By T.K. Satsang – Member of The-Veritas-Group on Antibiotics.

in #lanka4 years ago (edited)


Antibiotics – the sense and nonsense of anti-life drugs .

By T.K. Satsang – Member of The-Veritas-Group. Translated with Google translate and edited by Northern Tracey Original German article–Sinn-und-Unsinn-von-Medikamenten-die-gegen-das-Leben-gerichtet-sind-09-29

Antibiotics – a blessing for humanity?

If you take a look at the health brokerage house from 1950 you will find a column of 24 lines entered under the search term “antibiotics”. In the 6th edition of Health Brockhaus, almost 70 years later, there are already 83 lines.

At that time, antibiotics were described as novel remedies obtained from fungi or bacteria which have a growth-inhibiting and killing effect on pathogens. The best known antibiotics were penicillin and streptomycin. According to the description, antibiotics should be well tolerated and represent the most advanced CHEMOTHERAPY. According to the information back then, they would offer the healing arts undreamt-of possibilities.

So antibiotics were credited with killing pathogens, an advanced form of chemotherapy, well tolerated and curative. Well – we are all learning, including doctors and pharmacists.

From Brockhaus editions 2000 onwards, there is more reference to what antibiotics actually are, namely chemotherapeutics. The marketeers have removed that negative word. Chemo = cancer and cancer is not good. And something not good is incompatible with the attributes “remedies”, “progressive” and “well tolerated”.

The word antibiotics is made up of two words. Anti = “against” and biotics = “life”. You really couldn’t have thought of a more inappropriate name. An alleged remedy named “counter-life” is not exactly indicative of sensitivity.

Today, unlike in the past, almost all antibiotics are produced synthetically. It all began with the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) and deemed a blessing for humanity. There are now many groups of antibiotics: antibiotics that only attack and destroy a certain bacterium, broad spectrum antibiotics, but also so-called reserve antibiotics. These are used when nothing “works” anymore due to the microbes’ acquiring antibiotic resistance.

Why it was assumed at the time that antibiotics should be well tolerated I cannot say. (The first antibiotics not being manufactured synthetically, were probably better tolerated.) If penicillin was administered, a sore throat, for example, disappeared very quickly so assuming that they have found a cure would be a real blessing for mankind. In some ways conventional medicine learned from experience, because it was quickly found that most of the so-called infections, despite completing antibiotic treatments, came back. A classic example is the symptoms of scarlet fever: Here it was not uncommon for children to receive antibiotics three to five times in a row but both the rash, the fever and sore throat came back after a short time. Only when the administration of antibiotics was dispensed with and the “disease” was finally allowed to heal did the symptoms completely disappear.

The fact is there is not a single antibiotic that does not cause side effects. The bacteria in the intestines that are vital for human survival, ie the intestinal flora, are almost always severely damaged by poisoning. It can also lead to lung and nerve damage.

Every enlightened patient now knows that doctors have been prescribing far too many antibiotic drugs for many years. Antibiotics cause nothing other than the withdrawal and death of beneficial microbes in our body and very often tissue damage. Today most doctors even prescribe antibiotics for so-called viral infections, knowing they may not be effective- on the one hand, because there are no viruses and, on the other hand, because viruses are not bacteria. The fact that to date not a single disease-causing virus has been detected is another matter and should not be discussed further here.

What do antibiotics do in our body?

From the point of view of universal biology, a distinction is made between sympathetic, stimulating substances such as vitamin C, taurine and caffeine, and calming, vagotonic substances such as benzodiazepines (Valium), melatonin and morphine. Chemo drugs, including antibiotics, are sympathetic agents.

