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RE: Is How I Respond More Important than What Happens to Me?

in #life8 years ago

I rented steempower delegation and I upvoted this post with my extra 1500 Steempower

This post is really crazy that you were able to consistently get this amount of steem for your [ots ..

u have around 800 upvotes and about $400 so basically everyone of yoru followers has an average steempower of around a few hundred to a few thousand, and its because youve convinced so many people to invest in steempower, THIS beenfits everryone and they also make money upvoting your posts with curation

an early upvote on a jerry banfield pist garuntees that youll make money off curation!

ANOTHER reason to always be looking and watcjhing Jerrys page! many dolphins and whales are like that! They are garunteed to get upvotes and often get a set amount of money per post like jerry getting around $500 per post now! so whenever he makes a new post if you can catch it early you can upvote it and get way more in curation points!

and so eventually peopel will be asking whales "hey can u let e know when youre going to make a post so i can upvote it early?" or [epople will tell their friends "hey i just made a ppst, its gonna earn alot, so upvote it now" and yeah almost like insider information loll, but not really, but yeah everyone, ALWAYS upvpote jherrys posts early, it is a stragegy to earn more on curation

anyway, its amazing that youre post can basicaly just be about anything as long as its steemit related, its like theres plenty of jobs for anyone who wants to promote steemit


Thank you very much @ackza for mentioning this because some upvoters have even started using autovoters like to make a vote after say 30 minutes from a new post coming out to maximize their own curation reward. This is really nice for me but a big responsibility also because putting me on auto upvote is a lot of trust!