Description Of Variety Of Services Offered By Solicitors

in #law2 years ago

Solicitors are professionals who represent clients before the court in civil and criminal cases. They are employed by law firms, barristers' chambers, or self-operating as sole practitioners. A solicitor, who may also be a barrister, will typically argue their case in person before the judge or jury during the hearing.

The solicitors in southend will also provide tailored advice and assistance with particular cases to their clients, who can include representation at hearings. So if you're having a problem, it might be time to find an experienced solicitor to help with the different services we will discuss below.

1. Family Law

The legal system is designed to protect and support families, but it also has to deal with cases where individuals and families are not getting along as well as they should. In this situation, family lawyers may be used by either side of a dispute to try and reach an amicable solution. When problems cannot be resolved, these solicitors can provide help for court action in the form of divorce proceedings or mediation during child-custody battles.

2. Debt Recovery

Suppose you're having problems paying off loans, credit cards, or other unsecured debt owed to a business or organization. In that case, there are professional debt recovery solicitors who can help you get your money back through negotiation or legal proceedings.

If your debt is being passed on to a third-party agency, they will often send issuers an official letter of demand to contact you with instructions on how to pay back the debt. Those who do not adhere to the demand will be taken to court by an experienced solicitor.

3. Patents Law

When you've come up with a new idea or solution that could be beneficial or lucrative, it's worth protecting by obtaining government permission through a patent application. These letters issued by authorized solicitors will offer the inventor exclusive rights over the use of their invention for at least 20 years in return for payment of a fee and registration documents.

Whether it's for an idea for a new product or a new way of performing a process, you may have a great business opportunity in mind. You should contact one of these intellectual property lawyers to help register and protect your intellectual property.

4. Employment Law

When someone is employed for business, your employer must provide the lawful employment rights specified by law. However, if they fail to do so, then you should enlist the support of a solicitor who specializes in employment law. Suppose your boss isn't paying you according to the terms of your contract or is discriminating against you because of your age, gender or race. In that case, they may be committing unlawful acts that will be punishable by a fine or even imprisonment.