Most of the uncomfortable symptoms, as we know them, do not appear in the first phase (the symaptheticatonic phase) of a biologically meaningful (ie. necessary) program sequence, but only in the second phase (the vagotonic phase) which starts immediately after the resolution of the underlying conflict. The first phase is called the conflictive or sympathetic phase. The second phase is called the recovery phase or vagotonic phase. In the end there should always be a resulting normal state or normotonia but only if the patient is not treated incorrectly by the treating physicians. Incorrect treatment often leads to the death of the patient in the first phase of a biological program. Due to the high number of cancer screening programs, many thousands of misdiagnoses are made every year and unnecessary stress triggered. The radiologist determines what appears to be cell growth. In the case of breast cancer screenings, the number of women ending up in the breast centers has mushroomed in recent years. They are happy about every new patient there.

In most cases it turns out that the patients died from over- or incorrect treatment or the consequences of incomprehension on the part of doctors. Aggressive cancer cells, bad bacteria or genes are almost always blamed. Cancer cells, bacteria, genes and viruses can easily be blamed for the death of patients because they cannot defend themselves. You just claim that the “treatment” didn’t work, you did everything, but the enemy, the viruses or cancer cells were just too strong, or the so-called imaginary immune system just couldn’t cope with it. Such statements almost always detract attention from one’s own failure. Most patients and relatives accept the views of the medical profession and usually even thank them for everything they have done.

Pain gone? Disease gone?  

By giving sympathetic (stimulating) agents (which also include all other poisons that are administered to the unfortunate cancer patients as part of the so-called chemotherapy) the patient is brought out of the vagotonic, conflict-resolved recovery phase, as they suppress uncomfortable symptoms. Antibiotics are really great for relieving patients who are suffering. Depending on the dosage, the symptoms may even disappear completely. This is the one advantage of antibiotics, the only one.

The pain disappears and the accompanying so-called “inflammations”, which are very often painful, decrease. Inflammation is actually not inflammation, so not negative, as most people imagine.

The work of the micro-beings living in us is misinterpreted as inflammation. Due to the activity of the microorganisms, the tissue is significantly better supplied with blood. This creates heat in the affected area, which also leads to an increase in temperature (fever) in the entire organism. Pain, which almost always accompanies the so-called inflammation, is caused by the water retention in the tissue. Without this, tissue restoration cannot occur. It is the microorganisms that cause what we call inflammation. In the end, inflammation is nothing to worry about, as this is the only way tissue can be restored to its normal state. Anyone who thinks, as medical professionals do, that they can stop inflammation by administering antibiotics is making a big mistake in almost every case.

Very often, in the context of sensible adaptation processes in our body, which can also be called optimization, excess tissue is broken down in the vagotonic recovery phase. After the real perceived conflict resolution, e.g. when the fear of death is over, this tissue no longer fulfills any biological function and is broken down by the organism until everything is as it was before the conflict occurred (in this example to where it was before the fear of death started – before the bombs. The alveoli built up during the stress phase, which were built up to be able to breathe better, have lost their purpose and are therefore broken down again. In this phase one feels tired and may even have a fever. The TBC mycobacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), which have the task of breaking down this built-up tissue “tubercularly casualty” (breakdown of tissue, which leads to the formation of yellowish material), work in achord, consume energy and force us to rest. Become bedridden.

Almost everyone suffering these symptoms, in their ignorance, will then consult a physician who is also ignorant. He carries out examinations and quickly comes to the diagnosis that one suffers from tuberculosis. A TB disease is notifiable and must be reported to the health department immediately. Nowadays you will immediately be tested positive for corona (viruses), and most likely immediately sent to quarantine or immediately transferred to the CoVid-19 ward, where you will be connected to a ventilator. Today, in times of the corona plandemic, likely no TB patient would survive this completely inappropriate treatment. Many people worldwide die from TB – a thousand times more than from the alleged corona viruses, which do not even exist.

Best case scenario, the doctor just takes blood and finds that the markers of inflammation are elevated. He then prescribes antibiotics along with an antipyretic drug and sends the patient home to rest.

By prescribing antibiotics, the important recovery phase is interrupted and regeneration unnecessarily prolonged. Antipyretic drugs also tend to be counterproductive. The symptoms are gone, but so is your strength. At some point the antibiotics will also wear off. The organism starts the biologically meaningful and necessary regeneration all over again. The few microorganisms that were aiding and survived the frontal attack start to work again.

