Legend of the Kardasians

Legend of the Kardasiasn

As we know today the Kardasiasn are obnoxious people who only care about themselves and think that they are way better then others, but did you know that in the past they weren't obnoxious like they are today but were actually really important people. Scientist believe that the Kardasians were actually founded at the same time as the locheness monster, they believed that the Kardasians were sea people who use to tame the monster of Lochness and that they were just a type of monkey that lives under water but that is false! The Kardasians were first listed in the history books back in the time of the neolithic age where they were just hunter and gatherers. The Kardasians were really picky about what they wanted they were only allowed to hunt diamond deers and bigfoot with that the women of the Kardasians would make supreme brand fur and ugg ugg and fur boots. As we past threw time to the 332 B.C the Kardasiasns became really important people in Egypt they were known as pharaohs. They got to be so popular because they sold there supreme and ug ug at a very high price making them the wealthiest in the world. When there first king died they would wrap the dead bodies with the fur of the rarest animal like the cat. that's why the cats were so important to the Egyptian they believe that if you wrap someone in cat fur you can become a god in the next world. As we skip threw history to the 13th Centuary one of the greatest Kardasian was born. In the books he was known as Ghengis khan but as historians have recently discovered his full name was Ghengis Kardasian Kahn he was responsible for taking over most of Europe, and many other countries. After his great conquest he created Pax Kardaliga which allowed free trade to all countries conquered and the growth of many religion. Some Historians believed that the Kardasisans created the religon of the Mormon they were the ones who wrote on the stone tablet and gave it to the people As time past we start to see a sex war in The Americasn in the 1700 we may know that the united states broke away from British rule and became an independent state but did you also know that the men and women fought over who should be the new ruler of this new found land. The Kardasiasns fought in the men vs women war before the events of the American revolution. the Kardasian tribe were told by the eagle god that they would one day settle in the new world and that they would break away form British rule and that they would have to find a new leader for the country. this war took 7 years to finish ending withh George Washington as the leader of the country the war. the Kardassiasn made peace with each other and let some other person from britian be the hero of the American Revoultion as we know him today as George Washington. In 1941 some of the Kardasians didn't belive america was a good place anymore so 25 percent of the Kardasian tribe left the united states and were scattered around the world. We know one of the crasiest Kardasiasn in the world he belived his methods were right and that people should wear the supreme clothing that they made his name was Kadolf K. Karhitler also known as hitler he was so crazy and belived that his methods were right he wasn't always crazy he was once an explorer who was looking for el derado but some how when he came back from his search he went crazy and started world war 2. Luckly Uncle Sam Kardasian was able to help the united states bring down Germany. as time went on the Kardasiasns gave up on power and they seperated away from there tribe and became nobodys. some of them formed there own clan in India and reformed India with their leader Muhattma Kardasiasn loving peace and non violent protest. Some went to the moon and some are just ordinary people. But as we know today some of them have lost there way and became obnoxious on tv but as long as you don't forget history you can still believe that another enlightened Kardasian will be born to come and reform the Kardasians and turn them back into the proud warriors they once were sure they had some bad Kardasiasn back then but there were plenty of good ones too so lets pray that an enlighten Kardasian will be born once again. serveimage.jpg


blame buffalo
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