Undying No Death Yorick S11, Smite top and new items?

Hey, friend. It's Canon.


It's preseason and I am trial testing my hidden main (normally this is my main on 1v1s.) I love when your team flames or trash talk you when you queue and say "smite top."


I did 4 games and no deaths. That's impressive in my opinion. The first one was TP and separated coz I was try testing a malzahar but that's 4 consecutive no death yorick games (5 if you include the remake lol).

This build is I believe the best build for yorick this season 11. The build is more damage oriented than a tank build because it prioritizes split pushing and 1v2 rather than traditional team fight. I hate team fights with Yorick because he sucks at it and your passive minions die so easily from stray skill shots which is the main source of your damage.

Eclipse/Sterak's is a substitute for my Triforce/Deathdance build. Triforce is bad at yorick now because the mythic passive for triforce is gaining attack speed (which is useless with Yorick.)


The main reason for Eclipse are:
#1 Omnivamp. There's only 3 items with omnivamp this season, Eclipse, Riftmaker, Ravenous Hydra. Eclipse is for AD champs (mythic item), Riftmaker is for AP champs (mythic item) and Ravenous hydra for auto based champs (legendary). Tiamat, component for Hydra don't have an active anymore so the wave clear is so slow. Eclipse component, and also your first build, would be Vampiric Scepter for lane sustain. You can 1v1 anyone at this point or at least always get a better trade due to heals.
#2 Mini shields. Eclipse has effect that if you dealt damage to champions 2 times within 1.5 seconds, you get a mini shield. This is helpful in short trades or dual lane split push (releasing your ultimate top lane, then split pushing bot lane or vice versa). It requires two damages, meaning a damage form your passive minions and maiden counts as a combo, auto then q reset is another one, E then passive minions jump attack, counts as another, even just one auto to the champion counts since whoever you auto, your maiden would change aggro to that person.
#3 Mythic passive. Rather than an attack speed increase, an armor pen is better. Your passive minions' pet damage (I believe) benefits from that. The item itself also has a lethality (armor penetration) which your minions benefits as well.

This item is more than perfect for yorick.

Sterak's Gage is the second item for Yorick for the barrier. It makes him tankier for those 2v1 however, you can put an amazing item, Serpent's fang (anti barrier) or Executor's calling (Anti heal) as a secondary fill depending on your opponent's team composition.

I think this is a long rant for one post so I would explain the other stuff on my next post. That would include, why smite over teleport top? Other items usage, build path, situational build paths, Runes and a secret strategy that, among all 148 champions in League of Legends, only Yorick can do it.

Stay tune! Bye!