Ideally, they work until the tissue breakdown of the surplus alveoli is finally complete.

Counterproductive interventions in biology

In the course of evolution, programs have developed that control all of our bodily functions. These programs control our organs, the hormonal balance, the heartbeat, the breathing, simply everything. The ‘computer’ center that controls everything can be found in the brain. Different areas of the brain are called correlating brain relays. The control relay, which controls, for example, the increase or reduction of the alveoli, has its permanent place in the brain. Universal biologists know exactly where this part of the brain is. From there, our hard-working and loyal specialist workers, the microbes and mycobacteria, are controlled.

Most people are convinced of the existence of an immune system that can rid us of bad bacteria and viruses and even destroy cancer cells. Simply because an immune system has been theorized for many decades. Nobody has seen it yet nor does it exist. In fact, there is no immune system in the way we imagine. Neither do bad microbes exist, because if that were the case, then one should ask oneself why nature is so stupid as to admit bad microbes into every living being.

What I am writing here is going to be difficult for many people to believe. One wonders where these microbes, which are claimed to be evil and transmissible, are lurking in our bodies? It is especially hard to believe that they can be found in our blood. Not in its final form (as a tubercle), but as a kind of original form. These archetypes of the microbes in our blood have the ability to change their shapes, that is, their forms. The biologist Prof. Günther Enderlein (1872-1968) and earlier Antoine Bechámp (1816-1908) described this ability of the micro-organisms in our blood under the technical term pleomorphism. (see footnote 1).

The archaic programs stored in us not only control our organs, but also our glandular functions via the relays in the various brain regions. They also control the micro-organisms living in symbiosis in us and give instructions on what must happen. This is important to know in the context of antibiotics. It is not the “bad” microbes that invade us from the outside to harm us, rather, it is the inner programs that give the micro-organisms living in us appropriate commands. Conventional medicine claims to this day that our blood is sterile which means that there are no other living organisms in the blood, but it is deceiving itself. In every drop of blood there are thousands of our friendly symbionts.

Anyone interested in studying this in more detail should read the scientific discoveries of Prof. Günter Enderlein and Antoine Bechàmp. Also some naturopaths and even open-minded doctors deal with dark field diagnosis of blood. Anyone who is able to convince himself that there are innumerable, even several trillion microorganisms in his own blood, must decide whether he will continue to believe in the many unproven theories of conventional medicine, or whether he believes his own eyes (and the statements of the so-called conspirators and deniers). (See footnote 1)

We urgently need microbes, and indeed the entire range that are common and belong in our latitudes. If we lack these microorganisms, e.g. through overzealous hygiene as in the use of disinfectants, with which we are constantly rubbing our hands in the current Corona crisis, or through use of the insane and counterproductive antibiotics, then the excess tissue (called tumors), can no longer be dismantled in the recovery phase. This is exactly what has brought dramatic consequences for a great number of recovery phases, that is to say, “the course of illness” (I hate that word!)

Without our little friends in the blood, it would be impossible, for example, for a thyroid carcinoma to break down the excess tissue in a biologically meaningful and deliberate manner, despite the resolution of the conflict in the recovery phase. Conventional medicine mistakenly calls this tissue a tumor. After the conflict has been resolved and without microbes, the two halves of the thyroid continue to produce thyroxine until, through encapsulation, a “tumor” is formed. In this case, the encapsulation is called a watery cyst. This happens when the necessary microbes are missing in the organism caused by unnecessary antibiotic administration.

Almost every antibiotic treatment represents medical malpractice, as it very often brings precisely these mycobacteria, which would have broken down the “tumor”, to their knees, and the increased thyroxine level would have dropped back to normal very quickly. Of course, it is not officially considered malpractice, since orthodox doctors lack this universal biological knowledge and they can only work legally according to the guidelines that they have adopted themselves, albeit partially completely absurd. It may be legal, but it is actually not legal as it is counterproductive.

