You Can’t Always Get the Photograph You Want

in #krsuccess6 months ago

One of the things I like to do before going on a photographic adventure is to set my expectations and make a plan for what I wish to photograph and how I will approach a subject.


What will I see? Where will I sit or stand? What subjects will I want to consider? What did other photographers shoot? How can I collect different views and perspectives? How can I include close and distant shots that will tell a story? How will I use Lightroom to make my final images? What will I do with my photographs?

This year, my only travel camera is my iPhone 15 Pro Max. I can take it everywhere and take all the photos I want. When on a photo excursion, I expect to get about 12 to 15 good photographs to share and tell the story of my travel adventures.

While traveling in Europe, I was pleasantly surprised at the success of meeting my expectations.

That was until I tried to take photographs of the Alps in Switzerland while riding on a moving train.

Luckily, I learned a valuable photography lesson.