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RE: Open letter to fellow Investors

in #lif6 years ago (edited)

Positions on bidbots are not necessarily polarized. Most users do not mind a great project or outstanding post to get to the Trending page but won't appreciate a so-called "open letter" that says little more than "maybe we should change the code... or not" to rape the reward pool.
You re not bringing solutions here, you re rather one big example of what the problem is.


Well, while I disagree with the use of bidbots and repeatedly find myself wondering if these posts are worth 1000 dollars, they are actually pretty well written. It's posts like these which meet the eyes of potential users and investors checking out the platform for the first time. While they don't necessarily bring much new to the table, they are easly comprehensible and can make new users think "Hmm, that's a pretty decent post, but with some practice, I could do just as good and make 1000 bucks myself". I like reading @chbartists posts. They are a lot better than the posts which were featured on the first page last year when I joined Steemit.

"Hmm, that's a pretty decent post, but with some practice, I could do just as good and make 1000 bucks myself".

That's a huge problem. These posts are misleading. People come, they see the money, they see themselves not earning anything after a couple of posts, they blame steemit and the community, then leave.

This guy isn't making $1000. The rewards here reflect how much he paid to post on a platform that offers a FREE publishing tool. This is not someone a new member should be looking up to and attempting to emulate nor is it someone anyone should listen to when it comes to financial advice or investment concerns.

Part of the reason he posts his confusion up to the trending page is because he is one of the few who comes here and actually loses money, while the majority of us who've been around for a long time can easily tell folks the place works great, with evidence to back us up, while we all continue to MAKE money. Many of our stories could easily grab the interest of outside investors, if they shared the same vision and realized how revolutionary a platform like this is when it comes to the potential billions generated yearly by the arts/entertainment industry combined with the information age along with advertising. Who wouldn't want a piece of that pie?

You're talking about the posts featured here a year ago. This guy once published a post with a short paragraph telling everyone he is about to publish a post. He then boosted his silly announcement all the way to the top of trending, and took a loss in the money department. Out of all the posts I've seen here over the years, that one and the fact he boosted it to the top, stands as one of the most ridiculous things I've seen here so far.

Telling people these promotions and advertisements like the post above (that's what they are if promotion bots are used, regardless of content) are better than what used to be here is just a fancy way of kicking us all who were here attempting to produce those posts back then, while we're already down.

When these folks offer up their FUD to the rest of us and disguise it as popular opinion through the use of promotional services (paid votes), we could all be taking a hit financially, including those who offer the promotional services once they place their stamp of approval upon this bunk and release it to the public.

By far, these are some of the worst posts plaguing this platform and the future of the blockchain. It doesn't matter how well they're written. I don't see typos on those cigarette ads from the 1960's when they told people doctors recommend Camels brand. It's all bunk.

Have a nice day.

@nonameslefttouse wow, you spoke my mind entirely and i cannot agree with you less, the concept of portraying post as such with great rewards on the trending page are not essentially helpful to the newbies or a good approach of mentorship, most members having joined the platform and find out that all this trending post and all with great profit are all a sham and deceit, will find it hard to continue or strive to success as they would eventually give up and forfeit their stay on steemit, from my research ever since the inception of bidbots you barely find a post worth about 50$ without the use of the bidbots, we see post daily trending giving little or no value to the community, we see post with no quality information trending on the top and hot pages while those with great value and of paramount info... are shut down and forever lay on the seabed, none to see or read. Voiceless they become.

I hold no grudges against the use bidbots or promoting of content cause personally i do make use of it as well, but saying such is a good deed for the promotion of steem is as well killing the vision of steem and creating more problems.

Its no doubt that the mass populace of steemians are here with the hope of making money or getting successful via the platform and if the platform only keep enriching those who are already "rich" then what does the future holds for the next gen steemians, from steemwhales statistics we can see the wealth distribution of steem whereas only 0.72% goes to the minnows of which possess a greater number of the entire steem community.... this data gets smaller and smaller as the days goes by...

In the early days of steem, before the introduction of the bots, people get rewarded based on the true value their content gave to the community and authors with great contents get fair rewards for their post, i would totally disagree with @oyvindsabo saying way back content wasnt much appreciated, actually way back content had more realistic value and with more sense and benenfit to the community, i can still pinpoint over 20 post since 2016 which are still very helpful and are still commented on. unlike what we see now.

I offered up a potential solution to this mess, but I've a feeling, much like the many months of folks attempting to point out the real issues here without sounding like whiners, it'll be ignored. Blown off. I'm done talking about this stuff though.

