America the free, or not quite so much?

in #life6 years ago

If you live outside the United States then you may not know we are supposed to be the free and the brave. Lots of people thank the soldiers for fighting for our freedoms. Maybe it is the same in other countries. However, how free are we? The Wiccans believe that you can do what you want as long as you don't hurt yourself or others. Guess that throws the 10 commandments out the window. I just summed everything up in 1 sentence. The Wiccans believe in karma because if you do bad things, then it will come back to you worse, and doing good will have good things happen back to you. I am still not quite sure if I believe it, but I like the initial concept.

What does this have to do with freedom? In the U.S. we are constantly monitored by censorship. We have a limited freedom of speech unless the powers that be are ok with with you are saying. Then you can say all you want. So, if you are Christian or catholic, you can say and do what you want because you believe in god and unicorns. You can even go as far as forcing your own laws just because you are religious. There are some places in this country where you are not allowed to buy actually at certain times during the week, so you can have a sober time worshiping your favorite unicorns and fairy tales. I don't even care to drink and I think that law is bullshit.

If you are one of the very few types of unicorn believers then you get to say and do what you want in public and no one else is supposed to care. There is a What Would You Do Episode where they have an actress that is Atheist at a booth, and a christian family at a table close to her. The experiment, of course, is to see the reaction of people around the actors. After unsuspecting people sit down and order their food, they get to witness an interaction. The family starts praying before their meal and the Atheist has an issue with it. She politely asks the family to stop because it is something she does not believe in and thinks they should keep it more to themselves. This is said loud enough to people at other tables to hear and the Atheist is the only one that gets bitched at. If she was doing something they didn't like, then they would be allowed to say something without anyone else saying something about it. Essentially this really isn't forcing a religion upon someone else.

What about when you sneeze? Do many of you that are reading this right now even know why “bless you“ is said when you sneeze? It's a religious superstition. That is all. It really means nothing but it does force someone else's religious views on you and you are supposed to thank them for it. Go ahead and look it up on the interwebs. I think the Germans do it better by just saying “Gesundheit“ which means good health, because you only sneeze because there is something wrong. Anyway, the superstitions go that people believe that your soul escapes through the nose when you sneeze and saying “bless you“ stops the devil from claiming your freed soul. The other is evil spirits use the sneeze as a way to enter the body. If not said in time soon after a sneeze then apparently you will have evil spirits in you. I don't think that will work in court when some psycho bludgeons a whole family in a fit of rage because they did not donate food to this homeless man at the market earlier that day. “Your honor. When they saw me earlier that day I sneezed and they didn't bless me. No one else said “bless you“ and the evil spirits got into my body. It was all the evil spirit's fault.“ So, I don't react to someone if they say something after I sneeze. I think I am going to start though. I won't be rude about it, but I will say that I don't believe in it and I would rather not have them say it to me because I do not believe in evil spirits or the soul escaping from me.

What about freedom of speech and expression? That is a long stretch and I think the U.S. has it a bit backwards. If you watch normal TV shows that are playing a movie that is rated R, then you will see mass infringements upon freedom. I'm actually not talking about the commercials. Most of the movie, especially the good parts, will be edited out to only appease part of the masses. You can create any music, movies, art that you want as long as it abides by a criteria for a certain group of people or it has to be edited. It should be the other way around. HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and all the other channels you pay extra for should be playing edited content and the rest of us should be able to watch the unedited content on regular TV. Because if you don't like something then change the fucking channel. That is all. If I am flipping through the channels and I see something on unicorns and fairy tales, I keep changing the channels until I find something that I want because I don't believe in hypocrites that lie all the time and pretend to do good works or whatever so they can get into heaven.

In order to hear unedited music on the radio, you have to pay extra for it. Everything else is butchered and changed so the original meaning of the song is nonexistent. Where is the freedom of speech if you don't even know what the original meaning is anymore? Pretty much anyone who cusses in music or says something that is seen as derogatory, then it will be edited out from radio content. You can't always go to regular stores to buy music that is unedited. You have to go to specific stores that sell them. I am not saying they are all good messages without the editing, but that is their freedom to say what they want. I don't like most rap and any country, so if I am flipping through the radio stations sometimes and I hear them, I just keep going. There are a lot of people that don't like rock like I do, or even like the same type of rock. Although I don't consider Metallica rock, it is still played on the rock stations that I listen to. I'm sure some people have a problem with that last sentence. I see that band as only being popular because people were on lots of drugs when they were starting out and for some reason it sounded good to them. When bands like them come on the radio, I just change it to something else. Then I don't have to hear it.

Freedom to be naked around anyone. Some people might cringe at that because they were taught, like most people in the U.S., that nudity is something that is bad. It is only seen during times of sex and that is all we are allowed to think about it. That is why there are so many problems with sex in the U.S. People don't want to teach their kids about the good things that being a nudist can help you with. There is less shame and judgement within the nudist community. People are actually a lot nicer. We are not impressed by fancy clothes or jewelry, because let's face it, we are naked so there is no point to it. Are there bad people in the world? Yes. There will always be people in the world that want to hurt other people regardless of them wearing clothes or not, regardless of their age or physical condition, or numerous other factors. Can we rid the world of crime just by being naked? No. Are your kids safe in a nudist environment? Well, they can be... But really how safe are your kids, or anyone else, just because they have clothes on. There are shootings all around the world because people just lose their mind and think that it is better to just start killing or raping people. And they are usually wearing clothes...

I am not writing this to scare people away from nudism. But let's face it, if you are not already used to nudism or against the idea, then it's not like you weren't already thinking it. All family friendly nudist resorts have a set of rules regarding conduct. And they are very strict rules that can get you kicked out if you are doing something that is not along the lines of a real nudist community. I challenge you and anyone you know to exercise your right of freedom to be naked. Even if it is in your own home and you are the only one there. Just close all the blinds and walk around free. I challenge you to invite your friends and family over that you trust and be naked around the house with them or visit a nudist resort this year. It doesn't have to be right away, but why not? It's the 4th of July where Americans are supposed to celebrate the supposed freedoms we are suppose to have. Just keep the sex out of it. There is nothing wrong with being naked around your family unless you want to see something wrong with it or thinking of sexual things. The human body is supposed to be free of clothes (weather permitting) and it feels so much better when you can feel the actual wind or the water of the pool moving over your actual skin over your whole body. Why do you think that when we were kids, we escaped from a parent after a bath before they were able to grab you and put your clothes on. Because it is natural. And for the people that are potty training their kids, being with them naked will teach them how to use the toilet better. I'm guessing most non-nudist people think that your kids watching you use the bathroom would seem disgusting and something that your kids should not see, but how are they supposed to learn. People learn by being told, but also watching. You need to teach them the right way to do things so that they can do it quicker by themselves.

Nudist people are less judgemental. From what I have seen so far, not everyone at a nudist resort is in great shape. There are people who have gone through surgeries and have scars, people missing limbs. But it doesn't matter. In a nudist community, people are seen as people. Not someone with disabilities, or cancer, or anything else. We actually have less body image issues because we are exercising our right to be comfortable within our own bodies. Even if you are not in the shape you want (which I will admit I want to be in better shape myself) then working out naked is also a lot more fun. And once I am able to get my videos uploaded on, you will be able to see me working out and join in either by yourself or with your family. Even though they will be nudist workout videos, you have the choice to wear clothes or not. But you might as well not get your clothes dirty and sweaty so you won't have as many clothes to wash later and actually save a little money from doing so. I am also looking into started nudist and non-nudist activities for people to join to try and stay healthy. I will make a post of updates when I get them up and running.

There are also people who are very shy and afraid of talking to people. I have heard that people can come out of their shell by being nudist. The feeling of the natural elements on your body can have a profound effect on how you view the world in a new way. And for people who are allergic to certain types of fabric, or laundry detergent or whatever, why not just go nude so you can be more comfortable. Instead of buying all the creams or pills or whatever you need to be able to get through the day without having to be bothered so much by the feeling of something itching your skin all the time, just turn up the heat a little bit if you are cold and see how much better you can feel when you are naked. This can go for you or someone you know. The freedom to be nude can work wonders.

I hope there is a day where I can walk outside my front door (no matter where I am living) and be naked without anyone having to say anything about it or getting in trouble for it. I am not talking just in a nudist resort. I would love to go outside my apartment naked right now and start running down the street, because right now I really don't quite feel free when I am naked. Right now at home I am naked. When I go to the nudist resort after finishing this post, I will be naked. The problem with it at the moment is that I have to keep it hidden. I even sometimes have to be careful who I tell that I am nudist because if it gets back to my boss and it is something my boss is really against, then there could be a chance I will have to look for a new job. And that would just be based off a belief I have and do away from my work. We shouldn't have to be afraid to be free, yet our current society teaches us to be. I would like to have that changed someday.

I challenge you to become more free this year. Maybe someday we can all work on taking censorship out of TV programs and the radio and taking religion out of the laws so that we can be truly free and not have so many of our freedoms taken away. Then we can reverse the process and make people pay for edited content because it is extra work to take out the original meanings of songs, movies, art. Basically right now people are doing all that work without being paid for it. Free labor brought to you by the free and the brave. Be naked and feel the sun, wind, rain, water, on your natural body and realize there is something better out there.

I hope I have said everything I wanted to get out. I need to get to the nudist resort now so that I can hide away with my freedom. Have a good day and Gesundheit.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images posted today. I looked for them online. If any of the originals owners have an issues with them I will do what I can to get them taken down.

I did find a lot of good pics just by typing in the word censorship, but I don't want to overload my post with too many pics. There are a lot of true saying in what I found though.

I would actually post nudist pics in this post, but I would rather not have to change my tags for this post. Since I would have to post it in NSFW and people are not completely used to the idea of real freedom yet, then that would change my audience for this post. I would like to get this view out to as many people as possible. Try typing “freedom“ into a search engine and see what it comes up with. (You will have to take off the safe search filter for this experiment). Not too far down, you will see pictures of family nudism. Go figure...