저를 설치한 사용자가 브라우저를 30일간 사용하면
리퍼럴로 $5 에 상당하는 BAT 코인을 줬었는데...

정책이 바뀌었다는 군요.

이제는 국가로 Tier를 나누고
Tier 별로 보상에 차등을 두겠다고 합니다.

1 티어는 오직 미국이고...
한국은 3티어입니다-ㅅ-
그리고 의외로 일본이 2티어군요.

3티어는 현행 유지라서 그럭저럭 다행입니다만...
좀 아쉽기는 하군요.

한국에도 브레이브 애드가 빨리 정착되기를 바랍니다!

이하는 메일 전문입니다.

Thank you for using the Brave referral system. We have a pretty important change coming up and we wanted to give you advance notice.

The per user payout rate will be changing from $5 globally to variable rates depending upon the region of the user

Why are we doing this?
When we launched the referral program, the goal was to discover which areas would we see the most growth and to test the viability of the referral program as a whole. Our level of zoom was pretty wide (Planet Earth) and the rate was $5 per user, globally.
Since then, we have launched our Ads program and we want to shift our level of zoom to more regional efforts, with a specific focus on the areas where we can deliver ads. This is a straightforward business decision.

When will this occur?
We wanted to give you as much advance notice as possible, especially for those of you who are promoting Brave via ads.

Here is the planned timeline


  • Initial message (this email) explaining the rate change and timeline
  • Announcement posts and reminder email regarding the new rates.
  • Rates change
  • Last payout of $5 referral
  • The referral dashboard will be updated to reflect the new rates.
  • First rate card based payout
    Here are the rate changes which will be effective on December 1st payout, 2019
    Each country is assigned to a tier, each tier has a flat rate.
    Tier 1 - $7.50 (BAT equivalent)
    Tier 2 - $6.50 (BAT equivalent)
    Tier 3 - $5.00 (BAT equivalent)
    Tier 4 - $2.00 (BAT equivalent)
    Tier 5 - $1.00 (BAT equivalent)

Tier 1 Countries
United States

Tier 2 Countries
Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom

Tier 3 Countries
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,

Tier 4 Countries
Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay

Tier 5 Countries
If a country has not been listed in any of the other tiers, it will be in Tier 5.
We will be communicating about the change as much as possible over the coming months. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for helping us to keep growing!


Thank you for your continued support towards JJM. For each 1000 JJM you are holding, you can get an additional 1% of upvote. 10,000JJM would give you a 11% daily voting from the 700K SP virus707 account.