🌿🌿🌿 What is Kratom? 🌿🌿🌿

in #kratom7 years ago (edited)

Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, etc.). Its botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee tree (Rubiaceae). The leaves of kratom have been used as an herbal drug from time immemorial by peoples of Southeast Asia. It is used in folk medicine as a stimulant (at low doses), sedative (at high doses), recreational drug, pain killer, medicine for diarrhea, and treatment for opiate addiction. Many people report that kratom is an effective treatment for arthritis, restless legs syndrome (RLS), and fibromyalgia.

It has been used for thousands of years in southeast Asia. It has only been coming into the light for the United States for about 10 years. It is sold in headshops, but they are commercial brands and do not provide the best quality.

Each strain produces unique effects
There are 5 colors






And many different species Such as

Each species has different strain (RYGWG) each producing unique effects.
Effects vary from stimulating, relaxing, sedating.
Depending on how much is consumed and what strain/color

Here are the effects to expect with each strain: These are typically true but may vary by person.

    Each strain is typically labeled with two different parts: the vein color and the area of origin, or where it was grown/harvested. Vein colors come from the color of the "vein" that is running down the center of a leaf, which is pretty much an extension of the stem of the kratom plant. (influenced by age of the tree/leaf as well as the nutrients the plant absorbs). The place of origin will be the name of a country or area of the island.

    There are three vein colors: red, white and green. While each strain of kratom will effect you in basically the same way, each vein color does something a little different.

    The red strains contain the most 7-mytragynine (strongest opioid), while the the whites contain the least and more mytragynine and the greens are in the middle. Generally the younger leaves are the most stimulating because of the abundance of mytragynine.

  4. COLORS & EFFECTS Red veined kratom mostly tends to be relaxing and sedating, with great pain relief and decent mood enhancement. However, there are some stimulating reds. White veined kratom is typically on the other end of the spectrum, having excellent mood-enhancing and energizing qualities, with mild to moderate pain relief.
    Green veined kratom is almost always in the middle of both red and white with equal parts pain relief, relaxation, energy, and a good mood boost.
    Yellow vein is from young leaves of white vein. It's effects are similar to white with energizing effects. Yellows are whites that have been sun bleached on the trees. The entire leaf is yellow but it can be any color vein. They are usually stimulating but not nearly as much as whites and some are even considered mellow.
    Golds are reds that are basically oxidized, they are dried indoors under lamps.

    For the most part, you will see kratom being labeled with areas originating in Southeast Asia. You may see strains labeled as Borneo, Bali, Indo, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese, Sundanese, Sumatran, and Kali or strains like Betnuangie and Hulu Kapuas, which are just "deep jungle" kratom specialty or rare kratom strains and blends. You will also find vendors label at least one strain as "Maeng Da". The term is now used to label a strong or premium strain of kratom, usually Thai unless otherwise stated, but sometimes refers to strong or premium blends.

    Borneo: Borneo kratom tends to be very pain relieving and is pretty versatile depending on the vein color. Green Borneo tends to be more relaxing than energizing, Both white and red veined kratom in this category give the expected effects of the vein colors listed.

Thai: Just about every vein color in this catagory tends to be towards the energetic side, even the red vein. Each also has pretty good pain relief.

Bali: Bali kratom is almost always a red vein, unless labeled otherwise. Bali kratom is a great place to start out as it has both mild energetic and relaxation properties, and great pain relief. Sumatra: This kratom is on the relaxing side, even the white vein of this variety. This one is good for pain relief and relaxation.

Red Sulawesi: A product of Borneo. Pain relieving and relaxing.
Vietnam: White vein is very balanced strain with fantastic pain relief and mental focus.

Malay/Malaysian: Malay seems to be a great "middle of the road" kratom variety. You'll mostly see it as a green vein, with great pain relief, mental focus, energy, and relaxation all that the same time. A red vein is very relaxing, perfect for nighttime.

Kali: Kali, is a fantastic pain reliever and on the energetic side with a nice mood boost.

Indo: Almost always sedating no matter the vein color. This one is a go-to for pain relief. White and green vein Indo strains are slightly energetic.

Vietnamese and Cambodian are always energizing no matter the color.

Elephant is from mature leaves shaped like elephant ears and is found at the top of the tree. It's similar but somewhat stronger than Bali or Maeng Da and good for pain relief. It tends to be more sandy than powdery in consistency. Usually sourced from Southern Malaysia. This is usually a green strain.

Bentuangie is typically pain relieving and sedating and comes from a fermentation process of red leaves that increases the alkaloid profile and strength.

Hulu Kapuas is typically a great energy and mood boost
Sundanese is typically very pain relieving and sedating.

Horned leaf means it's been on the plant longer, fully developed. They tend to have higher alkaloid content. Red Horn tends to be pain relieving and relaxing.

    For pain and/or withdraw, it's a good idea to have an energizing red like Thai, Vietnam, Kali, Bentuangie, Cambodia, Maeng Da or Malay for day and a relaxing red like Borneo, Bali, Sumatra, Horn, or indo for night.

    You can always try blending strains and vein colors to find synergy and balance effects. For example, adding a red veined variety to a white may knock down the energy level a little if you find the white to be too energizing or balance out the relaxation if the red too sedating. Similarly, adding either to a green veined kratom may give it more of an energy boost or expand the pain relieving properties, respectively.
    Vendor blends vary – check for types used or contact the vendor for more information.

    These are typical results but effects can vary by user. Some experience exact opposite effects from other kratom users, so proceed with caution and keep an open mind when trying any of these for the first time

Personal Experience (over 1 year)

--- http://ensobotanicals.com/kratom/ ---

--- http://kratomguides.com/ ---

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Kratom seems like an interesting plant with wide range of medical uses. I have heard it also helps with ADD.

I imagine a good red night time vein like INDO or Bali can definitely help people with ADHD, as they can be quite sedating