Hillary is literally a demon - Alex Jones' theory

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Alex Jones, the spokesman of "InfoWars", came up with another entertaining theory, this time he shows that Hillary Clinton is literally a demon. This wouldn't be strange (considering his other bizzare theories), but Donald Trump actually praised Alex Jones in an interview with him from 2th December 2015. This was after Jones said that the moon landing was a hoax, soldiers are trained to fight zombies, goverment is making brain eating vaccines and many more.

1. So what's the theory about?

"She is an abject, psychopatic demon from hell, that as soon as she gets to power is going to try to destroy the planet... People around her say that she is so dark now and so evil and so possessed that they're having nightmares, they're freaking out. This is biblical. She's going to launch nuclear war." - Alex Jones

You may think for now that this is a joke or that it's metaforical, but Alex Jones is not joking. He's been making his show for many years, he has over 1,5 million subscribers on youtube. Although, he frequently takes of his shirt and shows of his sweaty chest hair while screaming at viewers, I assure you that he believes what he's talking about.

-Pictures of Alex Jones

2. Now his "evidence".

1. Smell

"I'm told, her and Obama just stink. Stink, stink, stink... There's a rotten smell around Hillary. I'm not kidding. People say... Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur... They smell like hell." - Alex Jones

2. Flies

"There are dozens of videos and photos of Obama having flies land on him indoors at all times of year and he'll be next to a hundred people and no one has flies on. ...In the middle of events, in the middle of the White house no one else has flies on them and there are just flies landing all over him." - Alex Jones

His only source is "People told me" and "From what I've heard", no names, no documents, no links, so do not think that what he's saying is credible. I'm writing about it just because it is increadibly funny. I found out about Alex Jones this morning and I wanted to share it with you, because this is comedy gold.

You can see the whole video in the sources.

Please, follow me @acidpanda

The Alex Jones Channel (YouTube)


Alex Jones is a joke. He covers absolute nonsense like this yet ignores stuff like my Hillary Clinton Body Count Documentary which is far more damning than anything he has come up with. This demon stuff is completely 100% unfounded nonsense. I am a paranormal investigator, have lead many paranormal investigations of high profile places, including some first time investigations, and I know demons are real, I know ghosts are real, but this Jones stuff is as always truth mixed with sensationalist lies. Does Hillary possibly suffer from some form of demonic attachment, who knows, Jones has provided no evidence (scientific) just crazy theories and assumptions. My last video on my channel was p4wn1ng Alex Jones for his total utter nonsense. He is not only a sensationalist nutjob, he is clearly Stratfor connected and if you watch even ten minutes of his show you can see he is clearly cointelpro.

Wow. Until now I didn't knew about stratfor and cointelpro exsistance.
Alex is clearly crazy or wants us to think that he is, but still... he's Ultra funny when you watch him for the Lolz and not for information. Can you provide some links to your investigations/documentaries? I would like to check them out.

Yeah for sure, here are some:

  1. The Clinton Body Count Documentary:

  1. Alex Jones P4WN3D for OpAnonLulz:

Plenty more, I am really trying to push this one because our March is coming up on November 5th.

You have been subscribed. (On youtube, too)
I live in Poland, so... I can't go to Boston, but I support Anons.
Shame that Chemtrails is such a small group on steemit :/

Watch one of his rants on YouTube at 50% speed - it is hysterical. He sounds totally plastered.

Even more hilarious than before XD I forgot that the speed option on youtube exists.