A few wise words from a 16 year old me 💙
Going through some old high school speeches when i stumbled upon this gem:

Three very simple words, but what do they really mean. It’s very difficult in everyday life to live well, love unconditionally and laugh with abandon. Now, you are probably wondering why I say that. Well, let me explain...
Firstly, do you know what it means to live your life? ... Well, do you? Hmm. Neither do I, but that’s exactly it. You aren’t supposed to live your life by the books or by what other people tell you. Live it your own way and be unique, because that’s what everyone is. A special, unique person who can be whoever they want to be and if you make mistakes in life don’t regret then, rather learn from them, because mistakes can teach you extremely valuable lessons in life. Life is not about being perfect or making sure that people notice you and it’s definitely not about how many friends you have. No, it’s not any of those things, although those things are a part of life. But life is about making wonderful memories and living in the moment. It’s about loving people and trying to do good in others lives. It’s about learning new things that you never knew and developing yourself as a person. It’s about being a happy and loving person.
This brings us now to the word love. Now some of you may cringe when you hear that word. But again, what is love? What do you understand by the term love and do you actually understand what love is? Well I don’t understand it. But, I think that love is unconditional and that there are many different types of love. I’m not only talking about love that you share with a person you’re in a relationship with. No, because that is not the only form of love. A person can love animals, their parents or another person or many people. As a saying goes time spent giving and receiving love is time well spent, and I believe that to be true. I think that you should surround yourself with love and happiness every day, because what you give is what you get. So, if you give love and happiness it is what you shall receive. I also believe that love between two people is a special bond that binds them to each other and makes them unite and assist each other in being better people, living a good and fulfilling life. It also helps life become easier as you have someone to share your thoughts and dreams with, someone to joke with and someone to laugh with.
Ahh, laughter isn’t it a wonderful thing? Laughing brings comfort; it makes people happy in times of sadness. So, laugh as much as you can. For laughter is the best medicine for a troubled mind and laughter makes you feel easiness and happiness. So, no matter what people say or do to you; go through life laughing as much as you can and don’t always take things to seriously.
So, to end off. Successful people live well, laugh often and love much. They’ve filled a niche and accomplished tasks so as to leave the world better than they found it, while looking for the best in others and giving the best they have. So, living by three little words in life can make a huge difference.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I love this part. Great post!
Followed :)
Thank you :)
Lovely genuine post ♥
Thank you 😊