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RE: Transwomen athletes have been shown to have no advantage in sports

in #lgbt6 years ago

This article (linked) sucks!

It lists all of these reasons... that have no effect, are pointless, and merely cosmetic. And then do not even talk about the real reasons.

It is all about emotions and nothing about facts.

Testosterone is king when it comes to muscles.
Just the dose that you get as the fetus definitely decides its male will change the person's strength over their life.

Men are 150% stronger per muscle weight. And usually heavier, making them even stronger.

It has been shown again and again in labs.
It has been shown again and again in sports.

The reason that sports are separated into mens and womens is that the top women's teams in all sports play highschool men's teams for an almost equal training match.

So, we either suck up our emotions and call a spade a spade, or we say goodbye to women's sports.


women athletes that win must have higher natural levels of testosterone, that is the only explanation. The solution is to make sure from birth everyone gets the exact same amount. Either do that or get rid of women's sports entirely

the reason men are much stronger per muscle weight is that women tend to have more fat in the muscle, and it turns out that is dictated by hormones. HRT changes that, so that's not an argument.

Transwomen nearly always have less testosterone than cis women, so trans people should be at a disadvantage according to your reasoning

"It is all about emotions and nothing about facts."

ah yes, that's the irony I was looking for

even if you were right, which you aren't, it's besides the point. What exactly is the argument here? That men naturally have more muscle? This is an absurd generalization that is divorced from material examples.

Moreover, it's got nothing to do with the argument regarding trans people. Mainly that gender and sex are separate phenomenon.

This was about an article that talked about trans-women (used to be man) competing in women's sports.

So, this is all about men having more muscle.
And has nothing to do with the gender/sex issue.

In order to even try out for the olympics, a man has to run faster than all the women in the world.

Don't argue with the mentally ill...