A prophet named Jonah is at the top of the Most Wanted list. A defiant man who deliberately decides not to accept Gods will, is on his way to Tarsis in a Phoenician boat on the Mediterranean Sea. In the middle of a deep sleep, a great storm arises that causes the Captain to wake up and cry out to God, not knowing that the sleepy head had put the whole crew in danger of death. He had bought a license to be disobedient and fugitive of Divine Justice.
Solution, let's get rid of this problem right away because the ship will break into pieces if this raging sea doesn't stop. It was then that Jonah made contact with the turbulent water and the dangerous storm stopped, but a "monster" fish was waiting for him with its mouth open.
There is a creature that enters through the Strait of Gibraltar at the time of the prophet and must have been the size of colossal magnitude. The Vulgarias Cacharias or Sperm Whale becomes a possible culprit because it can swallow a Giant Squid 1,500 pounds, similar back in 1912 in Florida and has very special characteristics that remind us of this biblical story.
Was this the monster that swallowed Jonas's decaffeinated Prophet? We don't doubt it ...
Now is a good time for you to think if it is possible that this story is reflecting in your life when we make decisions each day.
Are you sure you're going in the right direction? Do you take measures to make sure your decision was filtered in Communion with God? Do you verify if the instructions God gives you are the same ones you are executing? Don't tell me that you are aware that what you are doing is not in the Lords plans.
If some monster has swallowed your plans, your dreams, your goals, your aspirations and you are trapped in a creatures belly, that only wants to take you to the depths of the ocean of despair and frustration of darkness ... STOP! Cry out to God who can do anything, who knows everything and who knows your situation perfectly.
He will put the monster that has kidnapped you in its place, so that you can be freed thanks be to God of Second Opportunities. BE NOT DESMAYED! Salvation be to Jehovah. Be freed immediately ... LOOK AHEAD ... RISE UP ... GOD NEEDS YOU.