A fear of death conflict starts with nodular lung cancer and, after the conflict has been resolved and if until then is left untreated, should always leads to tuberculosis, the lack of mycobacteria (tubercles) would therefore be a major problem. Larger tumors are encapsulated instead of being broken down. This encapsulation is a really ingenious emergency solution in nature. Almost everyone has probably heard of a “benign” lump in the female breast tissue or of so-called calcium deposits. Diagnostically determined, benign nodules are nothing more than encapsulated former healed “foci” and are a sign that the necessary microbes are missing in the body. Calcium deposits arise during the course of recurring conflict events, which alternate between active and relaxed, but also often through the intake of vitamin D supplements.

But let us stick to the recovery phase of a fear of death conflict. This has already been described in the Corona_Fakten Telegram article and podcast “Myth refuted!”. Many will remember it. If you don’t know that, you should read the article or listen to the hour-long podcast.

Archaic programs

Mycobacteria have been around since the first protozoa appeared on earth. At that time there were no animals and no people. These prehistoric creatures, the mycobacteria, are found in our organism and can be detected in their original form in the blood. It is well known that nothing happens in nature without meaning. Now you are probably wondering what is the point of these dubious “cattle” roaming around in our organism? They are not dubious critters, they belong to us. Without them we couldn’t survive. They carry out the same task in animals and in humans. They are either used to break down excess tissue or to build it up if it makes biological sense. Skilled trauma surgeons take advantage of these skills helping you with complicated fractures by not hermetically sealing the wounds and fractures directly, but letting “air” come in. This enables and facilitates the work of the body’s own surgeon. As an aside, I would like to mention once again that surgery is one of the few indispensable areas of medicine.

In the conflict-active phase of for example a ‘fear of death’, in which additional tissue (lung alveoli) is created, the mycobacteria develop at the same time as the tissue growth and, after the conflict is resolved, they break down the same tissue that was previously built up. This breakdown begins immediately, and by that I mean the second the fear of death ends. It doesn’t matter whether the danger is really over. The only thing that counts is the subjective (personal) and real feeling that it is so, even if it shouldn’t be. At this point there is now a good opportunity to delve into the subject of placebo. Unfortunately we don’t have the space here. But we will definitely publish a very interesting article on this. The longer the duration of the conflict phase, in which, for example, one felt fear of death, the more mycobacteria (tubercles) are developed in our organism. After the conflict has been resolved, they are responsible for breaking down the excess tissue.

What scientists have so far been unable to undertand is why mycobacteria are so difficult to multiply in the laboratory if at all, then only with moderate success and in very small numbers. As a universal biologist, you understand why this is so. Mycobacteria are grown on hen’s egg embryos. Relatively good growth is only achieved if the living embryo used is injured as a result of bad handling during work in the laboratory. As incredible as it may seem, the fear of death conflict that the embryo suffers triggers the production of mycobacteria. Mycobacteria only grow in considerable numbers if the growth is initiated by the control center of the organism and not because a laboratory technician is of the opinion that everything has been done correctly. Why this is so is very simple. A living chicken embryo is a living being, and harm can be inflicted on any living being. Only in the stressful phase after an injury in the laboratory (it may be fear of death) do the tuberculosis mycobacteria, that one would like to see, develop. If these appear because the atrocities or carelessness of negligent biologists have terrified the chicken embryo, they pat each other on the shoulders without really knowing why the bacteria are suddenly found in greater numbers.

We assume that in the conflict-active phase the organism only allows as many acid-fast mycobacteria (rods) to develop as are needed to break down the so-called “tumor” later, in the recovery phase. However, there is still a considerable need for research here. Unfortunately, we don’t have the financial means to do this. Unfortunately, the laboratories of the universities do not deal with such research work as it is not mainstream and conflicts with the interests of big pharma. Ultimately, the large pharmaceutical companies determine what happens in the university laboratories through their financial donations for contract work. No pharmaceutical or medical school could financially keep its laboratories alive without the millions in payments from the pharmaceutical industry. Almost no medical professionals doubt that the tuberculosis bacteria are dangerous and that they absolutely have to be eradicated. The lack of understanding of the biological processes and intelligence of nature and of course the greed for money and reputation ensure that all good things are destroyed.

Why not do wrong what can be done wrong?

Anyone who has survived the conflict-active phase of a fear of death conflict (the actual so-called cancer) without medical support, which is very seldom the case, ends up in the “clutches” of medicine, at the latest, when they get into the recovery phase after conflict resolution.

You feel down, cough sputum and suffer from night sweats and usually also from a fever. Of course, then at last you worry and see a doctor. The hour of medicine has struck. You are given everything. X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, biopsies, and blood tests will be done. Antipyretic agents and of course the indispensable antibiotics are used. The evil tubercles must absolutely be destroyed. If we applied the strict logic of conventional medicine, all firefighters (bacteria) who are caught putting out a fire would have to be executed immediately on the spot.

There is no cure with antibiotics. The only thing that can be achieved is that the symptom-rich recovery phase (healing) is interrupted. The medication causes you to fall back into the conflict phase. We recall that in most biological programs this phase is symptom-free. One associates being healthy as having no symptoms. But are you really well just because you have no pain, no fever and no swelling? Many people were scared to death during the war. If you look at the statistics, one recognizes that shortly before the end of the war up to a few years afterwards, there were many deaths due to lung disease, i.e. tuberculosis or consumption. People did not fare well during the war, and many city dwellers, who lived in the hail of bombs every night, suffered from fear of death and mostly from malnutrition. Physically everything may have been fine at the beginning. It was more the psychological ailments that nibbled at health. During times of war, many additional alveoli and mycobacteria built up in the lungs of those affected. When peace returned, many millions of agonizing conflicts were resolved at the same time. People switched from the conflict phase to the conflict-free phase. The tuberculosis mycobacteria, together with the tissue building process in the lungs, which served to get more air, began to work and degraded the tissue that was no longer needed. A prime example of how nature is constantly adapting and optimizing itself. If you don’t understand this, consider why muscles break down when you no longer use them and why muscle tissue increases when you put demands on them.

Brain and organ

All microbes living in us, in their original form, are able to change their shape as soon as it becomes necessary. The commands for this come from the brain, always from the area in the brain (called relay) that is assigned to the corresponding organ. So there is a brain-organ connection. Universal biologists can read this “brain map”. Conflicts, whether active or resolved, always manifest themselves in the brain and can be made visible with the help of a CT examination. Those in the know can even see exactly which phase of the conflict one is in. If a brain relay is affected, this can be seen on the CT image, because edema forms. These accumulations of water show a different contrast than tissue that is not infiltrated by water. These edemas sometimes lead to increased functions but also to organs failing. It can also lead to hormonal imbalances or shifts. Visual disturbances, heart attacks, some types of headaches and many other symptoms are often based on changes or masses in the brain relays. Brain relays can influence each other through swelling. Because all of this is apparently much too simple and not really understood, orthodox doctors have come up with a different picture and quite often claim, when looking at such CT images, to have found cancer metastases (e.g. glial blastomas) in the brain. Usually this completely false diagnosis can amount to a death sentence.

Disturbed control loops

The microbes belong to us, that’s for sure. They are part of a control loop. If a link in this control loop is missing, people usually feel bad. A “normal” cure is not possible if our “little friends” who live with us and in us as symbionts are killed by antibiotics. Dr. Hamer once said that we do not die from the microbes, but from the fact that they are destroyed. However, one can also die from the conflict itself, namely when the conflict-active phase has been too long or too intense. The archaic programs stored in us are, in terms of developmental history, only intended for surviving short- and medium-term conflicts. If the conflict is not resolved for a long time, which is not uncommon today in hectic times, one usually dies of emaciation. Life-threatening, gigantic “tumors” can also develop because the tissue building does not end. If these “cross-country skiers” are loosened at some point, it can lead to very strong caseating degradation processes on the affected organ. Extremely severe cerebral edema then also forms in the relay which affects other relays through their proximity. Many people die from it too. Mostly because conventional medicine does not know how, for example, the administration of cortisone can control the course of the recovery phase.

