If you want an example of how rapidly liberals just flat out turn into right-wingers when you criticize Biden, here's a great example.

in #liberalism10 months ago


This is Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson logic applied to liberalism. It's reducing opposition to genocide down to "personal feelings of distaste," followed by the genuine assertion that no real person could be bothered by all the horrors of war, it's just, you know, "virtue signaling."

And, of course, even if your "feefees" are in a bunch because you're upset over the genocide, the very fact that you have an emotional response (to the genocide) automatically means you lose. This is "facts don't care about your feelings" for people like Phil, who are just as blindly tribal as any given MAGA voter, but (for whatever reason) just so happened to go blue rather than red.

Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and his voters would still love him. Biden could kill 40,000 Palestinians, and the result would be much the same.