Murray Rothbard's More Liberty in 2023

in #liberty2 years ago


Murray Rothbard was a strong advocate of individual freedom and limited government, and he believed that these principles were essential for creating a just and prosperous society. If he were alive today, it is likely that he would argue that in order to bring liberty in 2023, we need to take a number of steps to reduce the size and scope of government and to increase individual freedom.

One key step that Rothbard would likely recommend is to roll back government intervention in the economy. He believed that the free market was the best system for allocating resources and creating wealth, and he argued that government interference in the market often leads to inefficiencies and unintended consequences. In order to bring liberty in 2023, Rothbard would likely advocate for reducing or eliminating government regulations, subsidies, and other forms of intervention in the economy.

Rothbard would also likely argue that we need to reduce the size and power of the state in order to bring liberty in 2023. He believed that the government had a tendency to grow and to encroach on individual freedom, and he argued that we need to take steps to limit its power. This could include reducing the size and scope of the welfare state, cutting back on military spending, and limiting the government's ability to engage in surveillance and other forms of intrusion into people's lives.

Another key step that Rothbard would recommend for bringing liberty in 2023 is to protect and defend individual rights. He believed that individual rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property, are essential for a just and free society, and he argued that we need to take steps to protect and defend these rights. This could include reforming the criminal justice system to ensure that people are not punished unfairly, and protecting the right to free speech and other forms of expression.

Overall, if Murray Rothbard were alive today, he would likely argue that in order to bring liberty in 2023, we need to take a number of steps to reduce the size and scope of government, defend individual rights, and protect the free market. By doing so, we can create a society that is more just, prosperous, and free for all.