You & Your Affirmations!

To believe or not to believe, We all have heard this one many times in our childhood life and into our adult lives right? Right! So when it comes to that being programmed into out minds because of books and movies and the fairy tale. But many of us know that affirmations aren’t a fairy tale at all but many people tend to treat it as such A FAIRY TALE!

Affirmations are powerful and it brings the energy of substance with it (for example) an affirmation is simply put as an act or instance of affirming and in a state of being affirmed. Also it’s a confirmation or ratification of the truth and validity of a prior judgement,decision. etc.

The kicker is that most people who do say things like affirmations are bogus, they don’t work, are simply just doing it wrong and affirming the wrong things. Affirmations are truly simple and you are in conscious control of your thoughts. Truly what they are happen to be short powerful statements when you say them or even think them and even hear them as well. Affirmations are thoughts that in turn can and will be your reality.

Think Consciously, That’s exactly what your affirmations are, Your conscious thoughts. Remember and always keep in mind what you think consciously about you will bring about my friend. Think about it we have nearly 60,000 thoughts daily and if we break it down in minutes it’s actually 200–300 thoughts a minute and that is deep if you really think about it. Throughout the entire day we are running through many of our thoughts and out of the 200–300 of them we go through a minute pick up on the ones that will serve you and your affirmations.

Let me share with you a personal experience that recently happened to me where I truly had one leg in the grave. My story when in regards to my affirmations is why I want to share it with you. The situation I had put myself in was a true wake up call and a warning. How many times have you gotten a warning and you just ignore it, well that’s what happened to me my friend.
It was the 26th of February 2017 and I walked out of my apartment here in New York City down to the grocery store and picked up my groceries and some supplies.

Now as i leave I’m walking back to my apartment and so after taking 10–15 steps I started to PANT as If I ran the George Washington Bridge that connects us to New Jersey and vice versa. Anywho as I reached my apartment building and walking into the courtyard that leads me into the lobby. I was feeling a bit nervous and scared as I’ve never had gone through an experienced like that.

Now as I sat down waiting for the elevator I was still panting and was wondering am I going to die here right now? Believe me it felt that way as if I wasn't going to make it. So I got upstairs and sat down after putting away my groceries and sat down on my favorite recliner and eventually it slowed down my breathing and felt much more relax.
Let me first say that was a mistake and that mistake was not calling the ambulance that night. Moving forward 1 week going towards 2 weeks, I finally called the ambulance and I was taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital (which is one of the best in the USA).
Back in late February the time of this circumstance that I was going through I was definitely writing my goals daily and still do, But what I wasn’t doing were my affirmations that at the time I really wasn’t paying attention to them and didn’t speak them into existence and not speaking them out, OUT LOUD!

Anyway long article short I’m here to tell you as I started really starting to believe in my affirmations that at the time I resonated with my current circumstance. So when you start to speak them OUT LOUD into your universe and harness the attraction once it arrives. Believe me you will recognize the feeling of it first!!

Moving forward and being in the hospital I just started saying my affirmations daily from then on and going to my appointments after my stay at the hospital. Now one of my affirmations was I’m A LOVER OF LIFE and the more I said it the better I felt about who I was and am and speaking it into existence for the future I’m in today. Because of my thoughts and being aware consciously of it and acting upon on it.
(2 Months Later and Test after Test)

So now as I was waiting for the results for an MRI I had to take to help seek anything that more that caused the blood clots in both my legs and as the doctor was examining I can see the red spots and then some green spots and I already knew that yes I had a big case of blood clots and mind you walking around with them and not realizing it at all until that night where I was suffering from shortness of breath. It really felt like I was about to die (seriously) and that was a close one my friend let me just say.

So my point here is in this article is we must and I mean must not take our lives for granted whatsoever and I know how easy it is to do and I’m sure so do you. I wanted to share this with you simply for you to put that thought in you and keep it, THE THOUGHT OF LOVING THYSELF and saying your affirmations daily my friend.

Let’s Stay Connected!

Comment Below: If You Have Had An Experience Where You Felt Like This Or A Near Death Experience!

Thank You!