What if farms were for free? Would you leave the city for the farm life?

in #land6 years ago (edited)

Farmland.png Can you live without a fastfood chain around every corner? Are you afraid of living in the middle of the woods? Do you cherish convenience and luxury above serenity and creativity?

If you answers are: YES, NO, NO. Well then, you would fit well on a farm. And perhaps you've been dreaming of moving to the country-side for a while. But Lady Fortune hasn't smiled for you and having luck is not your strongest points. You don't seemed to get a financial break to even consider looking for a piece of land. Let alone moving and start a bussiness on your piece of land.

But what if you don't need money to live on a farm? What if your participation was enough to live there, anywhere? Would you do it?

Again; if your answer is YES. I would urge you to continue reading because I have some exciting news for you.

I would like you to meet...

Tree Ledger

Orange Trees.png


Tree Ledger is a plan to revitalize large parts of the world by planting trees and accommodating the trees to a designated farmer. Tree Ledger will combat unemployment by offering volunteers the opportunity to become a farmer by decentralizing traditional farming as we know it. Tree Ledger will enable investors to directly invest and profit from harvesting the trees when time comes. Every Tree Ledger investor can also become a farmer to tend for the trees and will be supported in any way possible.


Currently we have a problem with deforestation at a pace which we as a species have never experienced before. The enduring crisis has left us with high unemployment and a rise in homelessness. With this idea we would like to address these problems. It affects us all if we choose to continue to ignore it. It will grow from bad to worst. Think about droughts, wildfire, poverty, riots, diseases and eventually extinction.

Bitcoin's technology gave us the ability to transact with each other over a long range via a distributed ledger. Ethereum gave us the ability to accept and deploy smart contracts. With Tree Ledger we would like to give everybody the opportunity to subsidize and own a variety of trees via the Blockchain and profit on a variety of levels.

Purchase deserted land

Piece of land.png
The idea is to raise enough money to purchase farmland in different parts of the world and let everyone participate in the funding. As an investor you can participate and expect an rate of return of 7 percent of your original investment after a growing-period of 5 years.

The return is dependent on the farmer on place, the soil and the trees them selves. The more fruits and nuts the more the return. To compensate the growing-period we will also purchase neglected and deserted farmland with the possibility of revitalizing the trees.

To revitalize the land, we will drill for water, set up terraces, communities and cultivate.

Intrinsic value of Tree Ledger

The current ratio between 1 Tree Ledger and the amount of trees is 10. However the tree coins can be exchanged freely via exchanges. But if you want to claim the trees you need at least to have 1 Tree Ledger and via a staking process, you can use it to claim the nearest trees in your surroundings. This gives you the ability to visit your own investment literally growing.

Distribution of Tree Ledger

Currently we are considering a distribution of Tree Ledger units or coins. It's a 1:10 ratio. 10 Billion trees is our target.

35  % -> Investment Fund
5   % -> Research and Development
10  % -> Legal issues/Emergency/Insurance
5   % -> Developers
45  % -> Distributed on the market

The goal is to raise at least 100 million euro or 10.000 BTC to start prospecting land, setting up a company and a governance structure. Followed by a marketing campaign. Before the actual fundraise we want to initiate a pilot, where we only need 10 million euro, which we will hold in Spain.



Every piece of land that we purchase will be taken care by a farmer. The farmer doesn't need a downpayment or mortgage, just his or her dedication in tending the trees.

To ensure lively hood of the trees and the land we will build or place, where ever possible and in accordance with the local law, a simple home for the farmer to live in dignity. The farm is further equipped with a little house for mushrooms, solar panels, means of storing water and a carrier cycle. The farmers are required to report on the health of the trees every tree months to offer investors and interested parties insight in their condition.

Currently we are considering to make the farms not bigger than 1 acre for one person or perhaps a couple to make the use of heavy machinery obsolete. The plan is to plant 200 trees per acre of which 100 trees carry fruits and nuts.

To incentivize Tree Ledger holders to “hodl”, the farmers will provide pictures, video-material, the possibility to come and visit the trees and after 5 years receive an annual income via the selling of the harvested fruits.

With the Tree Ledger we would like to give everybody a chance to own a farm and earn an income. Speculation on real estate has made it nearly impossible for younger generations to own a piece of land. We strive to make owning a farm a possibility for everyone and aiming to revitalize deserted farms in countries like Spain.

Transferring ownership of the land

Every person will be able to get a farm and after 5 years earn a steady income from harvesting the trees. The following 9 years of harvest will be sold unto the open markets. 80% of the sales goes to Tree Ledger to finance the whole operation and 20 % goes to the farmer.

In the meantime the farmers can earn a compensation via the selling of mushrooms and homegrown herbs and vegetables. We will offer the delegates the possibility to move to another location when boredom kicks in or to experience a different kind of farming.

After just 14 years we will offer the farmers the possibility to take over the farm to become independent, free and in harmony with nature. The farmers can always come to an agreement with others farmers to switch farms so that a farm doesn't stay get deserted if boredom kicks in.


We have proposed a way to direct invest, participate and prosper with the regeneration of large parts of deserted farm land with cultivating trees, combat homelessness and unemployment. As an investor you can buy and see your investment growing. As a farmer you can tend to the farm trees and earn a decent living. And as a human being you can enjoy the fresh air and food, Tree Ledger will help realize.

Back to reality


Tree Ledger is now still just an idea. An idea I believe can change the world for the better.

If you want to become a farmer please visit Tree Ledger submit your email via the contact-form.

If you want to become part of the Tree Ledger team and you're are specialized in marketing, spanish law, IT, farming please submit your email with your motivation via the contact-form.

For now I would like to thank you for your time and have a nice day.