Lattice Exchange: The Defi application empowered with Constellation’s Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP) which solves the problems traditional DEFI have and improves the user-experiences of each user.

Good morning to everyone here on Steemit and crypto space! How are you guys today? I hope you guys are doing all well and continue to be normal in our everyday lives especially these days. This is why this early 2020, there are a lot of crypto and blockchain developers get into more Github commits on their projects that they are working at. One of the things that make this market go explode is when the DEFI market emerged this 3rd quarter of 2020.
As the DEFI awareness and projects emerged, so is the congestion and skyrocketing high gas fees on Ethereum and other blockchains as well. That is where the founders of the Lattice Exchange Mateo Goldmann and Benjamin Jorgensen developed and founded Lattice exchange. Today, I will talk about this concept and the inside and outside of Lattice exchange and its underlying technology for the DEFI users, market and liquidity providers.
Features of Lattice exchange and its competitive advantages
1. Constellation Hypergraph Transport Protocol (HGTP)
---> Based on what I have read on the Lattice' white paper, HGTP from the Constellation protocol of Lattice is a layer of the application network that makes the scalability and the transactions on the exchange constantly adjusts to the demand of the market and the market participants as well. In simple words, this is like having an automatic graphing monitor wherein as it is checking the transactions in the blockchain, it scales based on the demand and in infinite manner. Why? to accommodate more transactions to be made. With DAG or directed acyclic graph (DAG), the HGTP and DAG is the one to become the captain of the market making inside the Lattice exchange. We could say that if needed, nodes will spring out of the Lattice exchange decentralized inner network based on the reputation of the node and its verifiability on-chain. With this type of network, it is non-linear and not like in Ethereum where there is an overcrowded of customers and no delivery men for pizza but only a bus.
With Lattice, it is like you have an army of pizza delivery guys directing to deliver pizza to those customers for no more long waiting times and high costs of transaction fees. And whenever demand rises, 24/7 HGTP will create nodes for the network instantaneously on-chain and off-chain loading.
2. Liquidity pool with aggregating protocols and flexible pool
---> The Lattice exchange is not just an ordinary exchange wherein there are makers and takers also known as buyers and sellers. Instead of doing that kind of exchange, the Lattice implements the AMMs or automated market makers! But unlike uniswap that seems to have so many disadvantages such as price slippage, inconsistent liquidity, and high transaction fees, with Lattice exchange, it is their system that will find the best aggregation of liquidity market that fits right for your needs and executes it on your part for the best-priced assets being bought on the blockchain.
3. Advanced Matching Algorithms
---> When we say advanced matching algorithms, the order of a buyer and seller in the liquidity pool will match depending on their amount of their wanting to buy or sell the asset. Hence, the price slippage is non-existent in this type of transaction making for the market makers and sellers alike which will lead to the next feature of the Lattice exchange.
4. Interoperability of trades and blockchain ecosystems
---> In this time of DEFI, being in just a single blockchain misses you from other opportunities presented in other blockchain ecosystems. Therefore, the founders built the Lattice exchange with DAG hypergraph to have liquidity makers to plug-in their liquidity idea market and allow them to make liquidity pairs based on the asset type and the protocols inside the specific trading pairs on the AMM.
5. Constellation Oracle
---> We know how oracles are so important in the DEFI ecosystem. Oracles are like the 'diamond standard' of pricing for cryptocurrency assets. It aggregates the prices and demands and supply to facilitate a unison for market liquidity and liquidity pool to have one and the same price for the specific time in the present. Because of Constellation Oracle, the Lattice can execute the pricing in real-time have other people to make their own AMM on Lattice and keep being anonymous as well. Auditing and other services are made by the Constellation oracle.

Now let us proceed with the native token and at the same time the governance token of Lattice exchange: The Lattice governance token or LTX. Let me tell you the features and why this is important in the system of Lattice.
Governance over the protocol---> When we have LTX in our wallets, this means that you are able to vote for proposals to move forward with the protocol. Initially, the Lattice foundation will be the one to administer the voting and proposals to have the Lattice system propel to be better as time goes by. But as time passes by, it will be the community that will decide what to do and vote for the options made by decentralized developers on top of the Lattice as well.
Liquidity provider incentives---> If you supply liquidity to Lattice pools, then you will be qualified for a certain percentage of the block rewards/DAG rewards for the transactions depending on how much is your share of the pool. As always, the larger, the better the incentive percentage. It also gives additional income aside from the trading fees!
Lattice token burn---> For every trade made on the pools, a percentage of the transaction fee will have to buy back LTX token and burn it. This is made in order for the supply to shrink and have the price get higher. The burnt value seems lost in the eye but it is not. It is transferring its value to the total supply by increasing the demand for it.
Total supply of the Lattice token is 100 million. And this is the infographic for the ecosystem:
Benjamin J. Jorgensen-
Mateo Gold-
Thank you so much everyone for reading my article about Lattice! For more information about them, you may visit their website and other social media channels below:
White paper:
About the author:
Bounty0x username: frankydoodle

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