in #life7 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Actually for me all the lecturers who teach the same course should be respected even though the first time I saw the gentle father made me so comfortable. but I know you behave like that for the progress and positive value for me to get used to later in the world of work. I hope you can give me a time-relief problem in the future to collect the tasks assigned by you to our students. hopefully the science that you have given in pedagogic courses is very useful for me to accelerate the completion of my studies later.
The first time I went to college, I did not have any friends, I got a one-page paper containing my class and course schedule. While looking for class, I wondered who was on campus (sok know so hehe), and finally I found the classroom I was looking for. Long story short I get the class, with the passage of time I started to be familiar with my classmates. I am very excited, can have new friends (new family) who have different background and age, we exchanged thoughts. we experience jokes together, get different lecturer principles to teach the students. Do not feel I'm over the semester.

Thank you very much for the understanding and knowledge that you have given really can make myself more mature in thinking. especially father gives very much information that very difficult we get from other lecturers. once again thanks sir.
It turned out already 1 semester yes we are taught the same father ... really baseball feels time so fast ... why it must be over ...? as long as I am studying in this campus only father of lecturer at most, why most ya ?. yes because of the father, the most disciplined, the most consistent, and .... the most senior among the other lecturers I know, the most interesting lecturers and also very fun ... the lecturers who give the most duties but very educate really lho pak ..., and lecturers most gimanaaa ya ...... just father people are very fun and fun dech .
Make me a personal father fun if you do not teach anymore so there is something to be commented on. because I feel disconnected aja if learning "Pedagogik" his father is very serious, relaxed and humorous. very rarely do we get lecturers like father. there is one thing that I admire and respect the same father, even though the father has a doctorate, very humble and does not seem a bit arrogant. really different with young lecturers, as if he is the 'super hero' :).

Oh God, give me my lecturer this age of blessing so that he can educate us into your strong and intelligent servant. amen. sorry sir, this is not praise you know, but that's the impression we felt during study with father. I am sure, my other friends also feel the same way as I feel. the father so sincerely taught us despite the long hours to wait. but we know you are very tired. but because of the great responsibility, you always come in to teach us. thanks ya my father ... !!!
My father, my message continues to do penyabaran task to subordinates and student mothers and my younger siblings if it is very good for students as a candidate for future leaders yes sir ... success continue my father ... continue if already already a lot of success, remember me ya pak he.he.he ... .. apologize yes sir, if there is my language which is less deigned, and congratulate the duties as trustful that there may be our charity accepted by Allah swt. amen.

Part One | 1


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