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RE: [Liberal Agenda] The Anarchist Cookbook

in #liberalagenda6 years ago (edited)

Ah man, this brings back memories :). A friend of mine considered himself quite the anarchist back in the 90's. I remember going on many an amusing expedition with him to try and make something out of that damn book. He managed to blow his eyebrows off once (no I can't recall what exactly he was up to but it was pretty funny 😂). He was the one who taught me what happens when you mix potassium permanganate and glycerine...

(edit: also it's sooo freaky that you just wrote this, because I was literally talking to my gf about this topic yesterday! First time in years I've thought about those days too)


I wonder how many teenage anarchists blew eyebrows and other parts off themselves trying out the recipes!

Potassium Permanganate and so many things make for a good explosion if I remember my chemistry lessons.

That freaks me out, it's called the Frequency Effect. I'll have read about something, then hear it mentioned two more times that day. Maybe it's the universe trying to tell you something...

Hehe, maybe. Perhaps I should look my old buddy up :)

If you do, let me know if he still has all his limbs!