Women are the only hope humanity has to become a utopia pt.4

in #liberty8 years ago (edited)

This is the last part of the series involving the enslavement of human kind and looks into the solutions , and how to heal this divide that has been placed upon us .

The way to un-enslave humans is to reawaken the true sacred feminine energy aka true wisdom , care for truth , heart based intelligence , a desire for justice and morality with natural law , true equality under rights which is what the true female goddess of the past represented we have to embody the lost principle CARE  for truth .

You don't love you child if all you care about is putting food on the table and NOT ABOUT freedom, teach them right from wrong at the earliest possible age , home school them (NEVER send you child to public education). that of course is if you actually care about them if not continue what your doing.

This is a long arduous task not easy but of course that not what the people want to hear i should say how it easy it is and everyone will do it.....

why is change difficult?

You are not the only one programing your child from 7 and below children are programmed by everything around them this includes , family, friends, all interactions,  TV, INTERNET, ESPECIALLY indoctrination camps um sorry i meant to say schools. 

So now that you know, i pray that you will be VERY careful about what you child can see and hear because the stuff they can't remember IS who they will become , everything is recorded in your subconsciousness . This is may be the most important part what children learn is what they will be so make sure you tell them as early as possible everything they need to know about life .

So i hope that you will take it upon yourself to learn more about this and start on the right path.

Both men and women need to reawaken both the scared masculine and sacred feminine inside themselves, if you look at any picture of a god they are all hermaphrodite this is esoteric knowledge to symbolize this trait , not that they were physically that. Yes even Jesus that is why he has long feminine hair.

Awakening the sacred masculine is just as important as the feminine aspect , women have to get behind legitimate physical rebellion , if you woman is not a revolutionary she will push you to be a slave , and that you accept those conditions willingly . we need more real woman rebels 

Since change does not come easy we have to drag people kicking and screaming to help them become moral human beings because we are all interconnected with the "sheeple , dead , unbegun, sleeping masses, unconsciousness people ,zombies " call them whatever word you want there are still human being that directly control your life / freedom via there ignorance. 

unless we wake up the walking dead we will descend into hell on earth thats the undertaking we all must do is to make the darkness conscience thats the true great work.

We have to start our path by saying NO the the messed up world we are living in!

Resistance is key to winning because "if we fight we might lose but if we don't fight we have already lost"  when the conscience is denied its freedom when the working society hamper, the artist, the musician, the poet, the philosopher in short the thinker it is time for the instinct of rebellion to declare a state of WAR

The easiest way to win is to stop interacting with blind order followers . be sure the first question you ask a man when meeting up with him for the first time is " do you know right from wrong" NOT "what do you do 4 a living?"

Over night this will be a better world just doing that one simple thing!!!!!!!!

who care about how crazy people think you are or how offended the other person gets continue speaking the truth 

women are the caretakers and nurtures in our society they alone hold the fate of humanity in there hands i hope you choose well


This part two of Mark Passio - Unholy Feminine & Satanic Epi-Eugenics Pt2 - Free Your Mind 4 2016 however the video is not out on youtube or i would have put the link above please visit
http://www.whatonearthishappening.com to learn more

Hey - contact me on steemitchat so we can discuss passio stuff - we could maybe create a group on steemitchat - just today a group calling themselves steemcleaners has formed to be the steemit secret police... I would like to have someone to discuss this stuff with -