How the drugs work

But let’s stick with the drugs which symbolize supposed progress. This article was only created because a lot of readers don’t understand why drugs or antibiotics seem to help so well. There are only a handful of drugs that really do something positive. We would all be better off if 99.9% of all drugs were halted from pharmaceutical manufacturing, no exaggeration. The belief that drugs have a local effect is a false belief. Almost every drug works through the brain. There are exceptions which include, for example, the pain relievers ASA and ibuprofen. They work directly via so-called tissue hormones (prostaglandins).

Another exception would be if a local intestinal reaction occurs due to medication, for example. If this occurs, one can also call it poisoning.

Almost all drugs, including antibiotics, have an effect on the brain and thus on the control relays. Antibiotics also have a slight killing effect directly on the microorganisms, because the toxic and antibiotic active ingredients are distributed in the bloodstream. It is important for us to recognize that there are two main groups of drugs and natural active ingredients.

Group 1:

Active ingredients that increase stress. These are also called sympathicotonics because they stimulate the sympathetic nerve. In the stress phase, for example when you feel fear of death, you are in the sympathetic phase. In this phase there are few physical symptoms that would be interpreted as “illness”. The best-known drugs from this group are: adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisone, hydrocortisone, chemoinfusions and all substances with an antibiotic effect. Natural ingredients such as caffeine are also included. Antibiotics are nothing more than cytostatic agents that move the body from the vagotonic recovery phase back into the stress phase. You feel better, but your organism is not doing better. Of course, it also has a direct effect on our symbionts living in us, the microbes and bacteria, but as already mentioned, only slightly. The noticeable effect comes about because antibiotics have an influence on the brain, where they cause a swelling (edema regression) in the correlating relay.

If you are in a symptom-rich recovery phase, medication will help to alleviate the symptoms, because this results in a decongestion of the brain relay. At first glance, this seems like something desirable. Unfortunately, this also puts the “rapid reaction force”, our mycobacteria, in their place. The recovery phase stops or is severely shut down. The course of the healing phase is generally in almost all cases, reversed. In the best case scenario, healing is only slightly prolonged but in many cases completely interrupted. In fact, sympathetic drugs, such as cortisone, are among the 0.001% of drugs that cannot be done without, as they can cause severe healing crises, which are always accompanied by strong brain swelling, to be alleviated. You can use it to either reduce vagotonia or increase sympatheticotonia (caffeine = stimulant).

Group 2:

This includes primarily all sedatives, but also antispasmodics. They act on the vagus nerve, the resting nerve, and are therefore also referred to as vagotonic drugs. It can be used to increase vagotonia or weaken sympatheticotonia.

It becomes extremely dangerous if you give morphine to patients who are in a severe healing crisis, in the midst of deepest vagotonia and are in pain. This is a serious medical malpractice and can be described as death by prescription. If you increase the vagotonia, it usually leads to death. In the event of an overdose of morphine, the organism usually no longer manages to get out of the vagotonia. Atropine (parasympatholytic) is the antidote to morphine.

When antibiotics are administered, symptoms are relieved precisely because antibiotics have a sympathetic effect. The vagotonia, which is usually full of symptoms, is weakened. The patient feels better and the accompanying fever usually falls immediately. By now at the latest, the frequently asked question, why antibiotics help so well and reliably in most cases, should be answered.

Yes, antibiotics help, they just can’t cure anything. Antibiotics should only be used in the rarest of cases. Even if antibiotics were called remedies in the Brockhaus, they were only used as emergency medication at the time.

A really stupid idea

It used to be thought that it was the decay products of the “bad” bacteria that lead to poisoning in the body and also caused the fever. That was a misconception. Even today, most doctors believe this theory, which has now been repeated so many times that it has become a dogma. Hardly anyone doubts it.

Out of sheer ignorance, one came up with the ingeniously stupid idea that one only had to anticipate this decay process, and concentrated on developing methods that destroyed the bad bacteria before the internal, meaningful and biologically wanted processes break down. It was believed that the administration of antibiotics could prevent the breakdown of the tubercles into the claimed toxins. It is precisely this nonsense that doctors still believe today and therefore prescribe more antibiotics than ever before.

To date, no doctor has noticed that it is not the killing action that one perceives of the antibiotics that leads to the observed decline in mycobacteria, but that this only comes about through the action of the drugs on the brain. The mycobacteria are called back at the command of the responsible brain relay. The administration of antibiotics affects the edematized (swollen) brain region. This subsides and the symptoms become more bearable very quickly and often even disappear completely.

Unfortunately, the hard-working helpers, the little tubercles, are put back in their place. They immediately stop working on command. Some even die from the poisoning they suffered. The medicinal effect of antibiotics on our billions of intestinal bacteria, which are our intestinal flora, is always devastating. A lot of the good intestinal bacteria actually die. I am just wondering why, according to conventional medicine, the intestinal bacteria should represent something good and the other microbes in us something bad? It is best to ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Who calls the ghosts …

Everyone has probably heard of antibiotic resistance and so-called “multi-resistant germs”. Ursula Stoll, nurse, non-medical practitioner, author and a member of our group, has written two valuable books about “drugs” from the point of view of universal biology. Ursula Stoll is very well trained in universal biology. At this point I would like to publish her attitude towards antibiotics. It briefly describes why antibiotics are primarily counterproductive. (See footnote 2)

Ursula Stoll’s attitude towards antibiotics:

[ makes no sense to continue researching bacteria that, if found, represent the cause of the disease and then destroy them with antibiotics. Every attack against our microbes is answered in biology with resistance, with archaic survival concepts, in that so-called multi-resistant germs develop in the body. Unfortunately, their existence is completely misunderstood. Immediately one begins look for even more powerful antibiotics. But that is wrong, because the fact that multi-resistant germs develop means that the microorganisms have changed in order to survive. It represents a completely normal and biologically meaningful reaction of living beings. They defend themselves and adapt to the new situation. It doesn’t mean the microbes have nothing else on their mind but wanting to kill us! The bacteria are not our enemies, but our friends – we live in a symbiosis with them.

In conventional medicine, many drugs are not administered to relieve acute symptoms, but rather as a preventive agent against possible diseases. For example, antibiotics are often used not to relieve pain, but rather out of concern that some disease will develop in the future. If, for example, a conventional doctor predicts heart valve inflammation in the case of a diagnosed sore throat, then antibiotics are used. In the case of a bladder infection, antibiotics are prescribed because of the fear of a rising inflammation.

Before the introduction of penicillin, the streptococci ruled the hospitals, that is, they took over the clean-up work (eg removing “dirt” from the wound, and actively building and breaking down cells) after injuries and operations. After the introduction of penicillin, the streptococci were replaced by the staphylococci. There was talk of staphylococcal hospitalism because more and more antibiotics had to be used to destroy the germs. The infections after an operation or injury initially decreased, but later increased rapidly. With the introduction of semi-synthetically manufactured antibiotics, this “danger” could be averted for the first time: The staphylococci were destroyed. But it did not take long before the gram-positive germs were replaced by the gram-negative germs. Was rescue approaching? More and more fully synthetic antibiotics (= chemotherapeutic agents) came onto the market. And again it wasn’t long before a new germ called Pseudomonas and with it, other ‘pathogens’, conquered the hospital world. It all happened about 20 years ago. Meanwhile, multi-resistant germs dominate hospitals, such as MRSA (= methicillin-resistant or multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). If a multi-resistant germ is discovered in a patient, they immediately end up in the isolation ward. As far as I know, there are only four reserve antibiotics in the world, which are listed as emergency antibiotics and which are supposed to be effective against MRSA. It is becoming apparent that there will be more and more deadly “infectious diseases”, because the germs change their shape again and again through the administration of antibiotics. However, it is not the so-called germs that ultimately lead to this, but rather the incorrect treatment by orthodox doctors who do not understand that what they call germs are in truth micro-organisms that are well-disposed towards humans. However, the bacteria can no longer carry out their actual task – clearing up or building up – because the balance is completely upset. Pharmacy cannot win this fight it has started. Nature is stronger and will always face new and difficult challenges.

