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RE: Legacy Journalists Are Establishment Gatekeepers

in #legacymedia7 years ago (edited)

Don't forget the influence of the American Australian Association on the media here in Oz. Founded by Rupert Murdoch's dad Sir Keith in 1948, their website used to be more honestly state that their goal was to correct any negative or distorted impression of the US in the Australian media.

They are the American voice you'll inevitably hear whenever a caller on talkback radio is critical of the US, mysteriously able to jump the queue over any other caller. They are often the authors of the talking points you'll hear from the talking heads on the TV. They host events and functions, to which I'm sure our Sycophantic "journalists" are invited.

They are now very active in tertiary education, with with Sydney office based at the University of Sydney. I'm sure it is of no surprise to see that their fellowship are sponsored by such corporate peace loving corporations such as Northrop Grumman This activity appears to have quelled the dissent and criticism previously emanating from academics.

Maintaining a presence in each state, they're also active in protecting US business and brands from (un)fair criticism, often instructing local business associations and marketing groups how they will respond.

It's amazing how much information (in this case criticisms of the AAA) has vanished from the Google. You know the material is there, but try finding it !


Its an angle worth exploring further - there's probably a book in it as well as the CIA infiltration of the Union movement dating back to Bob Hawke's days as ACTU President. There was a great video put about Dark Journalist detailing events around Pine Gap . The rabbit hole i very deep

Damn these sock puppet accounts and their downvotes. I've had enough of this crap. Time to organize a response