in #lattice4 years ago


Over the years, the blockchain space has been growing at an alarming and interesting rate, on one hand, we are witnessing the continuous growth of IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) and now we are witnessing a massive growth of DeFi projects, that is, Decentralized Finance Projects. The alarming growth of the DeFi projects has been linked to the high transaction fees recorded currently on the Ethereum blockchain, thus showing how serious the whole thing is. Nevertheless, these high fees are also limiting the growth of the DeFi projects as well as new participation from potential investors.

Either way, the growth of the crypto space keeps increasing, hence one can't be mistaken for saying that mass adoption is closer than ever.

As already mentioned, the DeFi industry is being limited and this can be likened to the current blockchain it is based on, which is the prominent Ethereum blockchain. This issues from the Ethereum Network includes scalability limitations due to the synchronous network architecture, others are consensus model and high transaction fees. Owing to these issues, DeFi applications are still incorporating Ethereum’s limitations thereby limiting a potentially huge market from being achieved.

However, as issues always open doors to opportunities, a team of blockchain professionals aims to create a project, known as LATTICE EXCHANGE.

Lattice will be developed in such a way as to be seen as a project leading the evolution of existing DeFi solutions by providing the best price and profitability for protocol users.

There is indeed more to know about Lattice platform as well as the solution it offers.



  1. It is not a new thing that the latest trend in the crypto space now is Defi (Decentralized Finance), this, of course, has to lead to the development of many projects owing to various solutions but the underlying issues which tends to limit the growth of DeFi services have not been addressed and this includes high transaction fees, slow speed amongst others. Hence to ensure smooth growth in the DeFi space, the Lattice team took it upon themselves to do so which of course will help to advanced the Lattice platform while improving pluggable institutional-grade asset-specific AMMs (multiple AMMs).
    Also, with Lattice platform's vision, it gives room to various efficient trade execution.

  2. Another angle to what Lattice offers is its governance token (LTX) which enables the Lattice holders to have the privilege of determining certain terms such as inflation or deflation as well as transaction fees.
    Not only that, but the Lattice exchange also offers another solution in the form of AMM based liquidity pool hence enabling investors to have the opportunity to receive transaction fees on each deposit made in the Lattice platform. In the DeFi space now, this "deposit" in question can also be called FARMING.

  3. Still in accordance to what Lattice offers, its features and solutions; it is worthy to know that the Lattice exchange platform seeking to lead the evolution of already existing DeFi system solutions will generate a good liquidity pool which will not affect the platform in any way but will also give more efficient asset-specific marketing algorithm for traders.
    It is also worthy to know that, the Lattice exchange infrastructure ensures higher assurance in crypto asset trading around the world so far crypto is involved. With this in mind and via Constellation protocol, Lattice will Improve the blockchain industry as well as upgrading the DeFi solutions as we know it. The advantage of this is, Lattice will make a groundbreaking impact in cheap terms of financial instrument, well-secured data, have the right speed, and scalability such that even traditional securities asset Investors will easily use it.

  4. Little has been said about the Constellation protocol, but it is very important to know that the Constellation protocol is very vital in the Lattice exchange platform. The Lattice exchange platform leverages the Constellation protocol, hence will be in the better position to help Lattice lead the evolution of the DeFi space which of course bears crypto-asset businesses and products that are capable of moving cryptocurrency forward in nearest future to come.
    At the same time it is good to know that since the Ethereum infrastructure is very important in creating so many DeFi projects, Lattice will also leverage the Ethereum blockchain to kick off the development of the platform. However, taking into account that the Ethereum Network is not cost-effective in terms of transaction fees, as well as lacking the right speed, scalability, and security of data, Lattice will migrate to the Constellation protocol which is scheduled to take place during the third phase of the development of the platform.

  5. Irrespective of the challenges facing Ethereum blockchain in the DeFi space, it is still worthy to point out that its smart contracts and network are very good in building an immutable audit trail in the movement of the digital assets. This and other reasons such as the settlement of transactions lead the Lattice exchange to start from the Ethereum blockchain.
    Besides, to ensure a more efficient platform, Lattice will ensure more liquidity around the DeFi ecosystem and will also cause an improvement of the matching orders. Additionally, Lattice will also gather more liquidity from different existing DEXes thus building perfect pricing and lower slippage for investors.
    Lastly, the Lattice exchange platform makes it easier and possible for investors to create and select their AMM for building liquidity pools in terms of the asset type. This personal AMM for investors is achieved through the creation of many smart contract swap protocols and the liquidity of many pools which are connected to see that the liquidity pools of the platform are accessible by the investors.



Like already stated, Lattice is powered by the Constellation’s Hypergraph Network and HGTP which then helps by providing the needed protocol and infrastructure to improve and adequately scale the DeFi industry. Through this protocol and infrastructure made possible by Constellation network, Lattice exchange platform will achieve its aim of providing solutions that have more security, speed, and lower transaction fees which will be attractive to all cryptocurrency traders in the crypto space.


Hence from all indications and with the help of Constellation’s Hypergraph Network and
HGTP, Lattice exchange will enhance existing DeFi solutions.

As earlier stated, LTX is the token of the Lattice exchange and since the platform will begin first on the Ethereum blockchain, LTX will be an ERC 20 token, and once the migration to Constellation is done, the governance nature of the LTX token will be fully achieved. The total supply of LTX token minted is 100M and also, the protocol has a fixed token supply.








Bounty0x Username: arexy

Additional Note: “A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.”