@nonameslefttouse checking through your profile you have a decent amount of followers as well as a high reputation as seen on steemit, as well as youve been here since the early days of the platform, you have a better vision and say about the whole concept of steemit, as well as your post are of decent rewards value without much abuse to bidbots or reaping the reward pool as earlier said, hhahaaha, if we could be the change we speak it would really be of great help to the future gen, i would suggest you set up a discord for the most part of your followers as well as the upcoming steemians to help re-orient their mindset and attitude towards the true reality of steemit or any of the other steem DAPP as well as help other curators and authors of quality content succeed justly in the platform....
I would be glad and it would be of great privilege to work with you in this..
im sharing this idea with you because you have a better reputation and influence in the community and based on the contents of your words earlier, However its an open suggestion and if anyone could do such a thing would be very helpful.

as well as your post are of decent rewards value without much abuse to bidbots

Correction: Absolutely no use of bidbots whatsoever. I focus on art and entertainment. If I have to pay people just to look at my art, I shouldn't be an artist. If I ever produced something that became insanely popular, earned $1000, got outside attention and publicity, then was asked what it's like to EARN $1000, as a digital artist, using a revolutionary technology, with one blog post, in an interview published elsewhere: I'd be the laughingstock of the internet if I told the interviewer I had to purchase the money and actually went into debt, and this platform already gets enough bad publicity.

If an author publishes a book, then goes into debt purchasing millions of copies of their own book, does that make them a best selling author? No, it doesn't. That makes them a fraud.

As for your offer here, I respect the idea, but I do not have the time to run my blog, my way (something I love doing), plus mentor and help people on the side. As for supporting people, I've dropped 299 votes on 124 accounts this week and I could probably do better. My voting power is not going to waste though.

If people want to succeed, all they have to do is work for it.

lol, you actually hit on one of the big secrets of traditional book publishing. You have to pay out the nose to get on the best sellers lists. MOST books that hit the list barely break even or lose money. Unless you have been on the list a couple of times or have other means of marketing your books.
Also just think about how many authors you see giving away free copies of their NYT best-selling book, just give us your email and pay shipping and you can have the book that they already bought to get on the best selling list....

And here we are with cutting edge technology and the ability to change all that, yet people go back to the old, ridiculous ways, afraid to embrace the revolutionary potential something like this place can truly offer.

They can have their old ways that don't work and enjoy their debt. In under two years I made more money as an artist than most can in twenty, because I did something new. I'm not the only one either.


Correction: Absolutely no use of bidbots whatsoever.

I must confess this made me took a second look and survey through your posts/blog. I was amazed after going through the first page, i realised you were actually right.
I gave you a follow and possibly would be writing about you in the future .
Earning a decent 10-20$ on an avg per post is convincing , realistic and more motivating enough for the upcoming steemians.
Though i'm still be studying more about you I'm trying to make a list and survey of top steemians who actually earn decently with the platform without the bids. 'Ll defin.. Be in contact with you
Cause i almost felt this was impossible.

It quite unfortunate the idea wasnt bought by you however i totally respect your decision and as well the reasons highlighted
Thanks for replying i appreciate that

Nicholas Ilechie

I'd earn $10 on a post a long time ago, was happy. That was $10 worth of 10 cent STEEM. That $10 post is worth a lot more now, and so will these $20 posts today once this place gets it's act together. People used to cash out their $10 posts way back then, then complain about how they can't make any money, while I'm sitting here on thousands with plenty of potential to earn more. Anyone else can do what I did, but so many try to cheat with bidbots to get here faster, and all they do is cheat themselves while making money for someone else with their work. In business, always eliminate the middleman.

Deep analysis, increas my knowladge thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with you, those who came here long time ago can testify how good and great the platform is. Those times, we really see posts that were organically brought to trending/hot page. Unfortunately, those days are gone with the current system of bidbots.

I agree with you and plan

Yes i am too, totally rigth

Posted using Partiko Android

Very long comment, its very good review,

Posted using Partiko Android

Yup. This sort of post is actually massively misleading. It sends a message that sounds like "come to Steemit, and you can make $1000 for a blog post!"

Which is basically patent bullshit. The real story is "come to Steemit and after working your ass off for six months, you might make $3-5 a post." Wait... I've been here for over 18 months and I am barely getting beyond that...

Part of the reason our attrition rate here is so high is that people are selling a lie to get people to sign up. But maybe that's just part of the core nature of "sales." Tell a "story" and worry about people discovering the truth, later.