The diseases of civilization of the future will be homemade. An example: if you take antibiotics, the composition of the huge colony of intestinal bacteria is mixed up. Diarrhea is a common side effect after taking antibiotics. Another negative development and also a direct consequence of too frequent antibiotic administration is the so-called drug fever. It is characterized by a very high fever (over 40 ° C) and high levels of inflammation (the CRP value and others). It is known that antibiotics or other measures do not reduce fever. Unfortunately, only very few medical professionals are able to identify drug fever. Most believe that adding more antibiotics will do something positive. Such treatment often leads to the death of the patient …]

– End of the quote from Ursula Stoll

What should i do?

A sensible, biologically necessary recovery process in the body should never be interrupted, but rather attenuated as much as possible. It is important to tinker with the symptoms as little as possible. The more you believe that medication will make everything all right, the more you lose the feeling for your own body and, above all, for the actual causes of the symptoms. Symptomatic treatments are only useful in very few cases. If you treat the cause and help the patient to understand why he is suffering from symptoms, a sensitivity for your own body and an understanding of universal biology will quickly develop. Unfortunately, our medical system is not designed to seek, identify, and understand causes. It’s not about the patient. It’s about making maximum sales to the patient. It’s about the sale of medicines, vaccinations and operations. The system has to keep running, people are only a means to an end. The goal is to create as many chronically ill people as possible. The goal was achieved many decades ago. Everyone is now happy when the pill, the syringe or the antibiotics help so quickly. Scared women who are afraid of breast cancer look forward to the day they have their breasts cut off just because they believe the brazen lies of unscrupulous medical professionals to be true.

You can only save yourself. But first you have to recognize the seriousness of the situation. I congratulate you on that.

Footnote 1:

Antoin Bechámps and Prof. Günter Enderlein’s findings on the pleomorphism (diversity) of micro-life beings

Based on experimental work, Bechámp developed a theory of so-called pleomorphism that has not been refuted to this day. According to this, all animal and plant cells consist of the smallest particles, which under certain circumstances develop into bacteria. After the cell dies, these particles continue to exist. Bechámp called these small particles “microzymes”. Bechámp is convinced that microzymes are able to replicate and have their own metabolism. They can develop into bacteria or mycelia, as they are known from fungi. According to Bechámp, the microzyme represented the basis of all life. Bechámp accused the researchers of his time of only making their observations on fixed, sliced ​​and stained, i.e. dead living beings, while his observations would be on living specimens. He was right about that, which didn’t go over very well. Bechámp was a contemporary of the two greatest scientific fraudsters in medical history, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Pasteur accused Bechámp all his life of having taken up his own theories in a falsified form, without naming him as the author, which he was right about. In doing so, Pasteur set medicine on the completely wrong path, which it is still on today. The deceiver Pasteur strictly rejected the view of pleomorphism because he knew that Bechámp was right, and propagated exactly the opposite- monomorphism. According to which the shape and function of every organism is determined by its genus, species, or hereditary dispositions , which was and is complete nonsense. Bechámp’s ingenious discoveries inspired a number of scientists in the 19th and 20th centuries. The German zoologist Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein and even Wilhelm Reich and Royal Rife. Without Enderlein, dark field microscopy, a special method for examining live blood, would never have become known. With a dark field microscope, one is able to examine live blood in a very inexpensive way and thus visualize the microorganisms that are in large numbers in the blood. The use of antibiotic drugs has a direct influence on the number of microorganisms in the blood of humans and animals.

Footnote 2:

You can purchase Ursula Stoll’s books from Praxis-Neue-Medizin-Verlag.