Damn The Machine

I've been looking for someone to talk to.., seems like nobody communicates anymore, nobody talks on the phone or texts more than smileyfaces and partial sentences, it's like humanity has become incapable of communication, incapacitated by twittering and texting, and even in person we've practically almost reverted back to grunting ,
I feel like the whole damn world is just becoming so Fake, and the people too.., People don't seem to care about other people anymore not really not unless some mob of protesters or tv news reporters tell them to care, people don't seem to talk to each other anymore and everyone is scared of each other.., Everyone is so obsessed with material possessions, obsessed with money and they're all fuckin miserable but everyone puts up a front, everyone walks around pretending to be somebody that they're not, like everyone is playing a character role in a movie called life starring a fictional version of themselves..
We live in a world where we're told what to think and how to feel and what clothes to wear and what clique we're supposed to belong to.., and it's all so fuckin fake, we're being led around like Pavlov's Dogs , We're getting played, being manipulated by the media and the schools and by the people around us perpetuating the crap they learned on tv etc... We are like rats in a maze being led around by Social Operant conditioning , people are selling 3/4 of their waking lives for worthless pieces of paper just so they can have a roof over their heads..
This shit is destroying communication between people it's breaking up families , They have got Everyone fighting with each other, they've divided the whole country into a bunch of little separate groups , it's just like Huxleys Brave New World.., almost..
The most important thing in life Is to Live it, some things in life are horrible and we're surrounded by all these horrible things but There's Beauty in Nature in the rivers and the oceans, the flowers and the vast forests, the animals.. are all beautiful, and Love is perhaps the most beautiful thing in Nature , but like everything in nature it is destroyed by the unnatural machinations of the modern so called civilization of mankind. I say why give them something so easy to destroy, So let love be stronger,
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS. . .And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."Corinthians 13:4-13
This is a nice post, you just lost me at the bible verse since there is so many other places you can get the same sentiment from and are not used to cause pain. The bible tells you a lot of truth just so that it can sneak in a little lie. Good post anyways.
Just saying love is the ultimate victim and the ultimate threat to the evil pricks, and if that doesn't work there's always vengeance