The Liberty movement is taking action worldwide

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

The Liberty movement is growing in every part of the world.

And along with this grows the number of people taking action for this cause!

It seems like the liberty movement is catching more and more momentum with the general public. Slogans such as "Taxation is Theft" have caused a spike in interest from many people on the Internet, and platforms like expose a large audience to the ideas of voluntary interaction. You only have to look at how popular the tags #anarchy and #freedom are and you'll know why.

Often the Internet accuses libertarians and voluntaryists of all kinds of bad stuff. Allegedly, they are egoists, rich kids, neckbeards, and above all, lazy keyboard warriors. Now, while it's true that the Internet is full of people who talk big online, but act differently in real life, these claims about the liberty movement result to be false to a large extent.

In this post we will look at some events and people who are actively working towards a freer world.

1. Adam Kokesh for NOT President!

The story of Adam Kokesh (@adamkokesh) has been trending on Steemit for the past couple of weeks. Adam is a veteran, political activist, and author of the book FREEDOM!. On January 16th, 2018, he officially announced that he would be running for President in 2020 and only an hour later, he was pulled over by police twice and arrested. After being held for 10 days without charges, his team bailed him out.

Adam is running for Not President on the platform of the peaceful, responsible, and orderly dissolution of the entire US Federal Government. This means that a lot of harmful agencies will be dissolved, some agencies will be turned into private charities, and power will be brought back to the State level. While this is not exactly a utopia that all libertarians are hoping to achieve, it is definitely a good starting point: No more federal taxes, no more military industrial complex, no more militarized police forces, and a lot less control over your life in general.

Source: Deviant Art

2. Patrick Smith for NOT Governor of Texas!

Yesterday I came across Patrick Smith's (@disenthrall) similar project to be elected as Not Governor of Texas later this year. It seems like he's running on a similar platform as Adam Kokesh's, namely one based on the Non-Aggression Principle. If you are a Texan, I recommend checking out his Steemit profile and website:

What's more, Patrick is also involved in projects such as feeding and clothing the homeless with other Don't Comply activists, and a voluntaryist meetup group in Dallas.

Patrick's manifesto (click the image to go to DTube):

3. The First Anarcho-Capitalist Conference of Brazil

The Liberty movement has become very popular in Brazil as of recent. A couple decades of leftist government probably sparked this reaction to the established order in Brazil.

Today and tomorrow (27 and 28 of January 2018), the first ever anarcho-capitalist conference of Brazil will take place in the city of São Paulo. Great things can happen when a group of people come together under one banner, and this event will definitely facilitate that! Topics that will be addressed during the conference are a.o. cryptocurrencies, the youth's role in the liberty movement, free speech, secession, and more. Click here for more info.

4. Counter Markets is agorising the world with secret $BCH project

This one is a little vague, but Counter Markets (@capital) has been working on a payment system for BitCoin Cash (BCH) that will facilitate mass-adoption of the currency. Now, there is a lot of controversy and discussion going on between BTC and BCH, but the motivation for Counter Markets to choose BCH for their project seems to be the low transaction costs of BCH. According to their tweets, this project sounds very promising. Let's hope that it will live up to its potential and become available for other cryptocurrencies to adopt. Beta will be coming in February of 2018.

What are you doing?

Of course, not everyone has the resources to do as much as the people mentioned in this post, but every little bit of help makes a difference.

For starters, you could orient yourself towards the different things you could do to help create a freer society. A great way to do is to visit James Corbett's (@corbettreport) website and enter "solutions" in the search bar. This will provide you with plenty of ways you could make a difference TODAY!

Moreover, definitely keep following interesting projects such as the ones in this post.

Furthermore, if you want to help spread the message of liberty, take a look at these brochures I made a while back. They were made with the intention to sell voluntaryism to the general public. They are free to download and available in 14 languages!

It has become clear that the liberty movement is more than just a bunch of kids sitting in their mom's basement. While the message of liberty is becoming more popular, we're also seeing more people organizing and taking action to actually bring about positive change in the world. We should all follow their example. The platform is there; all it takes is to get together and be great!

If you know about other exciting projects, feel free to share them in the comments!


We can all do a little. That's all that matters too. Every single individual that bleeds the beast to death by a thousand cuts (agorism) and who does all they can to further individual liberty (voluntaryism), is doing their part in the fight. This is one reason I love this platform too, for I'm surrounded by people like you who are shoulder to shoulder next to me in the same fight. We are all warriors on the same side. It's a beautiful thing to be surrounded by so many genuine friends.

Such kinds words! Thank you my friend, the feeling is mutual.

I'm seasteading. Just me and my kayak so far; but it has to start somewhere.

Seasteading sounds like a great solution! Any goals you're working towards?

Just building a fat stack of steempower.
If I can separate my earning capacity from my location; I'll have a lot of options.

Sounds good!

Thank you so much brother! I just have to point out one minute but important technical correction. It's not "will be running" anymore. The announcement on the 16th was that I AM running, paperwork has been filed, we have a website, we have 50 locked on state coordinators, and three times the delegates we need to take over the LP. Oh, and we're two years ahead of schedule. Keep up the great work spreading the message!

Great! I actually knew that, so I'll change that right away.

Thanks for stopping by on my profile, and the best of luck!

Shameless and unsolicited self-promotion will get you downvotes. I advise you stop doing this.

Emang gue pikirin. 👻