While I agree with what you write, I can't help but think that the fact that it's possible to pay to get your post to the front page where it's seen by thousands of people is what actually gives Steem value to investors.

Sure, you could buy Steem to get Steem Power to self vote, or earn some tiny amount off curation, but from an influencer perspective, Steem is worth something because it can be used to reach and influence people. After all, all the money we make here comes from investors, and if they only buy Steem to get more Steem, there is only speculative value. The real value comes not directly from our posts, but from the time we and our readers spend here, consuming whatever people are willing to pay them to consume. And yes, the hard working Steemians are probably those who pay the highest price. I would like to hear other views here if you disagree.

I wish you a nice day as well.

Seen by thousands of people? The readership/viewership here is majority spam. These folks are not interested in the posts at all. Very little influence is happening here.

These ads should be included within the true, "organically grown" blog posts, so they can see potentially thousands more views; and the trending page should be given back to the actual content producers who advertisers typically rely on to make some REAL money.

There are only a few top trending slots. If this behavior was revved up, these people would pay for visibility, and a few hours if not minutes later, their promotion would get bumped down by the next one who pays more, and that spirals out of control leading to the top spot being far too expensive for only minutes worth of exposure.

Only a small handful of people can buy STEEM and buy exposure under this current model. It does not create enough demand to make a worthwhile impact.

I've offered a solid suggestion/solution to this problem here and more information in the comments section.

More bits and pieces can be found powering through this comment thread.

Removing the paid programming style promoted posts away from the Trending tab and placing them in a separate section (I call it the MARKET) where advertisers pay more to jockey for position like they do now, then having bloggers select from these posts to include as ad banners in their posts would draw far more eyes to the promotions. The banners function as a vote for the post hosting the banner, and that blogger earns ad revenue that way, along with a percentage of the rewards from the promotion would go to all those hosting that ad once the promotion pays out, much like a curation reward.

There's far more potential in that approach. It creates demand for STEEM, it gives bloggers another way to earn on top of their post rewards, it gives promoters and passive investors a shot at a larger venue and the promotions within blogs get more eyes because depending on a few top trending slots is wasteful when there are literally thousands of posts being published per day.

Going off on another tangent now: Out of the 22 months I've been producing my blog here, I took a total of six months off. I've received nearly 70000 votes, thousands upon thousands of organic views (they took our view counter away, unfortunately), and I've made thousands of dollars that was once worth hundreds of thousands. I never paid a dime for any of this.

In this post above, he's talking about how people don't see potential here, saying it's just a test. They simply don't understand the business they're in and therefore don't see the potential.

People have paid for websites and blogged for 10 years. They go into debt and don't even get half of the attention I've been able to grab since starting up here, working a total of 16 months producing 584 posts. Nothing else out there compares to this place if you're taking a professional approach, providing a unique experience, and know the business you're in.

Now if we can incorporate the Market I mentioned, and give the actual content producers a place to shine instead of allowing advertisers to hijack their stage, this place, along with the other DAPPs that depend on content producers in order function, will thrive and give plenty of opportunities for all involved to make some real money.

Yes i am agree with you thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sir your words were inspirarional, i will try my best to post original content

Thank You @oyvindsabo. I can see respect in your words and this is very important! All the best!

Honesty, even if it's something you don't want to hear, is also a form of respect. Since you've been here, I've noticed how you consistently write off any critical opinions under your posts as being disrespectful.

I hope someday you can stop artificially inflating your posts with large votes and thousands of little votes in a attempt to make yourself appear to be popular, because some view your misleading approach to all this as being disrespectful. You're only fooling yourself and those you wish to mislead.

Next time you write a letter to me, I'll do what you do, and ignore it.

Very good analysis, i agree

Posted using Partiko Android

I think Steemit should be more User Friendly to Mainsstream Users. And some Aplications the Users spend more Time here.

Like A Friend area,
Some Chat and something like facebook groups.

For sure the Trending page is sometimes Anoying as shit. But this is not the biggest problem to get some success with steem.

I agree 100%,
Steem it is a good platform, but I can say that it has changed... The whales, and people with lots Steem power, have too much power when it comes to rewards, and upvoting friends, and people they know. For example same people's articles always get to the top of hot and Trending sections, whether they worth it or not. This is mainly due to whale's voting their friends' articles.

yes your say the truth @livingstone9

Nothing should be said yes and yes

no bro , anything which shows negative is not right investment

waaa great comment

Good comment and depp review

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice information