
in #leanwithsteem2 years ago

ProWritHub - W2
ADOPTION - This a process through which legal or lawful tools are used to bring into a family a non biological member to permanently be part and parcel of the new home, just like any other bona fide child born in that family, with same rights and privileges.


Though most modern couples and by extension families do not like the idea of of bringing into their homes, in the name of adoption somebody who would come to rib shoulders or rival them.

But, just like the popular cliche that says; One Man's meat is Another man's poison", others are comfortable with it.

Therefore, to bring it to reality, they do the necessary documentation at the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development in order to add a new member in the home, as part and parcel of the family.

Another reason a child could be adopted and accepted as an integral part if a particular family is for compassionate reasons. Most people with milk of human sympathy do this as a Ministry to be fulfilled, to the Glory of God Almighty.

They may just decide, as a way of giving quality life to a vulnerable person thereby contributing meaningfully to human advancement channel his or her resources to accomplish this goal.

One could also go out of his way, or jointly agree even as a couple with biological children already to adopt a new baby into their home out of sheet love for the human kind.

Long before now, adopting a baby was never an issue for public discuss. It was entirely a quiet personal affair. But today, owing to quest for materialism, ritualism etc, people tend to open their eyes widely to know what is happening around them, especially when it has to do with child adoption.

Also, we need to bring to the fire the issue of culture. Certain cultures do not accept adoption, though such statutes are being reviewed in our contemporary society to keep abreast of global trend. These cultures go ahead to situate that every adult of the age of marriage must marry and beget children, without factoring in certain health and or natural reasons that could constitute an impediment, of course that could make a man or a woman not to have biological children.

Another good reason why some people dislike the matter is due to insufficient education and exposure, but above all, disabled spiritual outlook. Otherwise, a servant of God should stand out from the canal person who is opposed to adoption of your fellow unfortunate being who did not choose how to come to this world, nor the prevailing circumstances.

The great value attached to the human person, (Mma Ndu), the beauty of creation. One created in the image and likeness of God. Should not be treated with disdain or discriminated against for whatever reasons. After all, only our parents could sincerely say for sure, especially the mother of the house whether we actually belong to the blood lineage we found ourselves.


It could lead to dire consequences to the offender if the proper legal process/instruments are not followed in adopting a baby.

Some out of sheer ignorance and display of criminal instinct, go out of their way to trade with babies, commonly known as child trafficking. Buying them like essential commodities through arrangement with girls who had unwanted pregnancy or illegal motherless Babies homes, clinics, hospitals and or maternities.

In this circumstance, if the person is caught by the long arm of the law, the punishment could be very severe. Such situation is better avoided.

I, for one do not see anything wrong with adoption, atleast to give an unfortunate childless couple a sense of belonging or succour. And then on the other hand, to give decent and godly upbringing to an innocent enfant.



I urge parents and guardians to step up efforts in counselling their children, especially the female folk to have self control. Flirting along side other immoral acts does not pay. They should conduct themselves well, exhibit responsible character while waiting in God to provide her a life partner with whom she could build her own home.

An unwanted pregnancy could be psychologically, tormenting and traumatizing, in addition to it's health implications.

Prevention is better than cure!