As before, so now

in #life7 years ago


As above, so within, so wihout...and as now.

Not calling for riots and strikes, nor for going down to streets with guns and sticks and fighting the talking about the mindset that the majority now have. We're pretty much like hamsters who live in a cage, running in the spinning wheel, getting down only to get some rest, eat some food, have some sex, get some sleep and go back to the wheel, the change in our lives only takes place on the wheel, it's either the wheel of corporate job, or the wheel of paying installments, or the wheel of chasing new car or new shoes. The wheel of sitting like sculptures in front of TVs warching movies, series or sport matches.

We should do all of that, we should have rest and get sleep and eat and have sex and watch movies or matches, but the mistake happens when we make it the core of our lives, when we make it the center of our attention, i know guys lost their friends over stuff like that, divorces happened because of a match, those should be happening by-the-way on our living, not to be the center of our living.

Fee among us who has unplugged from the system, take fee moments to slow down, relax, and stop being fooled by coporates and advertisements. Who look inside as much as they look outside. Who takes care of their body from the inside as much as they take care of the belongings on the outside.


Balance is the key, balance is the way, balance is the thing we face every moment, we either use it for our favor, or definitely it will work against our well and we will suffer ( not lose) we will suffer because the balance is he goal of any system in the universe, it doesnt hate you or me, its goal is to bring back balance to any system, so your body is a system, your home is a system and so on. If you dont take care of your body you messed the balance, the balance will send you a dis-ease trying to tip the clscale and regain the balance, cause when any of us has a disease, we slow down, we start to look inside at the hurt organ. What others do of bring devatated or despressed is pointless in this formula. In fact it's like you are saying to the balance that it's mistaken and you dont deserve this disease.

Slow down, balance your thoughts, dont be a consume dog running from brand to brand, at the end, with all materialistic stuff you're feedig only your body, but your soul's food is something that cant be touched, it's called values, morals, higher consciousness and only by those that your soul can be well fed and maintained.