Dear Lawyer From Hell:

in #landlord4 years ago (edited)

Dear Lawyer From Hell:

When taken into context with the rest of the law which clearly gives the tenant 3 times (tremble) moving expenses to punish the landlord for taking advantage of a renter who did not know code violations existed, it clarifies the meaning of prepaid rent. That law will not, nor any law, permit the landlord to keep the proceeds from a lease that is unlawful and known to be unlawful, in addition to being an unsafe living environment and also not as promised in both a written and verbal agreement.

You could instantly return a sandwich that was seasoned with sand and road salt since it is a health code violation and small in size. The argument that I stayed in an illegal apartment and therefore made use of it, is a poor argument for two reasons.

  1. I asked for a full refund (including last month's rent) shortly after Marshell started painting, which occurred immediately after I paid the second month's rent, almost exactly 30 days after I moved in. I was unable to return the apartment immediately due to the fact I was living in it and Larry was unwilling to refund me or provide moving expenses prior to me moving, which prevented me from moving.

  2. I asked for that which I am entitled to in this RCW so that I could move, effectively attempting to return the apartment to your client, like a bad sandwich. This request was denied until I had completely moved out, several months later, after enduring homeless conditions and extreme inconvenience, which could have easily resulted in the loss of one or both of my jobs.

The law was not written to be used as an incentive for a tenant to move out and then agree to make no further claims against the property owner while the tenant is in desperate need for money due to an unexpected move, the result of code violations and/or lack of safe conditions. The intent of the law was to prevent those living with code violations to not become homeless and become a burden to society. You and Mr. Searles used the law for the exact opposite purpose of the law. I can prove this gross misapplication of the law was not a one time occurance and can establish a pattern of unethical and illegal behavior which includes asking for payment of rent and utilities for a residence that an occupant could not live in and did not live in, where it was also was illegal to do so. The Washington State Bar will not tolerate such behavior, nor would a jury, or any judge.

There is no doubt the lease was unlawful, that Larry pressured me to move to avoid the application of the aforementioned RCW and pressured others to do the same. Additionally, the apartment lacked adequate utilities to be livable, and violated City of Redmond codes, evidence the apartment cannot be rented in the future legally in its present condition or previous condition which I was unknowingly subjected to and which has resulted in financial harm and corresponding financial damages.

Because I was not quickly refunded my prepaid rent (your claimed understanding of the term) when I asked for it, which was shortly after moving in, when the painting started, I was unable to provide first/last month's rent to move to another one bedroom apartment, at all. I had to quickly find a room to rent and also storage space. As a result I ask that your client refund the money I gave to him with the assumption it was a legitimate residence that provided safety, utilities, and a covered parking spot, or make arrangements for me to return immediately, dismantle the rest of his crime ring, and document and report my progress to those who previously mistook my recent housing problem as lack of adequate employment, in addition to other stakeholders and federal and state employees.

I also ask that Larry pay the remaining employees in the crime ring he leads in a manner consistent with federal and state laws and also provide back employment taxes for previously worked hours immediately, or pre-worked hours. Use any term you would like for those hours that were previously worked.

I also ask that you provide Marshall either a severance package or unemployment compensation, immediately.


Venkat P. Bannister