Ron Paul - Fire Power - Waco, Weaver and Dictatorship in America

in #libertarian6 years ago


Ron Paul - Fire Power - Waco, Weaver and Dictatorship in America

Watch Rare Video HERE:

 “Some of you may find this program disturbing, because the subjects that we talk about we just wished weren’t true, but unfortunately, I believe they are true, and I think we ought to talk about them. Most of the time when we think about government abuse, we think about the tax system, how government comes in and taxes us to do things that they believe are worthwhile. We see the regulatory system that comes in and regulates our personal lives and our business life, and we see the monetary system where it destroys and disrupts our monetary system and steals the value of our savings, but generally we don’t think of the physical abuse from government, but we must start thinking about that.”

“I’m afraid we’re moving in the direction where our government is becoming a fearful master. We are having more violence in the streets than ever before, and we have more laws on the books and more people in prison than ever before, and yet we have not come up with a solution. If there wasn’t a solution, there would be no purpose in this program, but the National Endowment for Liberty believes there is a solution. We must make an effort to understand our problems, how we got into the mess we’re in and make a plan on how we can get out of this. That’s what this program is all about, and I believe you’re going to see and hear information in the next 30 minutes that will hep us in our efforts to restore America.”

“The civil rights of all Americans are threatened when government power grows too large, because the temptation to abuse power grows just as fast. Welfare is like a narcotic. It teaches people to be dependent. It teaches them to be irresponsible. It teaches them to resort to violence, if necessary. This is the reason we have so much violence in the inner city. To combat the irresponsibility and violence it caused in the first place, government grabs new powers and the threat to civil liberty becomes greater. To pay for the government programs, more and more taxes must be collected from innocent Americans, which then injures their ability to make a living. Coercion must be used. There’s an invasion of privacy that occurs. In order to cover up the coercion more and more lies are told. We call this program Fire Power. It’s a program about fire, but it’s also about power. Where will a fire break out next time? In your town? In your home? In your church? You say it can’t happen in America, and you’re partly right. But we have seen what has begun to happen, but this cannot continue. If we the people take back the powers that have gravitated to Washington, under the Bill of Rights in the Constitution these powers were intended to be disbursed among the people. We must demand that commitment to these principles from our leaders and those who seek to be our leaders. The hour is late. Already there is an inventory of tragedy. We must stop the fire before it spreads, before anymore innocent people die. The good news is that we can, because this is America. I’m Ron Paul, thanks for watching.”